Aviary Life

How about name = Wanderer, Wanderlust, or Voyager?
I like Saffron or Bisque

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Actually, I think I’m going to go with Sassy!

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So today I nearly had a heart attack!

On top of my aviary; a male grey Tiel! Loose! I panicked! Sniper, Malkier, Pikachu, and one of my foster birds are all normal grey males! But, all were exactly where they belonged, so...

Somebody’s fully flighted grey cockatiel is in my yard. I’m working on catching him.

I had to send away my lawn mower lady lol I was afraid the mower would scare him off.

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He looks beautiful. Glad your birds called him in. Hope you can catch and find d his mommy or daddy....
He’s still hanging around, driving everyone nuts!

He doesn’t show any signs of physical distress and he’s eating and drinking and flying like a pro lol.

I debated posting about him now, but I can’t put my flock at risk of theft by letting everyone who has ever lost a cockatiel show up in my yard. He doesn’t seem even remotely tame and there are no missing ads out for him locally, so he’s going to have to wait until I catch him before I start searching for his humans. This will be the 4th stray parrot in the last 2 years that I’ve tried to find the owners for; hopefully he has someone looking for him; the others have not.

In fact in all the years of finding them, only twice has an owner been looking for the bird; once a Jenday and the poor woman didn’t speak a word of English and had to find an interpreter before contacting us, and do you all remember that blue and gold macaw that got picked up walking down the sidewalk in Honolulu? Her owner was desperately happy to see her. I also consulted on a situation where a parrot was being withheld from the rightful owner because a pet Co employee had told the finders that the bird looked neglected (normal after being loose almost a week!) but that also had a happy ending.

All the others seem to have been dumped. I have a ringneck in my flock who was a stray, I’ve taken in and then placed many cockatiels and budgies what have been strays, do you remember Battle? She was a stray. She was with us for years but ended up going to be essentially a service animal for an autistic boy (not a legal one; parrots cannot legally be service animals in the USA).

Anyway I’m just annoyed that people don’t look for their birds when they escape!

The Tapatalk app now won’t let me upload the high quality images without paying. Sad day. I hope they show up ok!

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Flick was not my first bird, but she was my first ever hand raised bird, and she joined our home not long after we got married. She started off here in GA with us and then moved to Hawaii and back, all the while HATING ALL OTHER BIRDS. Well, several months ago she took a shine to a barely-legal young man and we let her keep him ;) and today their first baby hatched! And yes, I’ll be keeping this baby FOREVER lol.

Side note, the picture I TRIED to upload got tagged as an “adult image” [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23] what the heck??? This picture isn’t as cute but at least you can see the baby!

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Congratulations grandma!!

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Congrats Dani!! Spectacular lineage and image!!
How special!!!!! Congratulations!!
And I love the cocky cockatiel! He looks gorgeous. Hope you get him safely into your flock
A couple of VERY angry parents!

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How special!!!!! Congratulations!!

And I love the cocky cockatiel! He looks gorgeous. Hope you get him safely into your flock

I’m sorry I forgot to specify; this is a clutch of GCCs :)

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How special!!!!! Congratulations!!

And I love the cocky cockatiel! He looks gorgeous. Hope you get him safely into your flock

I’m sorry I forgot to specify; this is a clutch of GCCs :)

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Lol I was commenting on your chick, and your cockatiel on the lam

Ooooohhh lol pardon my misunderstanding! He’s still outside by the way; he’s too smart for me!

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Honi, Pikachu, and a little whiteface bub:)

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Me to the person currently redoing my website:

“Does it bother you that all your beautiful creative energy is being used to represent creatures that look like reject demon spawn?”


This is two cockatiel babies and a green cheek, all super ugly lol but will be cute soon!

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Me to the person currently redoing my website:

“Does it bother you that all your beautiful creative energy is being used to represent creatures that look like reject demon spawn?”


This is two cockatiel babies and a green cheek, all super ugly lol but will be cute soon!

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I think they are absolutely beautiful!

Of course this is being stated by a truly UGLY somewhat human:eek:
I look at them similar to pug dogs lol; “so ugly it’s cute”

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