So I’ve had my greencheeck conure baby for about 2 and a half weeks now and it’s like we’ve never been apart. He loves me so much. Which Im so very greatful for because when I first got him he wouldn’t really interact with me and always bit. I was so sad. (Thanks for everyone’s tips who got him...
Do pineapple gcc not get as big as normal gcc? My baby is only 8 weeks. Will he get bigger or is he just small? He’s about the size of a lovebird. I just saw the green cheeks in petco and they look much bigger. I mean I know he won’t grow a crazy amount but will he grow at all anymore? I wont...
Hello everyone it’s with a very heavy heart I’m writing this today I have woken up to my girlfriends love bird face down at the bottom of the cage after only 4 days!!! As you can imagine we are shattered because we got this love bird cause he was one of five at the pet shop(aviary bird) and...
My Green Cheek Conure is 4 months old and he's a picky eater. He's on a seed diet and likes to eat apples. I tried feeding him vegetables multiple times, he licks it but doesn't eat it.
Previously I tried feeding him hard-boiled eggs, but he doesn't like that either. Today I cooked him...
Hello everybody, I was looking at some new perches and toys for Cookie's cage, but I think I am becoming paranoid... So, most of the current cage accessories are inherited from my dearly missed cockatiel Pachito, but he definitely wasn't as active (destructive) as this little GCC hurricane...
Hello, I'm new here and wanted to share my experience to see if anyone had some advice.
About 2.5 weeks ago, GCC whom is 7 months started getting sick. Some of the small feathers between his eyes and beaks fell off exposing some skin and had some flaky skin also. When I noticed this, I...
Hi All. New here, mainly looking to connect with other Macaw/Hahns owners as I get to know Max who came home today. (We were told it's a male, but I plan on having him DNA sexed to be sure.) Not sure yet if he's keeping that name, either way.
We were told Max is around 2 years old.
We also...
Hello everybody! New to the forum, and the proud owner of two lovely conures.
I’ve had my turquoise gcc Milo for just over 2 years now, and recently got a new baby dusky (Oli). I was a bit worried they wouldn’t get along because Milo hates anyone who isn’t me, but he went into total overbearing...
Hello everyone, I am new to the forum, as well as green cheek conure ownership. I recently purchased 2 Green Cheek Conures, Skittles(3 Month Old) and Kiwi(Just under a year) I have had them for three days now.
Skittles, the young one, started getting on top of Kiwi and rubbing, like he is...
My nephew graduated from the Univ. of Connecticut and moved back overseas. He was not able to take his parrot back with him. He is a happy little bird that loves to sing and play. We are offering him free to a good home along with his cage, toys, vet records and food. Please message me if you...
So I'm looking for advice for the future with my green cheek conure, Haku. For some background, he is my ESA in college and as such lives in a dorm room with me and my roommate. Because we both are in the same room and are considered "homebodies", one/both of us are in the room all the time. As...
A little over a week ago my GCC has started this thing where whenever his cage is covered at night or in the morning, he taps/bangs his beak on the cage. He’s almost 5 years old and up until his point had never done that before. I’m essentially 95% sure it’s him trying to get attention, but...
So my 11 month old Green Cheek Conure, who I've been attempting to flight, got spooked and flew frantically into a mid-speed ceiling fan, then flew back down and landed onto a table. She had a line of dust on her head, presumably from the blade- but she isn't showing any signs of injury or...
I do sfx on occasion, quite close to my bird cage,
What I use is scar wax, liquid latex and blood
I was wondering if any of the fumes off of these things could potentially harm my gcc
Hi all, created an account to get some more advice after scrolling through countless threads.
I've recently inherited a pineapple GCC after a family member passed. I've always had birds but haven't had parrots since I was young, and have never had a conure. Sara is at least 5 years old and has...
I bought this harness for my almost 1 year on gcc Ari but he hates it. Is there any way that I could train him to hold still and slip his head through?
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Hi everyone! My name is Maggie and I’m bird mom to an 8 month old violet English Budgie named Morty and a 3 month old Rosy Fronted Conure named Loki!
I’m also mom to a wonderful 9 year old daughter named Lily, who is Morty’s bff!
We brought Loki home today and he or she (we find out in a few...
I want to make sure I'm not on the track for obesity with my GCC, I keep roudybush crumbles and change out maybe weekly mostly just topping off, with sensible seed mix in another dish changing that out every three days or so (he seems to really like those lil white seeds) so just dumping out the...
My GCC is about 6 months old and has recently started exhaling kind of oddly. He will exhale similarly to a very small cough or as if he has something in his throat. Is this normal? This is my first bird and I just want to make sure everything is okay. Thanks!:gcc:
I'm looking to upgrade Kermit's (my GCC's) cage. It's about 4 years old, purchased for $100 off amazon, an A&E flight cage, advertised as wrought iron, and originally purchased to contain a budgie. I was never pleased with the construction of the cage. The bars seemed a bit thin to me, one of...
My female, almost 3 yr old GCC, "Piper", has suddenly developed some brown/coppery colorations on her head--around the crown and down her nape a bit--over the black. It's translucent and I had to see her in outdoor light to see it, but it's definitely real.
Possible causes I'm...
Hi everyone! I'm new here (sorry if this post seem repetitive, I haven't really seen a post talking about it happening to another bird?)
But I have two green cheeks, Kiwi and Chai
In November last year I found out the Chai had been ripping Kiwi's back feathers, not pulling them out, just...
Almost two years ago, my mom got a Green cheek Conure. She said she'd owned birds before (zebra finch) and claimed that It would be the exact same. I assumed she'd done research and learned how to properly care for the bird. I was wrong.
It took me over a year to convince her to get even a...
Hey guys! So I totally caught the bird bug and I’m thinking about getting a second bird. I’ve narrowed down my options to either a GCC or a peachie.
I’m totally stuck between the two and was looking for some advice. For some background: I’m a college student, not living in dorms, and I do have...
Butter was finally taken the vet today! :gcc: And I was able to convince Dad to let him get a checkup. Fortunately, nothing too bad ended up being the case! :D His molt is just really irritating for him so I’m going to have to give him a prescribed medicine twice a day. Thank you all so much for...
My GCC loves to rub and tap his beak on anything and everything, is this a normal behavior? I wasn't worried about it because I had heard they did this to show ownership but today I noticed his beak is becoming slightly discolored where he rubs it. He has a beak buffer and cuttlebones in his...
Hey all,
Spring is in the air and Kermit is loving a lot of her toys... literally. She's coming up on 3 years so she's already passed her initial puberty monster. But she's rubbing up on a lot of her toys. I try to remove suggestive toys as she rubs up on them, but this feels more reactive vs...
So me and yoshi, my GCC seemed to be on the right path in forming a bond - he started taking food from my hand through his cage, then inside the cage and then from the palm of my hand all in the same week after 1 month. But now we seem to have reached a stagnant point in which he refuses to step...
I've been thinking of making a DIY PVC tube perch for Callum. Any advice? I had a very rudimentary one before I moved and he didn't pick at the toys too much, he just loved looking out his window. Should I add toys despite his apparent disinterest in them before? How tall should it be?
Training continues...i'm stuck
I've had my GCC, Yoshi for just over a month now and he's made major progress since i first got him - initially he was afraid of hands but now he takes food from my palm with no hesitation. Next step in his training is for him to actually go onto my hand, i've...
So I have had my GCC for about three weeks now, I have owned and/or worked with dozens of animal species however he is the first bird I've ever owned. Long story short - he was abandoned at my place of work and the nearest bird rescue is over three hours away. I work at a pet store that sells...
So this isn't a question but I am absolutely overjoyed at me and Yoshi's progress.. After a month of absolute stress, Yoshi is finally realising I'm a friend (or a treat-giver). In the last 4 days we have made huge progress.
I think this could possibly help someone who's still in the taming...
Hello, I just joined! I've been eyeing this site for years, but never joined until now because I didn't have a bird until about two years ago! I've always been poking around, mostly reading up on what it's like to have a bird.
I have a two year old male Green cheek conure named Callum. He's the...
Is this normal behaviour? First time bird owner!!
Going to try and keep this as short as possible - I'm a new bird owner, got my 3-5 month old GCC (Yoshi) 2 weeks this thursday - I know this isn't a long time at all and I have not been rushing him to get comfortable with me and my family. Just...
Hi all,
I got my little yoshi (GCC) 6 days ago, I've started to let him out for the past 2 days and he's fine, he doesn't get freaked out if i get to close to him but as soon as i put my hands towards him he flies away. Today i let him out and closed his cage door - i figured this way he won't...
I got my 3-5 month old green cheek conure 3 days ago and am not sure how to proceed with his taming - He seems pretty happy in his cage, he's eating (loves grapes), playing (destroying) with his toys and hopping around any time i play music - I think this is pretty good considering I only got...
I have a young green cheek conure. Only 3/4 months old.
Very sweet thing but ofcourse cheeky and curious. Problem I'm having is she like to nibble on fingers and ears and the nibbling gets a bit hard and although I try to ignore her it gets to the point she really bites down. I'm pretty tough...
For background info, Kermit and I have had a long and frustrating road with the harness. We started off with some decent progress, she plateaued, then started making some progress, then completely reverted to fearing it and we had to start from scratch. I'm not the world's most consistent...
It seems to be the season for vet visits in the conure section... I opted to take her in 4 months early. Lately I've been having a funny feeling about her health. Sometimes I worry she's not active enough, or the occasional bubble in her poop, and in light of the seizures in January I'm...
I am going to be moving in with someone who has cats so my bird Will be contained to a single room when I am at work
She's a GCC. The room has little to no natural sunlight. Can anyone recommend to me a good sun lamp/ regular lamp to keep on my bird while I am out so she is not in the dark? Any...