
Rozalka is banned because of tired brain and... it's weekend \o/
ChristaNL is banned because I love weekends
Sunnyclover and Rozalka are banned for having no appreciation for the classics!
LaManuka is banned for not sleeping at 3:30 am
Rozalka is banned because you’ll be menopausal one day too, then you won’t be able to sleep properly either!
LaManuka is banned because of the horrors of old age ;)
(I always thought the 'no more periods' would be a blessing -but then found out our hormones think of yet another way to complicate your life..)
ChristaNL is banned because she learnt me a new English word - period
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Oh I can’t wait to see where this goes from here .... :)
a bloody mess! ;)
oh sorry, Rozalka is banned because... it's your turn again ;)
Any reader with a squeamish disposition is banned cos this is gonna get ugly!
LaManuka is banned because if I listen to time and tide I’ll want to sing but my throat hurts from having a tube stuck down it during surgery.

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Inger is banned for saying the word "tube" husband told me we're all basically tubes...stuff gobes in one end and out the other like a tube....
Sunnyclover is banned for having a husband that is basicly right.
ChristaNL is banned for.... for fun?
Rozalka: that is a good a reason as any :)

I am banning you because instead of the famous "sharkweek" someone decided to have a "sharknadoweek" on TV- and I have seen a fair amount of bloody stupid films in my life ...but this is pure torture!
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ChristaNL is banned cos she should’ve known better than to watch! That’s how many hours of your life you’ll never get back now?
LaManuka is banned for needlessly worrying - I only zapped ;)
I am trying to watch another film with a macaw chattering away and 2 greys demanding attention/scritches (yup, nobody is getting his/her 12 hours sleep tonigt - I am a bad parront)
ChristaNL is banned because I didn't watch any film today
Rozalka is banned: there is still some time left in "today" so... pick a nice film!

(everyone is in the cages now and happily grinding their beaks )

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