
Fox ibb is it just me but when u go on vacation somewhere you feel guilty you left your birds and your super lonely and wanna go back almost immedately.
Bird is banned cause yeah
My brain when I'm not with my birds:
What if the bird-sitter forgets to feed them? What if they escape their cage? What if something falls on them? What if they get stolen? What if I go home to five dead birds?
Fox ibb and then that kind of wreaks the vacation lol.
Bird is banned because I hardly ever go on vacation
Sometimes I bring Jasper along in the car because I miss him that much
Fox ibb who is your favorite bird you wanna say who it actually is always lol but you never wanna hurt anyones feels Julius is proably my favorite sorry Petals!
Bird is banned cause Lilla
SORRY Jasper I'm glad you can't read
Fox ibb because why lilla? Just curious
Bird is banned because she's just-the best? I mean I love them all
Fox ibb I love Julius cause I he never gets mad he never bites nips ect he luvs head scratches before bed ect.
Bird is banned because I get it
Fox ibb opposed to most of the time if i try to pet petals she will try to kill me.
Bird is banned cause I thought Petals was a male?
Fox ibb yeah petals cere changed so many colors back and forth. I'm just ultra confused so idrk so its difficult lol.
Bird is banned for not showing pictures of Petals
Fox ibb Petals really dosen't tolerate pictures Idk why she just dosen't like anything that involves humans at all.
Bird is banned for not being on the member name list
Bird is banned because ok. I just didn't have a reason for banning

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