
  1. O

    Advice wanted! Green-Cheek, with sordid past, bites!

    Hello All! I am looking for some advice. I recently got a Green Cheek Conure; I am his third home and he is under 1 year old. His first owner was a young girl who neglected him and left him up in her room all day alone since her mother did not like the noise (she was scared of him so never...
  2. C

    Territorial Agression - Green Cheek

    I just adopted a green cheek conure 10 days ago. He is 15 years old and believed to be male (but never tested). He was raised by the same family since he was very young and is supposedly tame. His primary human went to college and as a result, has not received enough attention for awhile - which...
  3. FourFeathers

    GC super aggressive all of the sudden, PLEASE HELP ;-;

    A few months ago I had my GC out and out of nowhere he started biting me like crazy. I'm talking repeatedly trying to tear chunks out of my finger. He's about 3 years old and I've heard of them hitting puberty late, but he isn't showing any signs of wanting to mate with anything at all. At this...
  4. D

    Bites when training

    I have a couple of issues I'd appreciate some help with. I've restarted training of Sammie, my 13 1/2 year old white bellied. She's been with me since she was 4 months. I'm experiencing the same issue I had when I initially started target training. I get her to touch a stick or bell and...
  5. V

    Houdini loves me... aggressively

    I have a quaker named Houdini who is about a year old. I remember being so thrilled when she first let me hold her, but now I can't seem to get her off of me. This wouldn't be an issue if she wasn't hurting me. She likes to preen my hair but she does it so aggressively that she's pulling my hair...
  6. quackerz

    Teaching GCC fingers are not food?

    Hello, I recently got a new baby turquoise GCC. He is about 3 months old according to the breeder. I've been having a hard time interacting with him. Not because he is afraid of me. He would fly to my shoulders as soon as I leave him. He enjoys me petting him on the cheek. He also steps up...
  7. F

    I need help

    Almost two years ago, my mom got a Green cheek Conure. She said she'd owned birds before (zebra finch) and claimed that It would be the exact same. I assumed she'd done research and learned how to properly care for the bird. I was wrong. It took me over a year to convince her to get even a...
  8. A

    Possible cage aggression?

    Hello, so I am new to owning cockatiels and my boy Wuapo is my first. I've had budgies before, but never had this problem. So I've had my boy for quite a while now, he is very friendly. He enjoys having his scritches and kisses, but he won't come out of his cage or step up from inside his cage...
  9. xopaula

    Problems with my 6 month old Alexandrine

    Hello, I have now had Coco, my alex for about 1 month and a half, she was parent raised and when I first got her from the breeder for the first day I have kept her in her new cage so she could get used to her surroundings better (she is kept in my room). On the second day I opened the cage so...
  10. A

    Budgie Started Biting

    My boyfriend and I take care of this little parakeet. At first, he was a little skittish but then warmed up to me and let me give him scratches. He then started to grow a bunch of pin feathers around his neck and head and wings. He didn't want to be touched for awhile, and I thought this was...
  11. A

    Young Green Cheek Biting

    I recently adopted a 6 month old green cheek conure. Problem is, he's rather nippy. I've done so much research and tried so many methods in order to get him to stop, but nothing has worked. He bites hard to the point it breaks my skin. Here is what I have tried so far: - Blowing on him gently...
  12. Moonlight_Wc_Gcc

    My GCC is biting my hair and breaking it!

    It has only started 2 days ago when my GCC (green cheek conure) started biting my hair. I wasn't concerned at first because it usually sits on my head while nibbling on hair. But this time, I could hear the chewing/grinding. When I checked, I saw that it had broke my hair and several strands of...
  13. CrossCrash

    Green cheek biting constantly

    Hi folks, hoping you can help. We've got a green cheek conure, around 5-6 months old. For the last two months he's become really bitey. He'll bite hard, often, and frequently breaks the skin. It's becoming impossible to let him out of his cage because he can't be trusted not to bite. We'd love...
  14. L

    Taming 1 Year Old IRN

    Hi all, I'm having trouble taming my IRN. Butters is a creamino, about 14 months old. He's afraid of hands and I'm having a lot of trouble helping him get over it. He'll take food from my hands and I can get him to step up onto a coffee mug, but he nips at my hands and bites hard enough to...
  15. B

    Training baby conure to be more gentle.

    I have a young green cheek conure. Only 3/4 months old. Very sweet thing but ofcourse cheeky and curious. Problem I'm having is she like to nibble on fingers and ears and the nibbling gets a bit hard and although I try to ignore her it gets to the point she really bites down. I'm pretty tough...
  16. C

    Help needed

    Hi, I’ve had a pet Alexandrine parrot for just under a year now and we have had a good bond. I have been able to pick her up, play with her, clean her cage with no problems. However, we recently just got back from a 3 week holiday, so the bird stayed at a family members place. Since having her...
  17. A

    Young Lovebird biting issues...

    Hello, first off, please forgive me if this is not the right way to begin a thread - this is my first time using a forum and I am just looking for some advice. Anyways, the issue is regarding my new peach faced lovebird, Darby. I got him from a pet shop, but not a large chain like PetCo, a small...
  18. P

    Is my IRN bluffing or is he aggressive?

    Hi, I am new here so just getting the hang of things. I was given a approx. 4 week old IRN orphan in july 2018. I hand raised it and he was the sweetest baby ever. I did step up training and also some flight training. He also gave me kisses. Then he came into the bluffing stage and started...
  19. S

    GCC Lost Trust in my Hands

    I have had my Green Cheeked Conure, Anzu, for a little over a year now, and it has until now been a wonderful experience. We were fully bonded, and with a lot of work I got her to bond with the rest of my family as well. As last week was Thanksgiving, we had a lot of distant relatives come...
  20. PenClem

    Behavior modification training w/Lovebird

    Backstory: one of two 3 y/o Peach-faced Lovebirds who became increasingly aggressive towards me (the only person who handles her) over the last several months, especially with regard to her cage. She wouldn't let me remove or place bowls of food and water without trying to bite me. Most of the...
  21. L

    Help! Greenwing doble trouble!

    Hi, I'm new over here. It's a long story but I'll try to make it short. Two years ago my dad passed away so I inherited, together with his house a beautifull 15 yo female greenwing named Pluma. Around 5 weeks ago a friend aproached me me ask if I could adopt another greenwing of unknown gender...
  22. N

    My Alexandrine keeps biting and i'm running out of options

    hello i own an alexandrine the person who got him to me said he is 2-4 yrs old he rescued him but my bird keeps biting my hands when they are near i have tried alot any tips? thanks for reading/answering have a Squak-tastic day!:D
  23. J

    HELP!! My bird is terrorizing our puppy!

    Okay, I know everyone's immediate reaction is it's jealousy, but it's not as simple as that. Please allow me to share some history: When I got Beaubeau (he's a Nanday) as a baby, he was so sweet, not just to me but to almost everyone. He gradually became more attached to me and not as friendly...
  24. T

    New bird bonded to pet sitter, now aggressive with family

    I am new to the forum and did a search for this issue, but didn't see anything on point. I have two parakeets and a new GCC, Hestia. We brought her* home about a month ago, and she is 7 months old. We were following the rules about quarantine, so she was in my bedroom for the first few...
  25. N

    Conure flightsuit issues

    It is IMPOSSIBLE to get my conure’s flight suit on. Anytime I try to grab her with my fingers on her cheekbones so she doesn’t bite me she gives me hell and it makes it impossible to get the flight suit on. The one time I did get it on her she couldn’t walk properly in it and her feet kept going...
  26. B

    Aggressive Conure - Looking for Help

    Hi all! I'm new here and have owned a little Green Cheek named Juju for a couple years now. She's incredibly aggressive (biter) and I'm hoping some of you might be able to offer some tips for training to make her a little more handleable. First some backstory for Juju: I got her a few years...
  27. CakeMarie

    Not very active

    Hi! I've had Hohenheim for about a month now. He lets me hold him but he runs right for my shoulder or the top of my couch where his favorite stuffed animal is at. He's not very playful and he doesn't move around a lot in the day...he's also very grumpy for most of the day and sometimes bites my...
  28. attycakes

    Aggression when near cage and cagemate?

    Hi everyone! We have two senegal parrots, Atty and Joey, who are about 10 years old. We got them both back in December 2007 when I was 16. When we first got them, they defiinitely played the notorious "picking of favorites" when it came to members of our family but I was always in good graces...
  29. C

    Green Cheek Suddenly Aggressive

    My Cinn. Green Cheek Conure is very sweet and loving and only 3 months old.. I haven't had any aggression issues with her besides tonight. I was in the living room with a few other family members, all of which she accepts, but a few moments after the house phone rang she completely FLIPPED...
  30. S

    Conure biting out of curiosity?

    I just got my little Nico (Green Cheek Conure) yesterday and he's quite the rascal! I've just got a couple of questions. Nico is super active some of the time (flipping upside down, bobbing his head up and down, walking around) but spends a substantial amount of time with his feathers...
  31. Jferrand526

    I need some help with a Senegal

    So this Senegal is not mine. I am babysitting him for the next two weeks and I need to ask some questions. I’m used to conures not Sennies, so I’m used to a little attitude but this Sennie bites me when I go to put him back in the cage, not that hard just a minor warning bite, he is missing part...
  32. Phyl6

    New Owner

    Hello, I recently became the owner of a GCC (Her Name is Phyllis) and I already love her so much. She’s been doing good for the most part, I just have a few behavioral concerns and I’m not sure if they’re normal? I was hoping I could get some advice/help..! She is only 5 months and is also a...
  33. Jferrand526

    Maverick lunging and biting

    Maverick, my pattagonian conure bit me for the first time today. Oh gosh it hurt so bad but he didn’t make me bleed at all and apologized afterwards. I had him on my hand around my mom and we were also in sight of his cage and he delivered a bite. I had to ice it and even after I did it still...
  34. ingkeu

    Biting as "playing"?

    I have a male blue-throated conure, he's about 7-months old. I understand that messing around and being everywhere is a normal thing for such a young bird. The problem is, from what I can see, he "likes" to go to my dad and bite him when he [dad] accosts him [bird] by "tickling". Sorry for...
  35. X

    Cockatiel chose to bond with my roommate instead of me

    Hello! So this is a long story. It might be more of a roommate problem, but I am not sure who to ask anymore. --- So I got my tiel when she was about 4 months old from the pets store. She was hand raised and everything (so she's about 8 months now). My girlfriend originally got her for my...
  36. N

    Thanks, Zelda!

    Hello everyone! So just a quick update - Zelda is already doing much better with her biting. I started off by giving her a treat every time she nibbled softly (I tried to avoid her nibbling my hand at all yesterday), and I would put her down on the floor or ignore her each time she nibbled hard...
  37. N

    New Green Cheek Conure Owner! Increased Biting

    Hello all! My boyfriend purchased a Green Cheek Conure (now named Zelda) for me from a local pet store on December 23rd (Saturday). She is 7 months old, and really such a sweet bird. She loves to sleep in my pocket and cuddle up anywhere that's warm and cozy. We were advised by the staff that...
  38. N

    New Green Cheek Conure Owner! Increased Biting

    Hello all! My boyfriend purchased a Green Cheek Conure (now named Zelda) for me from a local pet store on December 23rd (Saturday). She is 7 months old, and really such a sweet bird. She loves to sleep in my pocket and cuddle up anywhere that's warm and cozy. We were advised by the staff that...
  39. Sunnybirb

    New b&g macaw who has been rehomed a lot, biting and toy aggression

    We've had Sunny the blue and gold macaw for under a month. I'm new to owning a large parrot and spent a lot of time researching. Sunny has been very adaptable, loving, and trusting, considering everything she's been through. I don't know her age or how many homes she's been through in all (at...
  40. S

    My conure attacks me randomly ???

    I have a Pineapple Cheek Conure who is 2 years old. She is very friendly and loves cuddles and talks A LOT (like A LOT). But sometimes, she just randomly attacks and bites really hard. It's starting to become a major problem because I become too afraid to take her out of her cage sometimes...
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