
Bird is banned here school always has been until 22nd (now I have all Wednesdays free, so I have the break quicker)
Roz ibb aha i see.
Bird is banned cos Zen wants to bite my ear again
Icy is banned cos Zenek screamed next to my ear
Roz ibb ouch that's got to hurt your eardrums!
Bird is banned cos I've just added another parrot character page where I write my fanfiction... lol, I didn't know the life history would take me so long... :p
Roz is banned cause I don't know what to say
Fox is banned because you missed an awesome streak here last night
Miles is banned because aww :(
Miles ibb I think I was asleep.
Bird ibb random question: when do you go to bed?
Fox ibb between 8:30 p.m. And 9:00 p.m I like meh sleep otherwise I'm kinda grumpy but because I go to sleep so early I wake up at like 6:00 a.m usually.
Bird ibb I go to sleep between 10 and 11 and wake up at 5:30-6 usually
Foxy is banned because I go to sleep late and am NOT a morning person. It's totally all your fault. Lol
Fox ibb The more I look at your pfp the cuter he is lol.
Bird is banned cause my cutest picture of him
Fox ibb awe he looks so cute and grumpy lol,
Bird is banned cause I could have used it for POTM but the other one is grumpier
Fox ibb ahhhhh Julius just flew to me and scared the life outta me.

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