
  1. jcharbula


    Hello everyone! I'm so glad I found this forum. I have one timneh Grey his name is Smokey. I have had him since he was a baby and he is now almost 5 years old! Wow I can't believe it's been that long already. He is my baby and we love each other very much. I'm looking to learn all I can about my...
  2. Lo_Liv

    New Owner- Getting nibbled on a lot!

    Hello! My name is Lori and I just brought home my first baby Green Cheek, Pancake! He is a nibbler. I have been reading lots of articles about the "Step Up" method and training your Conure not to bite. Well, I think Pancake is making a game out of biting me, and I'm not sure how to reverse the...
  3. Lo_Liv

    Lori & Pancake - The Pineapple Green Cheek Conure

    Hello! I am the proud new Mommy of 4 month old Pancake! :gcc: He came home yesterday! I have decided to seek out a parrot forum in order to learn how to better handle and train my little guy. For years I owned a curmudgeonly Yellow Nape whom I loved dearly, but despite all our best efforts...
  4. Cthebird

    Getting my Hahn's macaw to be nice to hubby

    My husband and I adopted our 6 month old Hahn's macaw on Labor Day weekend. At first, he seemed to favor my hubby, but was also always nice to me. I work from home and he sees me many hours per day. If he is in his cage, he mostly sees me since I spend most time in the same room (unless I'm...
  5. W

    Conure Wants Cuddles But Bites

    I recently adopted a conure from someone. The bird has no problem with new environments and is very calm and quiet. She loves cuddles and wants them 24/7 , however she bites me almost every time she cuddles me. I go to change her water and I get bitten. She wants the contact, she just wants her...
  6. S

    Extremely Aggressive Senegal - At Risk

    I have an 8 year old Senegal, Ziggy, who is insanely aggressive, and his biting is bad enough that I'm considering options to have him removed from the house entirely. I could manage just not handling him, but the problem goes well beyond that. -He always bites with full force, and once he...
  7. C

    My new conure. Please advise!

    Hi all. Exactly a week ago my partner and I picked up our new Green Cheek Conure - Benji. We are first time parrot owners and would like to express our concerns and hopefully find some advice to what we are doing right or wrong. Benji is 4 months old and we got him from a couple that...
  8. S

    Parakeet bonding issues

    How do i help this My bugie will hop on my finger but somtimes he bites other times he hops on then flies of instantly i rarely get him to perch on my finger or interact unless theres food involved
  9. M

    Eastern rosella bites me!

    Hello parrot owners, i got my rosella for like 5 years, he is 6 yo. And after 5 years he still bites me, when i got him, a think that he gone stop that after time, but nothing helped. When i give him a finger in his cage, he istantly attack me with full power, not only for playing. Thanks for...
  10. C

    Help! My Conure Won't Stop Biting!

    Hello! Recently purchased a hand reared GCC. He's 6 months old. He's very friendly, lets us stroke him and takes food from us without biting. Today he stepped onto my hand, on his own accord, while I was stroking him! I was very pleased until he started chewing my finger :(. I put him back on...
  11. crazybirdlady19

    Green Cheek Conure Aggression

    Hi there! I adopted a beautiful young GCC (1 or 2 years old) just over two months ago, and he used to be the sweetest, cuddliest thing. However, within the past week or so, he has become very aggressive toward me--fanned out tail, screaming, and biting HARD whenever I even come near him. My...
  12. S

    Help me please, my Canary-Winged Bebe is going crazy.

    I'm hoping someone here can help me. When our Jenday conure died we did a lot of research into finding the right bird for our family. We decided after months of research that a Hahns Macaw was what we wanted. We have a busy household with two dogs and two kids but I am ALWAYS home so its a...
  13. DillyAndBaby

    Dilly being naughty!

    Hi all, I've received a lot of great training advice from this forum! My very naughty GCC, Dilly, seems to be making improvement (slowly but surely). This though is a video of Dilly being naughty: She does this a lot... She will find a hiding place and...
  14. DillyAndBaby

    Help with Biting Green Cheek Conure?

    Hi all, I recently adopted a 2 year old green cheek conure (Dilly) and an adult lovebird (Baby) of an unknown age. I love them dearly, but the conure has a biting problem. She acts generally friendly when she is not being held. She often asks to be let out of the cage and asks to for me to...
  15. S

    New GC Conure Sudden Aggression

    We had just brought in a 12 week old GC Conure yesterday from a person that had an accidental few eggs they ended up raising. It was the sweetest thing right off the bat. It would lick you any chance it got and loved to hide right under my ponytail and even slept there a couple times since...
  16. K

    biting and growling a lot

    hello so my electus parrot's name is Chappo... we bought him a bit over a year ago from a flea market and aren't too sure how old he is... he seemed full grown when we got him and he was able to speak a lot of works, he knew step up, and he was potty trained.. anyway... he has always been...
  17. B

    12 Week Old GCC Suddenly Very Aggressive

    Hello! I'm a new owner, and I've recently gotten my first bird. She's a pineapple green cheek conure and was hatched on April 1st. I met her before buying her and she was very curious and bubbly. The first few days home with me she was very sweet. When I'd take her out she would be calm and...
  18. J

    Odd behavior in parakeet over the last 2 days

    Hello, Starting 2 days ago my bird began acting odd. It was tearing out the newspaper in its litter tray and throwing it on the ground. I thought nothing of it and thought it was just restlessness, so I replaced that with bark which my bird has used before. However, almost immediately after, my...
  19. E

    My First Cockatoo is a Rescue

    How it started: Hello my name is Erick, and I just recently bought a Cockatoo from a local pet store very recently. The reason I bought him was because when I went to the gym very late at night (anywhere from 1AM- 4AM) I would past a pet store and see him all alone in a cage and I have to say...
  20. A

    First GCC + Feeling Hopeless :(

    Hello! I adopted Loretta, my first GCC, the other day. The old owner said she thinks she's between 4 and 6 months old. She came from a house with a lot of kids and a lot of chaos, so I don't know if that has something to do with the problems I'm having. Namely, the fact that my hands, arms, and...
  21. P

    Is my parrot trying to bite me?

    He loves me because he gets on my arm and doesnt Let anyone but me hold him.. But when I go to pet him, he will let me for a few seconds but then Will move his head toward my hand with his mouth open! Once when I moved my hand away he moved his body to try to reach My hand with his mouth...
  22. OMG

    Are you SURE you want a 'too?

    I remember reading somewhere (probably on this forum, for that matter!) that if you adopt a cockatoo, being bitten isn't just a possibility; it's a certainty. And you have to be okay with that if you're going to be a parront. Today I spent a couple hours at my friend's apartment (the friend...
  23. J

    My Pineapple GCC suddenly hates me

    I've had my GCC for two years. He's a pineapple called Diego. He's always been a feisty one but i could always hold him however i wanted and he NEVER bit me ever. I've moved house a month a go and he was fine. I then went a way for a week and had a friend take care of him. He got very attached...
  24. S

    NEED HELP!! agressive bird!

    Hi, I got a Congo African Grey last Sunday and have now had him 7 days, he's 2 years old a have had one set of previous owners who raised him from hatch. He was bonded with the husband of the couple we bought him from, he didn't like any other members of their family as they didn't socialise...
  25. M

    My Jardine is a menace. Help!

    My mom bought a baby Jardine parrot for my dad 6-7 months ago and he was sweet to everyone at first, then one day he decided he hated strangers, then my dad, then me and my brother, now he only likes my mom. My dad is a little butt hurt about it but the rest of us are okay with it but now he's...
  26. Soul

    Sudden Behavioral Change

    My 3-year-old 'tiel has suddenly been acting very aggressive towards me. We've always had a very good relationship. We play this game where we "blow kisses" to each other. Essentially, he just mimics a kissing sound and I would do it back or vice versa. In fact, just last night he was blowing...
  27. Itsohkai

    Socialization Tips?

    Blaze is my (nearly) 3-year old Sun Conure. I'd like to help him get more used to people so I hope someone will be able to help me out. Let me give a little backstory to make things clearer. When I first got him, his wings had been clipped so I wasn't worried about him flying away from me and...
  28. B

    Questions about Green Cheek conures

    Hi! I am getting a male green cheek soon, and I have never owned a bird. I have heard about the hormonal stage? Like they get nippy and scream? 1. Do they all go through this stage? (im assuming so) 2. When they start screaming, do they eventually go back to being quiet birds, or will they...
  29. K

    Biting Brown Headed Parrot, 15 months old

    Please help! We have a young BHP, he/she is approximately 15 months and we've had her for close to 9 months. She started out sweet, but not overly affectionate, and recently she's been MEAN and biting the heck out of me, literally lunging at me while doing my makeup and biting to hurt, leaving...
  30. lorika

    A happy update!

    Hey everyone! Just wanted to say "thank you" for all the nice advice you have given me when my lorikeet was acting up and biting :) It's not completely disappeared, I think, (can't say for certain because we usually "fight" every other week or so) but on a happy note: him and I have learned...
  31. J

    I got a Conure! Questions.....

    Hello everyone! I recently adopted a green cheek conure yesterday at a family-owned bird shop (teamed with with a adoption center) for around $200. The previous owner dropped it off with a cockatiel and did not explain the reason why she was giving it up. The conure was very friendly at the...
  32. C

    Help socializing neglected(?) red-fronted Amazon?

    Hi guys, I'm not technically a parrot owner...I've owned parakeets and finches in the past, but no large birds, and have no experience with them. However, I recently moved into a new house with several roommates. One of them is a bit of a "fashion" pet owner and gets cute or interesting animals...
  33. M

    Conure keeps biting

    Hello :) My seven month old conure loves to bite everything ( as all bird do xD ) and I'm trying to teach her to not bite my hands. I've heard the fastest way to teach them not to bite is to not get bitten in the first place. They said to distract them with food or toys if they are biting or if...
  34. lorika

    Got bitten again - what to do when a bird is angry?

    Hi everyone, Just now I was cleaning my lorikeet's cage with a little sponge to get the food residue off the bars. Loki's always kinda aggressive towards "things that move quickly", so he tried to bite the sponge. I just continue on the cage somewhere else. Eventually I have to reach inside...
  35. T

    Conure Nibbling

    Baby Green Conure Nibbling? I got a Green Cheek Conure from my local pet store today, the day we brought him home he was great, very tame, calm, not panting, etc. Today in the morning when we tried to pet him he started like licking our fingers? He was not biting, but instead licking/touching...
  36. J

    Aggressive Nanday

    About 2 months ago I rescued a Nanday from an abusive home. She is about 5 years old. When I got her she had an overgrown beak, long nails, and had plucked out all of her chest feathers. At first she was a little afraid but then became extremely aggressive. When you walk by her cage she lunges...
  37. Roanoke

    Biting through cage bars

    Hey everybody, I was just messing with my boy through the side of the cage (It's next to my computer desk) and noticed him snapping at me a couple times. He bows his head to be stroked, so I oblige, and after about 3 second he whips his head around to try and catch me. Fortunately he's not...
  38. nibbler

    Behavioural issues starting young

    Iv raised other breeds of birds when i was a child/teen however this is the first time iv raised a bird with within a family (i have a 3 yr old daughter with autism who is unable to walk, talk yet) and a partner. My bird (unsure of gender yet) has taken a strong bond to me, despite us not...
  39. Destornis

    Aggressive conure - help please!

    Hello, I am very new to this forum, and I need some help with my GCC. I am not sure if the conure is a male or female, but I'm not exactly sure if that will effect my problems. My conure is extremely aggressive towards other people besides me. I have had conures for a few years now, but this one...
  40. S

    Violent Conure

    Hi! I have posted here before about my female 3 year old GCC Haru, and it seems nothing i try helps. She screams, all day everyday, which is something i can live with, but the biting.. She bites me every chance she gets! I tried saying no in a stern voice, I tried walking away, ive tried...
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