
Aratingettar is banned because I thought that he left us forever! (when I saw Christa being banned, I felt little lonely here without you both;))
Rozalka is banned for being naïve thinking I could leave PFs forever :) NO WAY!!
Aratingettar is banned because you can check out any time you like, but you can NEVER LEAVE!!
LaManuka is banned for putting that song in my head again! (It's on a loop now...)

Aratingettar: THATS the spirit! :)

Today is one of those days I think we humans should have stuck to laying eggs instead going the uterus way. All those unnecessary bellyachedays.
Or maybe the marsupials really got it right: no straining or hassle at all!
Christa is banned because recently Zenek often is on my keyboard and disturbs me in writing posts (and not only)!
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Rozalka is banned because she allows Zenek on her keyboard. You don't know how easily his beak can wreak havoc on the keyboard. And you're banned, too, because while I type this Cytrynka tries to regurgitate on my left hand.
And LaManuka is banned for mentioning Hotel California, and Christa is banned for looping it in my head, too ;) My year, rockin' :)
Aratingettar is banned for having a cuddly bird ;)

OMG- the tower of the Notre Dame de Paris is completely gone now!
The fire started sometime this afternoon, but it is really out of controll!

(I prefer the Sacre Coeur, but still, this is(was?) such a great historical building it makes me sad!)
Christa is banned because I have the same problem like Aratingettar but Zenek wants to feed everything! Not only my fingers :(
Aratingettar is banned because Zenek often is on my keyboard and has never pulled any button! So what about wreaking havoc...:p He only presses them and sometimes writes posts with me:D
Rozalka is banned for having a keyboard-friendly parrot. Totally unlike Cytrynka. She hates my mouse, too. Too frequently I find it dropped to the floor, and of course she's the one to blame.
Christa is banned for bringing me these sad news. I haven't heard of this accident (no TV, no radio, no time for reading the news) but it is definitely disturbing to me. I have seen and admired the Notre Dame, by no chance Paris without Notre Dame would be the same city.
Aratingettar is banned because I've never been in France and Zenek loves biting the scroll and I need to take away the mouse from him. Do you think he's a keyboard-friendly parrot?
[ame=""]Piszemy post - YouTube[/ame]
Then I was writing a post on another forum, on the end is what he wrote :D(the lower line of course, a higher one isn't important;))
Christa is banned because we had a similar situation in our country - during the repair work, the workers supposedly set the Gdansk's oldest church (dated 1227) on fire. The whole roof have burned, but the church structure was fortunately rescued. I hope french firefighters will win the element, too.
Aretingettar is banned for reminding me : I remember that one, it was also a great loss.
Lots of people everywhere were deeply shocked.

Unfortunately nobody ever posts a follow up...are they restoring it?

The Paris-situation is still "work in progress" but they are not getting much of a grip on the fire...
Christa is banned because I am suprised how she can remember it when I, as Pole who was in Gdańsk 2 times, don't remember that
Rozalka is banned because you did not know: my dad was a history-teacher and really loved his job and always told us stories, so if a building had some real historic kind of sticks. That one was from some really 'interesting times' so I felt the loss.
I have never been there (unfortanately) but it mattered a lot to many different people for a long, long time.

I always found the Notre Dame a depressing dark place (for a cathedral) - it is a lot lighter now :(
Christa is banned for being competent in history. The church in Gdansk was fully restored after the fire, which took almost 24hrs to fight.
Aratingettar is banned because -although it is a nice compliment- I am ruefully incompetent when it comes to history.

Glad to hear they did save the church in Gdansk. :)
Thank you.
Christa is banned for mentioning history - I've never liked it (but our teacher is so gentle:))
Rozalka is banned because I've also sucked at history.. but it's one of these classes where good teacher is of utmost importance -- history is all about "story telling".
Aratingettar is self-banned for not being banned by anyone else.

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