
Fox ibb My birds are napping oh well.
Bird is banned cause Cricket is sitting on my shoulder and preening me and Jasper is throwing bits of food at us
Fox ibb that sounds...... Nice?
Bird is banned cos anybody never wants to choose my fid in "that or this" game
Roz ibb I don't really like bourkes There kinda quiet birds and I like noise.
Roz is banned because sorry
Well, Angela is better than Julius probably (no offense Birdgirl)
Fox is banned cos I prefer quiet parrots
Roz ibb no offence taken fox. :)
Bird is banned cos I'll disappear for awile
Bird is banned cos I wanted to start writing my story and than I reminded that I wanted to create separated catalog for all files fic- and parrot-related
Roz ibb because ah oki i see.
Bird is banned cos finally I remember how to write "Dimwitty", lol
Roz ibb thats an odd word.
Bird ibb nevermind
Bird is banned cos I'll go eating something
Roz is banned because Cricket is preening
Fox ibb I went on a yarn haul And got some really cool yarn.
Bird is banned because I'm trying to find the birds I crocheted when I was a kid
I KNOW they're here somewhere

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