
LaManuka is banned because My birds are getting sleep imma put em to bed.
Birdgirl is banned because nitey nite, little birds 😘

Petals sleeps with her tail in the air idrk why lol.
Tiki is banned cos my studymate had coronavirus too
Tiki is banned cos it was my fault
Tiki is banned cos once time I was closing the cage door while suddenly Zen stuck his head out... you don't know how scared I was after noticing what I did... I could kill him...
roz ibb i used to always NEARLY close the door on tangos footsies
i did once but i opned it instatntly he was fine thankfully
Tiki is banned cos I did it on Zenek's HEAD. Hopefully he was ok, just shocked
Tiki is banned cos my day just said I should be punished for letting out Zenek :mad:
Tiki is banned cos a moment ago my parents were angry on pooped armchair
roz ibb my mom goes insane whenever she sees a poop anywhere that isnt on tiki tree or cage
Tiki is banned cos I don't have even a tree (but the same here)

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