
ChristaNL is banned because cattle, horses, goats, ducks, chickens and dogs are farm animals as opposed to my "birds" and cat at home.
LeslieA is banned for being congratulated for not running a parrotmill :)
ChristNL is banned because all but one of my birds are adult rescues or rehomes.
LeslieA is banned for not having enough rescues (prolly room for a few more ;D )
ChristaNL is banned because I'm not sure difference between rescues and rehomes
Rozalka is banned beause Leslie will explain:
1. Rescue = negative human experiences;
2. Rehome = positive human experiences.
Rescuing is just that, taking from neglect and/or abuse; rehoming is moving in a pet.
(BTW, ChristaNL, I know my limit is 8. I have a psychotic bird I count as 2. He actually makes 8. I know my MSA (Maximum Safely Allowed). I think we have some macaw rescues needing homes. Interested? :-) )
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(ChristaNL, oops, I blame this on my ignorance of newness. We don't ship.)
LeslieA: no problem, they can fly ;) but I really need a bigger house first (and a free-of- PBFD-guarantee before I take in any more birds)

oh...I still have to ban you, of course
Thank you Leslie for explainig :) One of my parrots was caught outside so he isn't rescue?
Christa is banned because this is a role of the game :)
Rozalka: banning you right back again ;)
my parrots have both good and bad human experiences so they are resq-rehom-ues
ChristaNL is banned because I didn't know one of my parrots is rescue
Rozalka is banned because she posts and posts even though she was banned before! It's not about parrots, it's about THE BAN :D
in that case, a ban with extra cheese to Aratingettar: :) bon appetit
[tasty Gouda... thanks... yummy yummy] :)
Aratingettar is banned because I'm out at a restaurant in NYC right now but still looking at forums lol.
Sunnyclover is banned for being at a fancy restaurant while I eat salami and cheese from Trader Joe’s.

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Inger is banned for not saying what kind of cheese she's eating.
Sunnyclover is banned for not asking what kind of salami.
LeslieA is banned for being up so late....again.

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