
Fox ibb do you really wanna know?
Bird is banned cause yes
Fox is banned cos my worst injury has been (almost) cutting my eyelid
Roz is banned cause my worst injury was when I fell off a playground swing and...
there was a lot of blood involved
Roz ibb I cut my ear lobe off And dad glued it back on.
Bird is banned because when I'm hurt I say I'm TOTALLY FINE
But when a bird is hurt though...
Fox ibb I get it the ear thing mightave been the worst but I also just about died playing tag so idk lol
Bird is banned cause...HOW??
Fox ibb I slipped on some mud and landed on a metal pole in the exact spot my heart was and I have a gigantic scar.
Bird is banned cause OUCh
Fox ibb yep I'm kinda clumsy and the ear thing I cut that on a table.
Bird is banned because I fell off the swing because my friend dared me to jump off or something
Fox ibb did you break something?
Bird ibb no but that...
was a LOT of blood
Bird is banned because of reasons I have yet to find out
Fox ibb you still don't know what happened?
Bird ibb my worst injury was when I jumped off the swing but waited too long, which made me fall straight down instead of being flung forward. My chin hit my right knee and completely wrecked my mouth. One of my lower front teeth was knocked up out of my gums and the other was chipped severely. Very bad because I had to hold my mouth funny to avoid crashing my top teeth into the knocked out one because it felt really weird. And it happened Saturday night. I didn't get it fixed until the following Wednesday afternoon.
Miles ibb yikes thats gotta hurt.

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