
  1. Lildillydumpling

    GCC regularly hangs out on the seed catcher

    GCC Bandit happily hangs out on the seed catcher around her cage. That doesn't seem normal ... your thoughts? She spent most of the first year of her life in a glass-front display cage at a pet store. I brought her home about six weeks ago and put her in a 20x20x50-ish cage on a stand. The top...
  2. V

    GCC scared to go near me now

    Hello fellow bird buddies. My apologies if this has already been covered many times but I have utilised the search function to no avail. My little GCC has been with me for a few months now and when I first brought him home, he was hesitant to let my hand go near him but sometimes, I could get...
  3. meltedrose

    New cage for GCC

    So I'm finally upgrading Caspian from his baby cage. I've been asking around for ideal sizes(I know big) and bar spacing and such, and I've been getting mixed answers. Some people said at least 18x18x18, others, 24x24x24 ,and so on. Plus bar spacing is all over the place. So I think I found a...
  4. D

    my parrot keeps bobbing his head

    Hello! I have a GCC and everytime I walk in the room he starts bobbing his head...? When ever someone comes to the house he starts bobbing his head he never stops lol. Is it normal?
  5. D

    poop questions

    Hello, I have a GCC. And I've had him for a little more then a week. And I had some questions about his poop. So, I know that when a bird has light green watery poop it can mean that he is sick. But see my GCC's poop is light green and has white in the middle. Its not watery and does not smell...
  6. D

    green cheeked conure questions?

    Green cheeked conure questions? Hello! I just got a GCC 4 days ago. He's very friendly and cuddly, and I was wondering how long does it take for a bird to get used to its new home? He has been eating great, playing a bit with his toys, and he actually has not problem with me. He lets me sit near...
  7. U

    New and PROUD owner of a Conure. One concern though.

    He's (/she but I consider him a boy so far) not quite a GCC he's one of those slightly more colourful ones (probably still a GCC). He's super friendly and hates being in his cage when I'm around (poor guy paces back and forth till I get him). I try and instill some independence by making him...
  8. meltedrose

    Best food for a gcc?

    I've been through a list of food for my green cheek Caspian, and thought I found a good one(Healthy Select Conure Diet) but now I'm not so sure. I think he's developed/developing scissor beak? His bottom beak is jetted out to the left, and on his top beak on the same side I think he's chipped a...
  9. L

    New Member :)

    Hi all, My name is Louis, im nearly 22 years old and i am currently a beginner Zoo Keeper in Essex (Bird Team:)) I am hoping soon to become an owner of a green cheek conure. And i know there are millions of threads on cage size, but i still need advice. I just need someone to help me...
  10. D

    Species and Plucking

    Are Green cheek conure more prone to pluck their feathers than other species from the pionus and poicephalus families?
  11. D

    Feather Plucking

    Are Green Cheek Conures More prone to feather plucking than species from pionus or poicephalus family?
  12. I

    New Green Cheek Conure

    Hello, this is my first post on ParrotForums! For the past few months I have really wanted a bird. After some research and the help of my brother, I decided that the Green Cheek Conure is for me. My parents have agreed that they will help me with the financial component of caring for a bird...
  13. Manda_Rae

    Hello! From Mom to Hahn's Macaw & GCC

    Hi everyone! My name is Manda and the hubby & I have a house full of Fids :) We have A Green Cheek Conure, Pepper & a Hahn's Macaw, Kiki. Also 2 Cats Sasha & Sam. A Hamster named Annabell plus 3 tropical Fish tanks We sure do have a full house :D
  14. ZephyrTK

    Taking the plunge!

    Hello Everyone, I am in the process of choosing my first parrot. I have been researching all the types and thought I had it narrowed down to either a cockatiel or parrotlet. The first parrot that made me want a bird was a Sun Conure we had at work (I work at a large chain pet store). Sun...
  15. E


    last year i bought a female gcc, who i named kiwi. she was going to be 1 year old on the 24th, but 3 days ago i woke up to find she had passed. i dont know why, and i keep blaming myself. she was a little brat sometimes but she loved me so much, and she was so cute, and i miss her. i cried for 2...
  16. M

    Tips for a newbie?

    Hey everyone! I just got my green cheeked conure today from his old owner who could no longer care for him anymore. He's one and a half years old and we were told because his former owner had no time and left him in the cage, he has become somewhat irritable and nippy. We brought him home and...
  17. A

    lonely, bored or just fascination?

    Hello everyone, I have a one year old green cheek conure and I notice that when I have her by the living room window which faces a lot of trees she tends to purr and look out avidly and often try to step through the window.she will talk out to the others birds as well, especially crows.she loves...
  18. G

    What bird is right for me?

    I am looking to get a bird in the near future. I want a small parrot species that would be good in an apartment. This is my first bird, and while I have done some research, I know that I know next to nothing about having a bird. Aside from fish, there are no other pets in the apartment. What I...
  19. happycat

    Price of GCC?

    Im wondering about what a baby gcc would cost. Can anyone tell me about how much a baby gcc with cage,toys etc. would cost? I know nobody knows the exact cost but around. Thanks :blue1:
  20. GCCMumma

    New GCC Mummy

    My husband and I adopted a hand reared GCC at 8 weeks of age, she is now 8months old. I just have a few questions regarding her care and whether I am doing the right thing. Food: I give her a bowl of fresh veg, fruit, nuts & grain as well as a bowl of VetaFarm South American pellets each day (I...
  21. J


    Hello! My name is Jade and I have a Green Cheek Conure. I named him Moses because he has a grey head and I thought I would teach him the 10 commandments when he gets older. He was a gift to me and I don't know how to take care of him. I love him a lot but I feel like if I can, I should find a...
  22. Super Koopa

    Super Koopa

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