
Bird is banned cos in natural habitat parrots drop food for other animals which can't fly or climb on the trees to get it
Roz is banned cause I let them eat all they need and just deal with the mess
Fox ibb my parents would kill me if i did that.
Bird is banned because when I lived with my parents, I cleaned the mess before they even realized it was there
Fox ibb I do on the weekends but i can't during school hours.
Bird is banned because I didn't have Jasper in my parents' house which is GOOD. They could barely handle Dash and the budgies
Fox ibb When I move out of my parents house I'm gonna look and see what birds present themselves to me and then go from there probably.
Bird is banned because would you get a 'too?
Fox ibb like a cockatoo? No way.
Bird is banned cause I dream of a U2 but in reality NEVER
Fox ibb I'm Genuinely scared of cockatoos.
Bird is banned because me too
Fox ibb Yeah idk when I get my first bird outside this house It'll probably be a bigger bird of some kind like a zon ekkie Hahns macaw or something.
Bird is banned because order I got my birds:
fox ibb I kind of like hahns macaws.
Bird ibb yeah they're really cute but I prefer zons
Fox ibb i like yellow naped zons the best.
Yellow-naped Amazon | Birds Wiki | Fandom powered by Wikia
Fox ibb Oh that's really unsafe I just watched a yt of a person taking leaves of random trees in there backyard and feeding them to there bird that is dangerous you don't know if those could kill them or not.
Bird is banned cause hopefully they did research on the tree...?
It's better than coffee
I hope so but they just brought there bird outside with them grabbed a couple leaves didn't even wash them and let there bird eat them

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