Bingo's prognosis is guarded.

I don't know if I should start a new thread or continue this one.
I suppose the title is still accurate so I will continue .

Took Bingo into the CAV yesterday.
Based on my morning weight checks Bingo was down about 10 grams the last few days.
Short version is he was not eating well and 3 times slipped from perch (only fell once).

I asked the vet a few questions and I got the distinct impression he was surprised Bingo was still alive.

I got more of the pain meds for Bingo.
I haven't been very consistent in giving it to him every day.
Sometimes the timing just didn't work out and I hate giving him meds.
Apparently it needs to be given on a consistent basis to realize the most benefit.

He is not skinny or thin and that was something I was worried about.
His keel bone feels very prominent to me but I am use to an overweight bird and Bingos as more close to a healthy weight than just a year ago when he was overweight.

As far as falling from his perches I have raped his perches with adhesive bandages and that looks to have helped.
Giving the pain meds every day decreases inflammation, too. I think that’s another desirable effect that will help Bingo to be more healthy.

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