
ChristaNL is banned for trying to convince me that there are beaches in NL. Surely you gotta go somewhere more exotique for that, like England for example!

(Yair saw the thing about the beached whale in the Amazon jungle yesterday, a bit exaggerated though since it was only 15 metres from the water! Ooh those crazy Brazilians...)
LaManuka is banned because the Netherlands are almost all coastline (well it used to be, till we made it into real land... "God created the world, the dutch created the Netherlands", remember ;) ).

(That why the bloody germans wanted it so much WOII etc. - they needed the beaches. They did not invade because they could not do without our lovely and charming dispositions ;P )
ChristaNL is banned because Australia is ALL coastline! Miles and endless miles of it with inviting turquoise seas chock-a-block full of all sorts of bitey things that’ll kill you, and as for the Germans, you are also banned for mentioning the war!

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LaManuka is banned because I and Christa don't have to fly by plane to go to another country :09: Once time I went to Germany on food:) In Australia it isn't possible!
Rozalka is banned because in the US we can drive to two other countries, but we have to fly if we want to get to one of our states!

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Inger is banned because today was the second time when I went to school ealier for an optional lesson but it was cancelled again :mad:
Rozalka is banned for having a crazy school that does not tell her important things.

I met DutchCaptain this week and he (owner) and she (parrot) both say "hi".
Captain got her nails done and I was allowed to watch a professional at work- so much fun.
Christa is banned because I still never met somebody from any forum.
Today I was writing a math test and I had to count something which doesn't exist[emoji23] We had to explain why it doesn't exist instead of counting[emoji16]

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Rozalka, you are already doing imaginary numbers? That is soooo c00l.
I am sooo banning you for that! :)
Christa is banned because I don't do imaginary numbers yet. It is an another story
Rozalka is banned because I was always crap at maths at school and once they started talking algebra and imaginary numbers I totally gave up!
LaManka is banned because I did not even know imaginary numbers were "real" till a few years ago, they never did any of the fun stuf at my schools just the boring (cosin/sin etc. ) stuff.
Christa is banned because I heard the first time about imaginary numbers a year ago. Then I was at the lecture about it
Rozalka, well done, I only found out because my nerdy friends were arguing about it some day, and I went "imaginary friends I have heard about, but imaginary numbers?".
The world is full of wonders yet to be discovered :)

Oh bugger...I forgot: Rozalka is banned because she hears great lectures (that are not about parrots) :)
Last edited: happened folks....we were all "banned" together.
(Servers/ computers do crash once in a while, nothing lasts forever etc.etc.)

So I dare anyone brave enough to bann me here :)

Sunny is happy(ish) in her larger cage (she is grinding her beak at me atm) and I am about to call it a day.
Christa is banned because after the forum problem, in tapatalk notifications I have an error - there shows title "tornado on the way" instead of Sunny's birthday (that thread about the tornado is missed like many posts) but that isn't important...

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Rozalka is banned because I forgot to empty out a bucket full of dirty cleaning-water and I stepped in it!
(it's all over the place, so instead of sleeping I am mopping it up...

The tornado-warning was Silversage, she had 2 of them coming directly at them, but they skipped her place so they are okay ( unfortunately lots of other people are not).
The tornado-warning was Silversage, she had 2 of them coming directly at them, but they skipped her place so they are okay ( unfortunately lots of other people are not).
Christa is banned because well... I remember that thread. It's terrible how weather phenomena can be dangerous in some places :(
Rozalka is banned because my neighbours started fighting somewhere around midnight (the woke me with banging on the walls etc.) and now 11 hours later they are at it again/ still going strong.
No idea what is going on and I would like to keep it that way. ;)
(I just wish they would keep it down.)

Imaginary numbers are so much more fun than those 'neighbourhood soaps'.

Sunny is still alive and has not bit any feathers (yet) even with the stress of the new cage and all this nightly craziness going on (it alomost never happens this bad)- I am proud of her!
Christa is banned because today Angela visited the nest box for the first time ;)

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