
Rozalka is banned because that is so cute! :)

(Do you want babies?)
Christa is banned because at the begining I didn't want to breed them but I changed the decision and gave them the nest box to see what they will do. It is little like experiment to me because I can't imagine Romek as dad.
Rozalka is banned because today I ended up catching snails (fishing them out of a tropical plant where they were not welcome) apart from all the other animal-related jobs.
Christa is banned because I can have a problem - Rozalka also is interest with Angela's nestbox :(
Rozalka is banned because Lilly Pilly only has two more flight feathers to regrow and she’ll be zooming around the house like a little green tracer bullet - actually she already is!
LaMunaka is banned because my country is going bananaas over a windy afternoon.
(Okay 120 km/ h is a bit much, but I am in the 'boring/safe part', so nothing will happen here and I can nag about it ;) ) so there will be a lot of things/ birds/ washing etc. 'zooming about'. No flight feathers needed. :)
Christa is banned because here it's windy too but only 29 km/h not 120
Rozalka is banned because tomorrow it will be 36C in Brisbane and this is supposed to be autumn (pheweee too hot!)
LaManuka is banned because here is spring and now it's only 6C (later will be 8C) (I love hearing about weather in other places;))
Christa is banned because it's cool!
Rozalka is banned because it’s been a week since anybody has banned anybody and that’s crazy!
LaManuka is banned for not banning ealier!
Rozalka is banned because Fang just pooped on me, and a lovely big green healthy poop it was too :)
and now I ban myself...

The whole bloody city was closed off today because some idiot decided to shoot and kill a few people and someone called it a terrorist attack.
(It wasn't.)

I really do not like this world today-
innocent people died because we are too soft on repeated rapists&shooters.
(That guy should have been locked away years ago...permanently!)

I need scritches!
Christa isn't banned because it is terrible!:( Was this in your city?
Rozalka isn't banned for being concerned and lovely.
(thank you)

I was at a safe distance (it was inside the city, south-end of the centre of Utrecht, and I am on the outside north-east) so at first I did not worrie, but the helicopters overhead all day long and the special forces team (I did not even realize we had them, our own crew of "men in black") is *huge*. Those guys were all over the highways etc.etc.
It almost felt like a warzone, kind of creepy.

We are so used to one of *those types* going beserk once in a while, the response was way more scary than the actual event.
That shooter just pissed me off.
(If they dislike everything here so much, why not leave and go back to their home-country or just find a quiet spot and blow their own brains out instead of hurting others? Why mess up my home?)

Sorry if this comes close to politics... but this is personall.
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Christa is banned because there is far too much of this sort of thing going on these daze! Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could all just get along and put the weapons down!

Kia kaha NZ & Utrecht!
LaManuka is banned for being great, and I want to nominate Sunny for honorary banning, this is the second day in a row she chomped off one of those lovely new wing-feathers :(

I know, it's "dealers choice" but I much prefer them attached to the wings.
(Appie is also getting worse again- I do not think she has *any* white down left and is now starting of the grey leg- and chestcovering ones.)

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