
ChristaNL is banned because I agree with you both (Christa and LaManuka). Why people kill others? :mad: I live in a town so we don't have so serious attacks/shooting but unfortunately killers can be everywhere:( 2 years ago a girl from my school was killed. I didn't know her but it was a tragedy for all our community :(
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Rozalka is banned because well, losing good people is hard.

The good new is: we finally have less wind and crazy weather, so I can get some washing done (and hopefully dry as well).
Trying to find joy in the small things untill the big picture looks better ...
Christa is banned because well... if you started writting about small things...
Today I got a free magazine the second time (maybe they want convince me to pay for the next year). There's an article about a rare parakeet genus which I was thinking about buying in the future but I haven't think serious because I have a lot of time yet. Also, this will be dependent from my English language skills
The following people are BANNED: LeaKP, Inger, smbrds, SomePeopleHaveBirds for being slackers and leaving it up to me and Christa and Rozalka for being the only ones who can be bothered to keep this thread going!
LaManuka is banned for banning many people in one post!
Rozalka is banned because LaManuka is right.

Oh it's almost five (pm) here...the official now-it's-weekend-moment?
Christa is banned because today I started the weekend an hour ealier (I had one class less at school)Now I am waiting for my friend who is lateing (again)

Wysłane z mojego Redmi 5 przy użyciu Tapatalka
Rozalka is banned for making me check on the daylightsavingstimechange.
But that is not this weekend, it is the next one.

I hate it when we change the clock and pretend 6 am is "now" called 7 am.
It is insane!
I do not mind getting up an hour early, but don't start changing its name!
Christa is banned because I wait for the moment when they finish changeing time. I want to stop changing too

Wysłane z mojego Redmi 5 przy użyciu Tapatalka
Rozalka is banned because during summer we have 5 time zones in Australia. Queensland does not have daylight saving because apparently it fades your curtains and would confuse the cows who wouldn’t know when it was milking time (seriously!!)
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LaManuka is banned because she doesn't have to change the time! In all European Union this was supposed to be removed. Firstly a year ago (I think) but they didn't know which time zone for which country (I think, I can be not correct). They gave the decision for each country and these which stay in winter time, they wouldn't change next weekend, for these which would be in summer time - next weekand would be the last time but... No! Recently I saw the verson the last changing will be in 2 years:(
Rozalka is banned because I cannot ban daylightsavingstime...
(ugh ANOTHER 2 years?! NooOOoOOoOoOooOoOOooOOooOOooOOoOoooo)

(I should be banned for missing mister Hairikeets birthday, sorry, I was out of town etc.etc.)
No banners? Ok, I ban myself because....
this is the first time when I want to ban... MATH! Tomorrow our Polish teacher isn't at school and instead of 2 Polish classes we have 2 maths + 2 maths in the lesson plan... = tomorrow I have 4 maths :(
Rozalka is banned for being on Parrot Forums instead of studying, although you probably don’t really need to study much because you’re clearly very smart!

And Rozalka is further banned because little Lilly has officially moulted out her last clipped wing feather and she is now zooming around the house at supersonic speed!
LaManuka is banned because I have 4 maths tomorrow but no tests ;) (atm I am on PF but also open English book is on my desk and I sometimes look on words;))
I see that thread is extinct:(
Polish teachers are so banned for striking and threating us that our exams will be shifted (or cancelled)! :mad:

Christa I'm glad you came back, you scared me again!
Rozalka is banned because this thread is not dead, it’s just dead drunk!! ;)
LaManuka is banned because dead drunk does not even sounds too bad right now ;)
I was puting my workclothes in the washer and discouvered one of the "never leaves the building"-keys in a pocket! (My brain really must have been mush last friday/ soooo embarassing! To much multitasking...)

Sorry about getting myself banned again and making you guys worrie.
I completely forget about the "if something online upsets you, just walk away and only type when you are calm again" rule.
Christa is banned for being banned while I was out of PFs.

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