
Sunnyclover is banned because also I'm not watching TV right now but I was watching yesterday
Sunnyclover is banned because I just finished showering with all the birds and am not watching tv

(I wasn't yesterday either -> just listening most of the time and reading the forums)
ChristNL is banned for practicing good hygiene.
LeslieA is banned for banning for practising good hygiene
Rozalka is banned for talking about a banned subject: hygiene.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
LeaKP is banned for banning the unmentionable
ChristaNL (My phone is convinced you're the savior. HAHA) is banned because I didn't know hygiene (Oops, sorry) was a banned topic.
LeslieA I am banning your phone, that's my Big Brother (several generations removed) ;) not me. A modern piece of equipment should know the difference - don't you think?
(LOL autocorrect is responsible for about half the jokes I hear lately - so many thinks go all wonky. I think it's funny.)
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ChristaNLis banned because he wrote way too many words in the above post. Geeez
Sunnyclover is banned for not using enough words.
LeslieA is banned because I just finished the last episode of "Jane the Virgin".
Sunnyclover is banned for thinking I am a guy! (actually I am flattered ;D )
Lol wow sorry?
ChristaNL is banned for making me think (for some reason? Lol) that she is a guy.
Sunnyclover is banned because her name is CHRISTA (hint) and we discussed that SHE and my NIECE almost share a name. (hint hint)
LeslieA is banned for being right (sigh...oh no...not again!!)
ChristaNL is banned for having a similar name like my grandma
Rozalka is banned because, do I ;) (named after grandma and ma, with variations of course)

What was/ is your grandmothers name?
ChristaNL is banned for asking me question about my grandmothers name
She's Krystyna (Polish verson of Christina)
Rozalka is banned becaus her grandmother has a WAY better name than I have :)
(it's really lovely one!)
ChristaNL is banned because I knew she has a macaw and 2 CAGs but now I spoted all are rescues (wow)

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