Rozalka isn't banned for being concerned and lovely.
(thank you)
I was at a safe distance (it was inside the city, south-end of the centre of Utrecht, and I am on the outside north-east) so at first I did not worrie, but the helicopters overhead all day long and the special forces team (I did not even realize we had them, our own crew of "men in black") is *huge*. Those guys were all over the highways etc.etc.
It almost felt like a warzone, kind of creepy.
We are so used to one of *those types* going beserk once in a while, the response was way more scary than the actual event.
That shooter just pissed me off.
(If they dislike everything here so much, why not leave and go back to their home-country or just find a quiet spot and blow their own brains out instead of hurting others? Why mess up my home?)
Sorry if this comes close to politics... but this is personall.