
Rozalka is banned because she has a bourke parrot and I’ve never heard of it.
Tami2*is banned because she's never heard of a bourke's parrot.
Sunnyclover is banned for not showing a photo of a Bourke :)
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Rozalka is banned for not including the photo of Zenek!
Aratingetter is banned because a sketchy breeder tried to convince me I wanted a Bourke’s (along with half a dozen other species) rather than a parrotlet.

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Inger is banned because her name isn't Ingrid.
(I don't really believe Tami2 doesn't know a bourkes by sight!)

Sunnyclover is banned because my conure boys like almonds.
LeslieAis banned because of my 3 Conures only Finley likes almonds.
Sunnyclover is banned because Bumble likes almonds.

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Bumble is banned because of hyper-cuteness.

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Inger is banned because when she met Paris she said "wow she's so big!" Which is untrue. Paris is very very very very small.
Sunnyclover is banned because all the birds are asleep and I'm not.
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LeslieA is banned for being the only one besides me to post on the forums in the last hour.
Sunnyclover is banned because you might know if people on this forum sleep.
LeslieA is banned because I don't really know what she means by that. Lol...? I'm confused.
Sunnyclover is banned for being confused
ChristaNL is banned for being awake, too.
LeslieA is banned for going sleep too late
Rozalka is banned because the farm animals must be fed already.
LeslieA is banned for calling my birds "farm animals" ;)

(I've been to the CAV again and SO relieved it went well)

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