
Miles is rebanned because Petals let me pet her for the first time in almost 4 years I've had her this is the first time ever I'm so happy. I'm legit crying right now.
Bird is banned cos when I cut my eyelid, my parents wanted me to go to the hospital but I said "NO" because I've already had a lot of experience with hospitals.... so I stayed at home and let the injury to heal on own (my blood was found even on my wall, we don't know how)
Miles is rebanned because Petals let me pet her for the first time in almost 4 years I've had her this is the first time ever I'm so happy. I'm legit crying right now.
Awwwwww! So happy for you!
Miles is banned for having a GCC
Foxxy is banned cos I have a gcc too :)
Roz is banned cause I'm the only big-bird owner here
Fox is banned cos I've been bitten by an amazon and by a macaw
Roz ibb don't worry Fox in a few years I'll have like two bigger birds when I make my own money.
Bird is banned for wanting eclectus parrots
Roz ibb for not wanting ekkies
Bird is banned cos my parents and neighbors would kill me
Roz ibb why also I'm four emotes away from getting more points YAY!
Bird is banned cos when I was new here, here were no such things like reactions and points
Roz ibb that makes you seem kind of old.
Bird is banned cause if I look at old posts, nothing has any reactions
fox ibb hmm interesting.
Bird is banned cause even Change One Letter has only one like
Fox ibb I'm glad petals let me pet him yesterday I was super happy.
Bird is banned cause the little birds are eating off my lap
Fox ibb do you ever find that your little birds like to scavenge for food even though there is food in there dish?

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