
Tiki isb anned cos I don't have place for even christmas tree... so what about parrot tree....
Tiki is banned for giving "love" reaction on my newest drawing in media
Tiki is banned cos thanks
roz ibb bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbboooooooooooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeddddddddd
and the paint still isnt dry-
Tiki is banned cos I have to go
Tiki is banned cos I'm back
Roz ibb yay someone on yt had to say it... Birds are not low maintenance I would say they are more high maintenance then dogs' cats etc.
Bird ibb she is right
Fox ibb Like dogs go to the bathroom every couple hours birds its just a matter of minutes till they do it again and if birds if your constantly picking up after them you'll be buried in mess opposed to a dog that like makes a mess but not that bad.
Bird is banned because I agree that birds are higher maintenance than dogs and they definitely poop more often. But it's easier to clean than dog poop. It's not gross. Except lory/lorikeet poop, I guess
Fox ibb true and its oderless in small amounts.
Bird is banned cause food waste is much more annoying than poop
Fox is banned cos I know why parrots waste food
Roz is banned because besides the fact that they are messy?
Roz ibb I usally just give them less than they need and then just out in a teensy bit every time they run out so I minimize food waste. So there is still food waste but less.

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