Hey everyone! I have a Turquoise, Suncheek, Opaline, Lutino, Pineapple, and Dilute Green Cheek Conure. I’m looking to mix different mutations together and can be flexible with the genders of each. If I breed them, could I get any new mutations? Or is there a way to work toward a specific one by...
I am currently owning a male peach-faced lovebird and we are really bonded and i decieded to get another parrot but i can't decide which one of the following species to choose:
1. Green Cheek Conure
2. Monk parrot
3. Indian Ringneck
4. Cockatiel
I have done research on all of them but i want...
Hello so Zazu and me have been doing great hes tamed and is used to my hands now,i still haven't gotten him to step up,but now worries there's progress he lets me touch the top of his head and belly and when i do it he closes his eyes like he is enjoying it, now i have questions about the food...
Hi, I have a very strange situation with my GCC. Recently, my conure has stopped drinking water from his water dish in his cage. He only wants to drink out of glass cups. He has a stainless steel bowl that he has had his entire life, that I wash and fill with fresh water daily. He does use this...
A month ago, one of my coworkers asked if I would take in her Green Cheek Conure since I was moving to dayshift and she is on nights.
For the last month, I have stalked posts on here (we have managed to get him to eat SLIGHTLY better-- she had him eating a Walmart seed mix for cockatiels, we...
Hi conure folks! This is my first thread, but I poked around for a while and didn’t find an answer to this particular question. Here it is:
My sweet, snuggly, playful 8mo old GCC will sometimes play fight or wrestle with my fingers, but always in a very gentle happy way. A good bird all around...
Hello everyone!
Not my first time having birds but first time having a GCC. A month ago, picked up my GCC. Unfortunately though, my youngest sister decided to try to take my bird out of the cage without permission and the bird tried to fly out but due to unfortunately having her wings clipped...
He was doing pretty well and i think i gained his trust :3 but whenever im writing something with a pen he bites it and like moves his head up and down quickly and I've read its like a hormonal thing but he is only 2-3 months old so I don't think it could be it? idk maybe he hates pens but...
A few days ago I had to get surgery done on my head and now I have a ton of sutures that are pretty tender. Because of this, I haven't been able to let my bird, Beakley (GCC), get near me as she will instantly start going after the stiches. I feel bad because she has to stay in her cage...
Hi guys,
I'm back cause my little green chicken decided to ring in the nice weather with a little surprise again this year! 😭
Since last year, I listened to the advice most of you guys gave me, so preemptively, I kept an eye on nesting behaviors, switched around everything in her cage...
Hi, I have a Pineapple Green Cheek Conure named Tiki and she needs a new home. I got her from my grandma who past away 3 years ago. I kept taking care of her because she was such a sweet heart. She is very clingy and loves people. She is also handfed and prefer to eat from a person's hand than...
Looking for a home to adopt 2 green cheek conures. They must stay together. Must already have GCCs and be knowledgeable. Will not sell to bird sellers or breeders. I want them to go to a good home.
Male 4.5 years old (Mojo)
Female 1.5-year-old (Sweet pea)
Healthy, happy birds. Both are step-up...
Hi everyone! we brought home a second green cheek conure who is 9 weeks old. Our 1 year old green cheek conure that we have had for the past year keeps preening the baby and keeps locking beaks sideways with the baby and shaking its head up and down really fast. I was wondering if this is...
Hello, yet another new member here!
I recently adopted a green cheeked conure, Echo, (unknown gender yet), and am ecstatic with them. They are not yet tame, but are not fearful, and accept bigger treats from my hand. They seem very eager to learn. Their age is somewhere between 6 months and a...
So I am currently planning on getting a conure sometime early next year. I live in Australia, around Melbourne and have been trying to find popular and well priced breeders that I might possibly buy from. I have my heart set on a Turquoise GCC and I am already aware that they are a bit more...
Well unfortunately it’s not a tropical ocean, but the Gulf of Maine/Atlantic Ocean on the coast of New Hampshire. Brought this GCC home today, and I had not intended to acquire my first bird from a national pet chain.
But it was a great personality and I was displeased at the quality of its...
hello, so update for you all! cypress has been doing better! marginally. progress is progress though, and I'm quite proud of him for it. unfortunately, we've run into another problem- we do our training sessions with him on top of his cage, but whenever my hand touches the top when he's not in...
Hi everyone! I recently adopted a baby GCC conure male named Jello. (previously I introduced him on here as Ziggy, but his name has since changed). He's a super sweet guy just trying to figure out how the world works, and he's so cuddly. But he bites... hard. He starts out by slowly pinching me...
I got a green cheek conure 2 days ago and named him melon (he's around 2 months old), he has been active, although not much but I am guessing it's because he's still getting used to the place.
I have a few questions about gcc poops
1. Do they poop a lot? Melon keeps pooping a lot, less than 5...
Hi everyone,
I’ve had Joey, my green cheek Conure for 5 months now and I got him when he was 10 week old. We let him roam around the house (supervised) and he is in his cage only when we are not home or when it’s his bedtime. He has always been very friendly with everyone and definitely not...
I have a sweet GCC named Fuji, he is 4 years old and yesterday I believe he vomited. This happened after he got a few sips of CBD oil by mistake.
He is otherwise behaving very normally except for one thing, he seems to sip water between every mouthful of pellets. He doesn't do this with all...
I have a GCC that is about to turn 1.
I'm away from the house a lot for school and I'm scared he's getting lonely.
Should I wait another year or so or just try now?
And, what type of bird should I adopt, if I do get another?
Hi! I'm relatively new to conures, but I'm having a great time getting to know my green cheeks and their quirky personalities!
I acquired Sophie (a yellow-sided green-cheeked conure) about 2.5 months ago. Unfortunately, I recently found out that she has an enlarged heart, but she's getting...
Hello everyone, I'm new here and and first time pet owner.
12 days ago I decided to get a GCC, I've been meaning to get a bird for about a year now but after barely surviving a very bad case of covid, I decided to do so as soon as I am healed and capable. I've been stalking birds ads for a...
The Issue:
My green cheek has become extraordinarily clingy & he screams whenever he knows I'm home but out of sight. It's extremely high-pitched & can go on forever. I'm trying so so hard but it's not getting better, so I'm asking for help.
- I know Conures are loud, I'm not expecting him to...
Hello everyone.
So allow me to get right to the chase. I am currently the owner of two GCCs, Hawk and Swoop. I have had Hawk for about a year and a half and have had him since he was weened (assumed male, non DNA tested) and he has been the sweetest and most playful thing imaginable. He was...
Hi guys, my green cheek Conure layed and hatched some eggs the first week of August this year and one of the babies seems to be lying on it’s back all the time. Is this normal? The mother is feeding the baby whenever and the abdomen is bigger than the crop. Is this normal too? I’ve been my...
My two year old Green Cheek Conure somehow got the piece from the middle of her bell toy wedged onto the bottom part of her beak. It has a slit on the side where it slides onto the metal ring, and that slit is jammed onto the side of her beak (Like a piercing..) I tried to wiggle it off a little...
hi my year old gcc has behavioral issues and when hes let out of his cage he bites and screams and wont let u touch him, in his cage hes nice and loves getting pet but out is the opposite i would like some tips on how to deal with his behavioral issues:)-
I am "boarding" GCC Kona for a few months while her owner is abroad. She has been losing feathers since (and before) she arrived with me, even though it's not time for her usual molt according to her owner. She was with someone else for ~3 weeks before coming to me, and that person really...
Hello 👋 we have recently taken in a rescue GCC (Pepito) and I have a few things I'm concerned about so thought I'd write my own post after looking through a few threads.
Firstly her diet is not not great. She was previously fed only seed mix and human junk food ie. McDonald's fries, ice cream...
Hi, I hope someone is able to help as I am very worried about my little conure Rio. He is a male, about 3 years old. He came to me just over a year ago after living with my farther and his wife since weening. Rio while living with my farther took to his wife and only his wife. He is a very...
Piña (our pineapple GCC) is now about 14 weeks old and her personality is really coming out. She loves being the center of attention. She plays very well in her cage with her toys and does this adorable cheep when she finds one of the little treats I've hidden in her foraging toys. We have her...
Hello everyone!
I’m very new here so I apologize for any mistakes.
I have recently become an owner to a beautiful 4 month old cinnamon GCC named Monkey (getting a dna sexing soon). All has been absolutely great other than this one issue. I have owned a fair share of cockatiels and budgies in...
Looking for additional members for my flock and figured I'd check here first.
1) Male conure 1-7 y/o. I currently have a male maroon bellied conure who is desperately trying to play with the cockatiel and she wants none of it. Hoping to get him a companion whether they end up being cage...
Hi, I have an Avery and am wanting to buy a pair of sun conures and Green cheek conures and put them in it together and am just wondering if the birds will be okay with each other.