I am new to the forum and did a search for this issue, but didn't see anything on point.
I have two parakeets and a new GCC, Hestia. We brought her* home about a month ago, and she is 7 months old. We were following the rules about quarantine, so she was in my bedroom for the first few...
Hi Everyone, this is my very first post. Pease forgive me in advance because I'm sure this has been answered before, I'm just terrible at navigating this forum.
OK, long story short, hopefully.
So after 20 years of not having birds, I decided I wanted a feathered friend in my life. After a ton...
Hello!! My name is Tori, and Nova is my turquoise GCC is 3 months old as of today, and for the past few weeks we have gotten along very well :)
Whenever I've had questions over the past two years regarding owning a bird, this website had always been the first to come up with exactly what I...
My conure does bite me quite a bit, but never aggressively. It's usually playful or a warning to stop touching her, and usually is pretty light. She's bitten me hard out of fear a few times, never otherwise.
Her playful biting is annoying and I have to get her to quit it, which is another...
I'm not sure how to put this but I think my parrot is a complete drama queen or else there's something more serious at work.
Kermit flies, kind of. Not usually because she wants to but because something spooked her -- although every now and again, when the planets have aligned, she'll fly for...
Hi all! My boyfriend didn't listen to me and I am currently freaking out.
He cooked with a non stick Pan. He put my 4 month old green cheek conure in the bedroom (smallish apartment) during cooking and for 40 minutes after.
I am panicking. Is it likely that my bird Will get sick and die?!!! :(
Hi there! I just adopted a green cheek conure on Wednesday. She is very used to me as I work at the store I got her from. My question is, I live in an apartment, and I don't want her screaming while I'm at work tomorrow. It will be the first time she's home alone and I don't know how she's going...
Hi everybody! I’m a new member (or, well, a person who’s been lurking for the past year or so), and I’m hoping to get a parrot as an emotional support animal. However, I’m really afraid I won’t be a good parront. I’m a first time bird owner and a college student, so there are a lot of concerns I...
It's actually been a while since I got Nico but I realized I hadn't formally introduced him!
He came from a private breeder called Whidbey Birds on Whidbey Island, WA. He's an approximately 3-4 month old Turquoise Green Cheeked Conure (DNA sexed male) and his favorite foods are apples, dried...
I had an enlightening experience with Kermit. She was left home alone for about 24 hours while we went out for an overnight trip. Partly out of paranoia and partly out of curiousity, we put one of our security cameras in front of her cage to see what she did all day.
The result was...
At last, those times are upon us... but I didn't expect to find Kermit's antics so amusing.
It seems like every day, I won't know what bird I'll get. Sometimes she's a massive cuddle monster, other days it's hands off and she's on "shoulder ornament" mode. She's less tolerant of being held and...
My husband and I just got our first Conure about a month ago. She's a Black Capped Conure and her name is Sage. We got her from a specialty bird store, so she was hand fed and very friendly. She's 5 months old now. She'll step up (but I don't think she really knows the command), I haven't...
Over a year ago I ordered a harness for Kermit with the hope that, someday, I could get her to wear it. I really didn't have many expectations on timeline. I took it slowly, made a game with wearing rubber bands to get her used to something around her neck, and ultimately got her to the point...
My GCC Cosmo is usually a very well behaved bird and is quiet whenever we are hanging out or she's playing with her toys, but any time she is in her cage she screams and screams unless I either let her out or whisper at her very quietly.
The problem is that i live in an apartment and...
Just when I was doubting our little Christmas fiasco was a thing of the past, Kermit greeted me home today with a birdie seizure. When she had one last Christmas, we had her fully assessed by an avian vet and her blood work, fecal, & gram stain all came back normal. There's no clear sign...
so ferris (my gcc) is about seven months old, i’ve had him for five or six of those months. i try to have him out as much as i can but while i’m at school he has to stay in his cage as we have two cats and if he’s left out of his cage he loves to run around the door for ages, getting their...
Usually my cat and gcc get along fairly well. They both can be next to each other no problem and just have a staring contest.
Yesterday the cat tried to jump up and catch my gcc Arthur who was sitting on a branch on his play stand, he slightly caught him to the point where he stayed on the...
So this morning my GCC and my sister's GCC fought a little, they attempt to preen each other but sometimes hit the wrong spot and end up fighting for a couple seconds. My sister's GCC for some reason has this thing that whenever my GCC and her's fight her GCC goes for my GCC's feet. So this...
Rehoming a GCC
I live in upper WV have a GCC that needs rehomed. I got her as she is only about 4 months old and I am ashamed as I have to rehome her and I have not had her that long at all. I feel like I can't not fully be with her as I planned. I wish I could as I love all birds and wanted...
This bird has terrible timing. Christmas morning I wake up to my dad bringing a limp bird to my room, and I was convinced she'd die right in my hands. She recovered fast, and my parents spelled out what happened that morning.
The bird spooked and took off flying (not unusual). She did not...
I think I'm calling it. Kermit is hitting puberty. She'll be 2 sometime in May.
This last week, she's been a proper teenager. I've been not coming home a few nights because of finals week at school, but my parents have been taking care of her for me. Still, this evidently upset her, and she's...
I'm completely smitten with her, there's no hope !
I brought home Kermit over a year ago. I did the research. I knew basically what to expect, and I knew parrots could easily become aggressive and nasty if mishandled/hormones.
I don't want to jinx it, but... I've yet to have a day where I ever...
My GCC Patrick is young, only about a few months, but I’m scared he’s overeating and might get obese in the long run. I want to have a feeding schedule but I’m at school 4 days a week and nobody at my home is able to do one feeding during the day. Should I try a feeding schedule, or should I not...
Has once again deemed veggies as a-okay. But, only if chopped in tiny pieces ! We'll see how long this phase lasts. In my experience, I have to constantly come up with new and inventive ways to present food or it's beneath her dignity to consume. It was satisfying to hear her making contented...
Hello everyone! I'm a new member of the parrotforums website, but I've been lurking this site for a couple of years now.
I've started wanting a bird for a companion about five years ago from now,
but I didn't have the opportunity to have one until I received one for Christmas just last year as...
I'm starting to get concerned. About the end of the week, Kermit started licking the inside of her beak. She's always had a funny fascination with her tongue (she loves sticking it out sideways), but this is a repetitive motion where she's rolling it over the roof of her mouth. She's only been...
Kermit is a funny girl. I introduced kale to her pretty early on to owning her, and she took to it right away. I always hang up kale and let her have at it. But periodically, she'll decide kale is on the outs.
She decided she hated it again about a month ago. And on top of that, this big...
So I have two conures. One is new, Merri, and the other,Kiwi, I've had for 6 months. Kiwi has ALWAYS been an amazing GCC. He was so friendly and loved cuddling. Never nipped at me ever!! He is 8 months. Once I got Merri (about a week ago) he completely changed. They're not even in the same...
I've had my green cheek conure Cosmo for about 2 months now, and I love her to death! I've always loved birds and now that I'm in a house without a cat I can comfortably have another bird (I used to have a sparrow and I was always worried about the cat getting in my room while I was away).
He's about 2.5 yrs old, and I've had him for about a month. We are now friends, but bizarrely, has started almost shaking/banging his head against my finger and around my hand while he is out. He doesn't do it every day, but when it does he can do it repeatedly for minutes at a time. What is this?
I read somewhere that parrots really enjoy potted plants. For eating I foolishly assumed.
I picked up a hydroponically grown basil plant today at the grocery store, washed the leaves, and wanted to see what Kermit made of it. To my delight she hopped right on over to investigate, proceeded to...
Hi all,
I've really been in the mood to dye the ends of my hair a nice shade of pastel purple. I only have a year before I join the professional world, and I'd really like to take advantage of getting away with it while I can.
I've been trying to research how safe this would be around my...
So do feathers not grow at all except for during a molt? So my GCC baby's flight feathers were cut very short by the breeder--3 months ago. She's almost 6 months old now and there's been little to no growth. So she might not be able to fly until next year sometime??
I just took Kermit, my GCC, into her annual vet exam for a fecal and gram stain and apparently the tests revealed her carbohydrates were slightly above usual. The vet said it was nothing to be too concerned about, and that I'll have to add Apple Cider Vinegar in her water for a few weeks and...
Hello all !
I have about a week off with school break, and figured I'd make my GCC Kermit a nice playstand. We've had some old fig branches out in our yard for 6 months that have just been screaming to be made into something awesome.
The branches were from an old tree we had in our front...
Hello, I might be getting a GCC soon and was wondering how much time they need? I move between houses every week and was wondering if someone at the house the bird will be staying at would be able to go and feed/give attention to the bird without any behavior changes etc.
I've had my two gcc's for around two years now. One is definitely female as she has laid and egg and the sex of the other is unknown. However, both eggs were infertile(I torched them to check). I got them together from someone who could no longer take care of them and they have stayed in the...
I'm travelling home for a few days with my GCC on the train. Just wondering if there are any dangerous fumes on a train I should be wary of? I don't think there are but I wanted to make sure :) he has a travel cage, food and water and toys as well as a cage that we'll assemble once we arrive up...