
Sunny is banned for having a GOOD conure (or two. or three).
Rival of the Rickeybird is banned for ever thinking the Rickeybird had a rival in the first place!
LaManuka is banned for not knowing that anyone who isn't Gail is a Rival of the Rickybird.
Sunnyclover is banned for encouraging me.... you don’t wanna go and do that!!!
LaManuka is banned for not knowing what manuka oil is.
LeslieA is banned for making me google manuka oil.

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Inger is banned because of lots of oils and tea tree oil.
Smbrds is banned for username without vowels
Rozalke is banned because I agree with her
Sunnyclover, LeslieA and Inger are all banned for clearly not having heard of The Scarlet Manuka, aka The Dog from Footrot Flats! (Southern hemisphere stuff, get googling kids :) )
OOh and smbrds is banned for having way to cute a photo of that cockatiel (nice one smbrds!)
LaManuka is banned for banning 4 persons not including Christa.
Also your avatar is very cute:heart: The next reason why I ban you is I've never seen a purple crowned lorikeet
Oh great a double banning, thanx Rozalka you've made my day :)
LaManuka is banned for not banning me propperly ;) and Manuka is a plant, plain and simple (with lots of very interesting I have high hopes of you, Young Grasshopper!)
ChristaNL is banned for not realising I wasn’t trying to ban her before but I’m darn well banning her now!
\o/ banning it back right at ya! \o/
LOL it's like playing tennis!

LaManuka is banned...because reasons
ChristaNL is also banned for that quip the other day about horses & sausages (I thought that was only in Romania but apparently not..... !)
LaManuka is banned again; horses are great friends and also yummy
(yes I tried to be a vegetarian once - my body does not like it!)

Good quality horseflesh is probably eaten everywhere, but is mostly used in dog/catfood etc. (maybe even parrotpellets?) because horses are not bred for consumption so end up in the slaughterhouses either not in very good condition and/or loaded with antibiotics and other residue you do not want in your food as a human.

try this guy:
he is blunt and giggly once in a while, but he knows his ****.
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Ok that’s it ChristaNL is totally banned for telling me stuff about the horsemeat business that I didn’t want to know & was too scared to ask (although my grandmother lived in London during World War 2 and she used to eat a fair bit of horse back then, after all there was a war on)
LOL LaManuka is banned for having a very tough grandmother with great survivalskills!

I like this kind of "tips" [ame=""]How To Correct A Horse Who Acts Disrespectful & food protective ear pinning - Rick Gore Horsemanship - YouTube[/ame]
Parrots are a lot like horses because they are used to be able to get away from scary things fast (running or flying) and have a herdmentality.
This guy knows the non-verbal way of horses very well and is not afraid to point them out (and make fun of humans who do things horribly wrong), he always makes me stop, think, and realise how much of the parrottalk aka birdy-sign-language we actually miss!
(do not really "see")

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