
  1. I

    What kind of bird should I get?

    I've been wanting a bird for a few years now and have never owned one previously. Most of my family is okay with getting a bird especially my sister who said she will help me care for them. I'm a sophomore in high school with a A/B average so I'm responsible. I've been wanting a Green Cheeked...
  2. H

    Conure or Quaker?

    Hi guys, I have a question, which is better in your opinion? Green cheek conure, or Quaker Parrot? I'm looking for a snuggle bug who'll be a good companion Talking is somewhat important for me, but its not a dealbreaker. Also, which one is bigger? And, are they one-person birds? I have 5...
  3. J

    Question for potential ownership

    Hello all! I live in a two-bedroom apartment by myself. I'm 20 years old and I work full time. For a long time I have really wanted a green cheek conure, and I am finally in a financial situation where I can afford one. But I want to make sure all other aspects of my life are in order for...
  4. J

    My Pineapple GCC suddenly hates me

    I've had my GCC for two years. He's a pineapple called Diego. He's always been a feisty one but i could always hold him however i wanted and he NEVER bit me ever. I've moved house a month a go and he was fine. I then went a way for a week and had a friend take care of him. He got very attached...
  5. I

    Kermit has it out for her tail feathers

    She's lost so many lately. About a month ago she twisted one and I had to wait a few weeks for it to fall out on it's own. She damaged a new blood feather slightly at the same time, but the damage wasn't near the end of the shaft so I let it be. It grew in just fine, with just a small hole in...
  6. S

    Turquoise GCC Breeders in MN

    Hello everyone!! I'm looking to get a GCC, preferably a Turquoise one. I've done a lot of research and I'm definitely ready! However, I'm having trouble finding reliable breeders that sell these guys! I live near Minneapolis, but am willing to drive to Wisconsin/North Dakota if needed...
  7. I

    Flipped/rotated tail feather?

    Kermit my GCC has somehow managed to rotate her tail feather by 180 degrees. I had no idea tailfeathers could do that. I have noticed her grooming her tailfeathers, but she hasn't fixed it yet, so its been like that for a few days. She's also been growing a new tailfeather in, so is it related...
  8. I

    Updates on Kermit the GCC !

    I got Kermit early July and what a cutie that bird is :D * now knows step up, 'kisses' (and will even make the kissy noises back at you, especially if you offer a cheek), and wave. Was once kinda potty trained, then we got lazy and accepted the bird poop. * has an impromptu playstand! My...
  9. I

    A question on peppers

    So Kermit my GCC recently tried some dried peppers and loved em, as many birds seem naturally programmed to love. We have some ornamental peppers in the backyard, and after some research, it looked like they're okay. Everyone says they're technically edible, though are so ungodly hot that you...
  10. I

    New and improved mash recipe + a question

    I'm really proud of this week's mash. This week as in... I actually decided to plan ahead and prep for the week so everything goes faster. I cooked up some mung beans and quinoa for grains/legumes. I put a bit of apple cider vinegar to prevent any nasty bacteria and put it in the fridge. For...
  11. R

    My green cheek can't fly! Any ideas?

    So I have a 2 something year old green cheek. I got him when he was just under a year old from another owner who did not seem to be very parrot knowledgable. He had gotten Rory (my baby) from a breeder (I think, possibly a pet store. I don't know much about his past), and his primaries had all...
  12. I

    Green Cheek Adventure!!

    Kermit had quite the little adventure today. My mom and I were heading down to our old house (about 30 min away) so she could go out to lunch and I could say hi to my grandmother. I included Kermit on this expedition so he could visit my grandmother (she loves birds and watched after my...
  13. I

    itchy green cheek?

    I just got Kermit about a week ago. He's 12 weeks old and such a sweet baby <3 But I've noticed he seems to itch a lot, particularly around the skin of his eye. I've looked closely at his skin and nearby feathers but don't see any inflamation or anything that would indicate mites (unless...
  14. B

    Questions about Green Cheek conures

    Hi! I am getting a male green cheek soon, and I have never owned a bird. I have heard about the hormonal stage? Like they get nippy and scream? 1. Do they all go through this stage? (im assuming so) 2. When they start screaming, do they eventually go back to being quiet birds, or will they...
  15. B

    Green Cheek Conure or Rainbow Lorikeet?

    I just signed up and it took me 20 minutes to figure out how to post so sorry if I seem really stupid 😂 I had my mind set on a GCC and emailed a breeder for this one baby she had that I fell in love with. Sadly,he got sold the day before. She will have more GCCs available in 4 weeks. Today I...
  16. I

    Need help with adult decision making

    Need help making a smart, adult decision about bringing an animal into my life. Initially I told myself I wasn’t going to go for a Green Cheek Conure. I love and adore them, but they require so much attention I’d be scared I couldn’t alone provide enough. Cue chance encounter in a local pet...
  17. I

    GCC as a college student?

    Hi all, I'm new to this forum and don't have a bird (yet). I've fallen in love with the GCC species but am currently gathering information on whether or not I would be a good caretaker. My beloved budgie Jack Frost recently passed. He was only 4, far too young for the little fella to pass...
  18. K

    Adding to the flock!!

    So im planing on getting another gcc. however i do not plan on caging them together and will probably be getting a double stacking cage. I do not want them to form a mate bond, yet i want them to be buddies. (i know thats alot to ask for lol) what I want to know is what you guys think of my...
  19. K

    Draco the shy, screeching GCC

    I've had my GCC for a month now and he's been really shy/not really wanting me to hold him. I've already posted about that and have been trying to slowly get him to warm up to me, but now he's started screeching REALLY loud. I've been ignoring it because I don't want him to think it's a good way...
  20. M

    Sudden aggression - please help!

    Hi everyone! I have had my beautiful green cheek for 5 weeks now. The first few weeks were absolutely amazing and it seemed she really loved me and we bonded well but now she seems to hate me. It has now gotten to the point where she won't even come out of the cage when I put my hand at the door...
  21. Bobo

    Do male GCCs make nests?

    My family members report seeing TJ, my pinapple conure, making strips of paper and tucking them in his tail. I'm aware this is what parrots do when they want to make a nest, but to my knowledge TJ is a male (according to his previous owner, he was DNA tested). I thought only females build nests...
  22. Roanoke

    Teeko's Flightsuit! -and Vacation Questions

    First let me brag, questions later; Yesterday I went all the way and put the Flightsuit on Teeko for the first time! We've been preparing for months. Pretty much every day I stroke him with it, set him on it, basically pretend to put it on him. He used to nip me but I took it slow and he's...
  23. K

    New GCC Mommy!

    I put a deposit on a baby pineapple GCC at a local pet store before he was even a month old and have visited him every day since! His name is Kiva and he is a brat, but he is my brat <3. I am so excited for him to be weaned soon so that I can play with my little feathered nugget all day long...
  24. K

    Molt or Not?

    Good evening y'all. Just wanted to run something by your guys expertise. My GCC, Lulu is recently losing feathers. Not sure as to what the cause may be. I took her in from a bad home. Was told she was 2. I don't know for certain. Very friendly to me, doesn't bite at all. Quiet too by conure...
  25. F

    GCC Behaviour

    Hi there, I just made this account for the purposes of askin this question so apologies if I'm a bit clueless about what I'm doing. I have a female green cheek conure, she'd be around four months old now, and just this morning (at around 4:30am) she has started repeatedly simultaneously...
  26. N

    5YO Regurgitation

    Hello! My GCC (not sexed, but we think she's F), regurgitated twice: once last night and once this morning. I panicked because she hasn't done this since she was a baby. I did take her to the vet. Normal weight, normal gram stain. Normal behavior. The vet said to take this seriously, that it...
  27. M

    a few questions about green cheeks

    i did a few solid days of constant research on green cheeks before deciding to go ahead with my purchase. i felt lonely and i needed a feathered friend! this bird needed a home. but what i should have done and feel very foolish for not doing.. is looking up what can go wrong... to be honest...
  28. Roanoke

    Hoping to adopt a conure...

    Hey! This won't be so much of an introduction as a question but here goes: I'm a young homeschool student with a passion for birds and psychology. I've started looking into parrots as pets and after a couple months of extensive research have settled on GCCs being my best bet. However, I went...
  29. R

    Info on new GCC

    Howdy, I am purchasing a 4yr old male GCC conure his owner passed away and he was taken in by friends, he is tame and all but I've never owned a GCC I have had Sun Conures, Quakers, Cockatiels, Parakeets, WB Caiques, handled African Greys. So what do I need to know about owning a GCC. do you...
  30. J

    Treats and training

    Hello everyone, I am trying to train my GCC to improve his behavioral responses ( no biting, get off my shoulder when I need him to get down, etc). My vet suggested that I use a treat as a positive reinforcement when training him. The problem that I am having is that I can not seem to find a...
  31. J

    The Problem of Poo (in the playpen)

    As a new bird owner, I am sure that this is one of those things that you can just figure out over time, but my bird (Alfred GCC 5mo) is using up all my t.p. While I am working during the day, I like to bring Alfred over by my desk and let him play in his playpen. The problem is that the...
  32. R

    GC Conures & Kids

    Hi there, I'm in the process of "doing my research" on green cheeks--although I've never owned a bird before, I've certainly had pets in my care, and I know myself to be a thorough and responsible person capable of lots of love and attention. My husband and I are just waiting until we find a...
  33. Fuujoshii

    GCC Coughing?

    Hello, I am a proud birdmom to several birds, but as of two weeks ago, I am a first time Conure mom! Our little Motochika was a rescue. He is roughly four months old and has a clean bill of health... Hopefully. Last night, my partner woke to him coughing, which startled us quite a bit. It...
  34. A

    top of the evening!

    Hello everyone. My name is Amado. I've joined this site to learn more about my GCC. I've had him for about 6 months and it was going good but recently he has become somewhat aggressive towards anyone but me. And just looking to get advice. I'm new to bird ownership. Thanks!
  35. D

    Why is he acting like this?

    Hello! So I've had my parrot for about 8-9 months. And he was abused because he has a big fear of hands. So about 3 months into owning him I got another GCC. I was told both are males but I'm not sure. Well they have gotten along really well. And Dredd (the first parrot I got) seems to be really...
  36. M

    What is the best cage for a GCC?

    Hi there, was wondering if anyone can give me a straight answer to what is the no1 best cage for a green cheek conure. I know bigger is better but I'm wanting to know if anyone can tell me a specific cage (make/model). Price isn't a issue as I want the best for the bird, thanks.
  37. S

    New to the forum, meet Oliver!

    Hello! I'm new to this forum but I've had my GCC Oliver for almost 4 years. I got him the day before Halloween my Freshman year of High School and graduated in June! I even skipped Halloween that year because I just couldn't let him out of my sight. If you knew me you'd know dressing up in...
  38. R

    Would anyone like to adopt two rescued GCCs? North NJ

    Long story. I am the owner of a beautiful, tame yellow sided GCC. My mother was watching the bird and accidentally released her. She flew straight up and dissapeared. Out of guilt, and without asking, my parents, who know nothing about birds, bought me not one, but two GCCs, a male and female...
  39. Kedika

    GCC Noise and Weight

    I have had my GCC for about a month or so. And he doing fabulous, people are amazed at how long I've had him and how well behaved he is. He goes to stores with me and everything now. But I have heard that GCC are noisy and loud but Buddy my GCC isn't noisy at all is that good? He only makes...
  40. thesarahdox

    Hello Parrot Forums!

    Hello everyone! This is the first forum I've ever been a part of and I'm super excited to get involved with this community. In early March, my coworker Kay brought in her adorable parrotlet, Peapod. My boyfriend and I instantly fell in love with her, even though neither of us ever considered...
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