
I'm banning myself because I found one
Screenshot 2021-12-23 8.02.03 PM.webp
Miles is banned cos yesterday I had another problem with my story:
Let's say you see few (maybe even many) feathers on the ground. How to say that somebody shows it? "He showed a group of feathers on the ground"? Lol, it sounds so weird to me...
Tiki is banned because there's also this one
Screenshot 2021-12-24 8.09.08 AM.webp
Fox is banned cos I'm not bored at all (Christmas preparation)
Tiki is banned cos I've just reported a spam for the first time after the forum actualization.
Roz ibb I hate spammers.
Bird is banned cos me too... especially this ones who show (half) naked people :mad: (yes, we have such spam on pf)
Roz ibb wait was it that weird Chinese thing?
Bird is banned cos yes (unfortunately I couldn't find "report" icon on the top of the post like in the old version, so had to go down the post and saw these pics... :mad:)
Roz and Birdgirl are both banned because you are very clever and worked out the new reporting system and oh thank goodness that you did!! (Sorry you saw the pics though :( )
LaManuka Ibb at first I'm like how do i do this? Fiddles with it for 5 minutes and finally figures it out.
Bird is banned cos I didn't know this neither... I've had experience only on the old forum version ;)
Tiki ibb I cannot wait untill tonight......
Tiki ibb saint nick comes tonight!

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