
LaManuka is banned because for loving me without knowing what a #$@%/* I am.
LeslieA is banned cos I’ve got a pretty good idea what a total &@$!£%# she is and I love her anyway ❤️
LaManuka is banned because no one is up late tonight.
Sunnyclover is banned cos it’s only 3 in the afternoon!
LaManuka is banned becaus to me it's 7:40 in the morning and I still have no tea to help me wake up!
ChristaNL is banned for having birds who are too darned lazy to get off their feathery butts & make their mum a lousy cup of tea!:)
LaManuka is banned because I'm drinking apple-raspberry juice :)
Well I guess that’s as good a reason as any .... :)
Rosalka is banned because the Polish singer Basia Trzetrzelewska (just try pronouncing that one if you’re not Polish!) is a great singer and I love her almost as much as I love ABBA (Basia is good but she’s not THAT good! :) ) And I once named a budgie after her.
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LaManuka is banned because now Time and Tide will be stuck in my head.

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Inger is banned because I'm listening 'Time and Tide' at the moment
Inger is banned cos there’s nothing wrong with Time and Tide being stuck in your head, but Dancing Queen is better;)
LaManuka is banned for making me look up 'Time and Tide' because I cannot get 'dancing queen' out of my head now!
ChristaNL is banned because this isn't my type of music. Sorry!
Rozalka is banned because if it's not Kanye, Eminem, Dr. Dre or Jay-Z why bother?
Rozalka is banned because if it's not Kanye, Eminem, Dr. Dre or Jay-Z why bother?
Sunnyclover is banned because from this four unfortunately I know only Eminem
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Rozalky is banned for thinking al that crap that M&M (and other rappers) produce is the same as music... (you know with melodic lines, real lyrics once in a while etc.) ;)

(Hey- I had to look for 'Tide and Times' because I had *no* idea ... but, wow THAT one can sing! )
ChristaNL is banned because I didn't write that rap music is bad. Maybe I wrote something wrong
Rozalka is being banned for being absolutely right. Sorry, my brain must be tired ;)

(rapmusic still sucks )
ChristaNL is banned because every brain can be tired ;):)

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