
  1. B

    Green cheek conure biting everyone :(

    I have a green cheek named Yoshi. He is about 1 year and 4 months right now. My biggest problem with him since we've gotten him is he bites everyone who is not me or my dad. Anyone else and I mean anyone else he will bite them and bite them hard. Im not sure when exactly this started, i got him...
  2. S

    Reasons your lovebird is grumpy!!!

    40 years of having and raising Agapornis roseicollis aka Peachfaced Lovebird has taught me a lot! Many thanks to all whom have inspired and instructed me! 1) Boredom Lovebirds get bored easily. Change out toys, even thier most favorite toys, will keep that birdie brain busy! Grooming toys, toy...
  3. M

    I need advice for my Quaker Parrot! Please Reply!

    Okay so I have a baby Quaker 3 months old (20 weeks old) and I've had him for maybe a little over a month now and I was wondering how long it takes them to get used to their owners? He's very skittish and doesn't let my hands by him, he won't step up unless I have a treat and it's a wood dowel...
  4. L

    Biting Issues

    Hello! Been awhile since I've posted about my budgie Dee(year old), and his new friend Louie! Every since Dee has hitten "bird puberty" he doesn't like to be touched/rubbed (which is fine) but he has a bad habit of biting you when trying to give kisses etc, he'll be fine and want kisses but then...
  5. H

    Never been out of a cage, my first bird

    I just got my first bird three days ago from a privately owned pet store. He's a cockatiel that's just over a year old and I named him Winston. He is an absolute sweetheart and took to me immediately. Within the first 10 minutes of me putting him in his flight cage, he was already eating and...
  6. Skittles16

    Weird random biting phase

    A while ago my parrot Skittles was injured by getting her head caught in the door and the skin on her head came off down to the bone. After making some calls I treated her accordingly and It healed fully after a month. But now she has this weird biting thing where she'll bite someone if they...
  7. X

    Conure suddenly biting? Help?

    My gcc has never been particularly bitey, but she has always been very excited by tissues. This wasn't much of an issue before, we would just give her a little bit of tissue or let her bite it before using it, but for some reason all of a sudden when you try to give her the tissue she'll go...
  8. Koko_the_fluf

    Question about biting

    I have a male cinnamon green cheek conure named Koko he is about 2 years old and he has been biting since he was rehomed when he was 6 months old and I'm trying to stop him from biting and he has gotten better since he first came here he is chill and quiet but he bites hard about once a day to...
  9. OpieBoy

    Quaker Parrot suddenly aggressive and bitey

    Hi there, I've had my boy Opie (2 years old) for a year and a half now. He has always been a very affectionate, smart, gentle boy. Initially he was scared of everything and over time he grew more and more confident. He comes to me voluntarily for scratches, cuddles, or if he just wants to be...
  10. O

    Flight attacks

    Hi, I’m new to the forum. I recently adopted a 4 year old male blue naped amazon. We have reason to believe he has been passed around many families and was abused. He has a large scab on the top of his head and the previous owners kept him in a tiny dog cage and only fed him sunflower seeds...
  11. L

    Struggling with untamed Ringneck

    Hello all! I'm struggling to know whether I am able to keep an INR (Mr Wong) I adopted from my tai chi teacher. I was told that Mr Wong is "totally tame", "loved being with people" and "could go outside on your shoulder without flying away" all of which are absolutely not true. His wings are...
  12. C

    Emergency / biting green cheek conure

    I'm writing this while crying. Please read this and help me please I'll give some context. I've had my green cheek conure ( Chester) for almost 4 years and I got him with 1 month. He didn't have any problems with biting except when he was passing puberty but never with me just with others. Two...
  13. Z

    Can training get rid of Biting all together?

    Long story short, I intend on working with an 36-year-old Amazon and a 9-year-old conure my brother is neglecting either by frequent visits or taking the animals myself. (I haven't decided which since either comes with its own issues) The reason they're being neglected is because they bite and...
  14. B

    Have I trained my bird to bite me?

    I was working with a GCC I have for a few months on her step up/down because while she would readily step up to go to my shoulder or her training perch, she wouldn't come off me without a target stick or a treat. But after about a week of working on the step up/down as a trick (treating on up...
  15. S

    Urgent advice needed for baby ringneck

    Hey all, I just got a hand reared Indian ringneck a week ago (3 months old) Its not aggressive, but when it's on me, it will just reach down casually and chew on my skin and draw blood. Is this normal for ringnecks? I've had other parrots but I assumed with it being hand raised it wouldn't do...
  16. Dandy

    Sudden aggression from a formerly cuddly conure

    Hi all, I got Dandy, my green cheek conure, from a shelter about 8 months ago. They said he was around 2 years old, but didn't know his exact age, so I'm assuming he is around 3 years old now. Once he adjusted to me and my apartment, he was such a sweet and cuddly bird. Suddenly, he started...
  17. J

    Biting issues and puberty questions

    Hi all, so I've written in the health section about some issues I've had with my GCC Java a few times, health wise he's doing well and we haven't had any scares since thank goodness but now we've moved on to a new issue. Java has recently gotten VERY bitey and aggressive, he's got a good...
  18. K

    Red Belly Parrot - Hormonal/Aggressive

    I am hoping for some advice with our Red Belly, Al. He is 26 years old, and we just adopted him about 3 months ago. Ever since we got him he has always had an obsession with doors. Opening rooms, closets, the fridge, cupboards, etc would always result in him flying across the room and trying to...
  19. B

    Angry bird! Please help!

    Hello! I recently purchased my first Indian Ringneck about 2 weeks ago. The breeder said that he/she (no idea of the gender currently) was hand reared and is about 13 weeks. When I got him home I opened the cage door and allowed him to move into his new big boy cage, the one he was kept in by...
  20. PapayaTheQuaker

    Training advice please!

    Hello! I've had Papaya for a while now but I feel as though we are not completely bonded as most parrot owners are. I feel as though he is still very skittish and and he tends to bite me when he is in his cage and I know quakers are very cage aggressive but nevertheless I would assume it...
  21. missammo

    Territorial Biting

    I have a green cheek conure named Pocky that has a lot of trust issues. Her family moved away and gave her to my dad. About a few weeks ago she came to live with me. She has a huge biting problem. Pocky hates fingers. It's impossible to get her to step up on your finger since she doesn't like...
  22. M

    My GCconure suddenly hates me !

    My dearest Eddie.. what have I done to deserve this? Bloodshed! Tears! I’m heartbroken! My little Green Cheek named Eddie is approximately 11 months old so we are nearing his first birthday. I adopted him at about 5 months old so he has been part of my family for around 6 months now. Especially...
  23. P

    Raging Hormones!!

    I don't know if it's because Spring is in the air or Zim is just settling in to our new home and dynamic but his hormonal behaviours have been steadily increasing in intensity. He has chosen my partner as his mate, with all the joys of following him everywhere, regurgitating food on him and...
  24. F

    My Green Cheek won’t stop biting

    Hi! I’ve had my green cheek for about 6 months now and she is lovely. She cuddles up to me and will let me give her scratches on her head. But when I bring my hand close to her, her first instinct is to latch on to my finger and start chewing. Hard. It is incredibly painful, and she doesn’t let...
  25. C

    GCC's constant and resilient biting

    I'm making a dedicated thread to how my GCC (named Climber) is constantly looking for things to bite. He has a toy that he usually stands on but apart from that he doesn't have anything else to bite (in my house), so he looks for random things within his reach to bite (even my computer mousepad...
  26. C

    Baby Conure Biting Issues

    hey all, I've just brought home a young (2 months) green cheek named Corvus and she is the love of my life! she's very friendly overall but has some issues biting. at this point I can't tell if it's just because she's so young (she's still getting used to perching) and doesn't quite have a good...
  27. Ava.rg

    HELP!!! New handtamed baby conure biting

    Help!! I recently bought a new baby pineapple gcc three days ago. Its 8 weeks old. It was handtamed and let’s me pet it and doesn’t act scared at all. It lets me grab it. The breeder did not teach it to step up he would grab them. However, I want to teach it to step up. I try to get him to step...
  28. P

    GCC Aggression Issues

    Hi all! I have a 6 month old Green Cheek Conure (w/Turquoise Mutation) named Zazu :) and recently over the last couple months she has become a bit aggressive towards other people outside my immediate family. I am not sure what entirely changed but I believe the lack of social interaction (not...
  29. F

    Aggressive Female?

    Hi all, new budgie owner here. I got my 2 budgies about 2 months ago, I believe it's one boy (Gatorade) and a girl (Blueberry). They bonded very quickly when we brought them home, cuddling, preening each other and regurgitating. However recently Blueberry underwent her first molt and started...
  30. Reb

    Rainbow Lorikeet Aggression - Help!

    Hi there I am really new to this forum and honestly, this feels a little like a last resort. I feel I need to give background information as to why I'm so confused. I have a rainbow Lorikeet named Zuko and I love him to bits. I got him about this time last year making him a little over a...
  31. M

    Several questions about taking care of my african grey

    Hello, my african grey is 3 years old and it doesn't behave in the way I'd like it to. I usually face some problems with it and would like some help and advice. 1. I used to spend alot of time with him whenever he would be outside the cage but he never bonded with me. He bonded with two...
  32. A

    Indian Ringneck furious over certain things.

    Hey all. I have an IRN and I need a little help. She starts puffing up, screaming and attacking me consistently over certain things, including bells, ice cubes and guitars. Removing the bells from her toys isn’t too much of a hassle, and I suppose I can deal with not having ice in my drinks but...
  33. A

    Hormonal Quaker?

    Hi all, I've had Arthur, my 1 year and 7 month old male quaker, for a little under a year and a half. He loves learning new phrases, flying and shredding toys but lately his behavior has been getting bad. I'm used to him yelling when we leave him alone in a room and I understand that's his...
  34. A

    Green cheek conures biting

    Hey everyone, I'm actually new here, but I searched everywhere to find some solution for this, but I'm still not sure what to do... I have two green cheek conures. We adopted them, and the previous owner said they are a male and female and they just turned one year old now, but I'm not sure...
  35. C

    Questions regarding my ringneck

    Hello everyone, I'm totally new to this forum so I'll try to briefly explain my questions and what my parrot looks like. I've established that my baby parrot aged 1 year old named Rio is a ringneck and the colour is totally green. However, this is my first time owning a parrot in general and I...
  36. PapayaTheQuaker

    Need Advice on Aggressive Quaker

    Hi everyone, I'm new to this community but I'm very excited to be a part of it. I have an 8-month-old quaker that I've had for a couple of months now. I got Papaya from Petco they were actually about to transfer him to a different store and I told them to stop because I am getting him...
  37. D

    I've cried every day for the past 8 months...please help

    Where do I begin. I will explain our entire relationship so you can better understand and help me. Please I'm so desperate We bought fancy, a turquoise green cheek when he was 3 months old...cute little bugger. The second we got him we were able to hold him..didn't bite..nothing. I bought him...
  38. H

    IRN help!!!!

    Hello all, I'm brand new to this site..just signed up yesterday. I was hoping some of you could give me some insight on my situation. So alittle back story I grew up around birds. My mother raised cockatiels and love birds (so I'm use to bird bites ;)). I even had a conure that was a nasty...
  39. M

    My birds don't trust me! :(

    Hello! I am new to this forum, and I am having trouble with my bird. I have a 5-year-old cockatiel who still doesn't seem to trust me. He really loves attention, but he doesn't like for me to put my hand by him to get him to step up. I try to get him out when I can, but honestly, I'm working and...
  40. D

    4 year old starting to bite

    Hi, my Dori is 4 1/2 years old, I have had here since she was a baby. She has recently started biting HARD. For example, sitting on my shoulder she will just out of the blue, bite my ear ... not the gently preening nibbles. The other day I had my hand out for her to step up and she just bit the...
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