
Bird is banned cause of course! Especially the budgies. Cricket joins in whenever he sees them doing it
Fox ibb it always makes me paranoid that i'm gonna step on them.
Bird is banned cause once I did step on Cricket by mistake. He was fine but I feel so terrible
Fox ibb my budgies were walking around on the floor yesterday and I didn't want to cause an accident so I just sat down right where I was standing. So no one would accidently get smooshed then when i saw them I got up and got them to hop on my hand and put them on higher ground.
Bird is banned cause the worst thing is when I'm practicing recall with one of the birds and they decide to just go to the floor and eat
Fox ibb yeah thats happened to me before many times there just like " why fly to you and work for food id I can just eat it off the floor". They have no clue what germs are :ROFLMAO:
Bird is banned cause that happened today.
Me: "Ziggy! Ziggy, come here!"
Zig: want seeb
Me: "I have seed! Just come here and I'll let you have it!"
Zig: haha nice try
Fox ibb there always so hard headed always doing the opposite of what you say.
Bird is banned cause budgies are most like that IMO. Small birds STRESS ME OUT especially if they get outside because they can just disappear into a tree
Fox ibb Yeah and here I'm always super afraid of them getting outside during the winter because there tiny and just last week we had temps like -17 degrees outside.
Bird is banned because once Kai did get outside and fortunately, I found him in slightly less than an hour, sitting on someone's porch
Fox ibb was he scared?
Bird is banned because yes so he didn't respond to recall the first 10,000 times
fox ibb my budgies are super duper lazy 1 out of 10 times they actually recall and they won't do anything for the life of them there just like whatever i could care less if i ever get millet or not.
Bird is banned because :greenyellow::blue2::whiteblue::yellow2: are impossible
Small does not mean easy
Fox ibb budgies are kinda overrated. Question are bigger birds anymore willing to follow directions.
Bird is banned because no UNLESS there's a walnut involved
Fox ibb Oh yeah Jasper lives for walnuts dosen't he?
Bird is banned because there is no other reason to be alive
Fox ibb Got it so if walnuts suddenly didnt exist anymore that would be the end of jasper.

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