
ChristaNL is banned because also I wanted to sleep longer (but I had to go school)
Rozalka is banned for going to school instead of staying to play with us.
Tami2 is banned for making way to usefull and cute vid's of her bird, but not enough for a full evening of parrotwatching ;)
ChristaNL is banned for expecting more Tami's videos
Tami2 is banned for making a video.
Rozalka is banned for adding an Avatar too late.
Aratingettar is banned because time for adding an Avatar never ends
LeslieA is banned for not banning Rozalka, and since it is fridaynight here: *every* (drag)queen is *the* queen of the world!

Rozalka: great avatar!
Chista is banned for praising Rozalka for avatar, and _STILL_ not having hers. :54:
Aratingettar is banned because maybe this is time for Christa:)
<whoops, sorry>
Rozalka is banned for speaking english far better than I speak Polish (or any other language for that matter).

ChristaNL is banned as a bonus. And who doesn't like a bonus ban? :)
Sqeekmouse is banned for not being bilingual but being bisquawkial.
Okay, I'm not banning anyone, just trying to stay on ACTIVE TOPIC page.
LeslieA is banned for not banning
Rozalka is banned for using the word ban twice in a sentence!
Scott is banned for no reason at all (last night of the proms on TV, always fun)
ChristaNL is banned for wasting time watching TV.

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Inger is banned because I'm watching tv right now.
LeslieA is banned because I'm not watching TV right now.

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