
  1. J

    GCC likes my shoulder too much, how to get him off?

    I got my almost 4 month old green cheek conure about 4 days ago, and he has been making really good progress with me, he climbs on me, he steps up and down most of the time I want him to and he's even learning to poop on command very fast without treats. He lived with a really nice amateur...
  2. S

    Approach to being mauled while typing?

    While I've had my "playtime" with my galah inside I've had my laptop there and thought we could just "hang out together" for a while. She went very "bitey" when she saw me type on the computer and she also started biting the keys. Even though I stopped typing and picked her up, she stayed...
  3. B

    Aggressive Pineapple Conure

    Hi, I've been looking for some help on how to get my pineapple conure to stop biting, and to hopefully get an idea of why she's biting in the first place. There was another thread about biting conures, I however feel I need to be very specific with my case, as I haven't found tips on stopping...
  4. C

    Help-White fronted Amazon brutal attacks

    Hi, I've had my white fronted Amazon for about eight years now. He never bites me except in specific circumstances. Every time he gets around a new bird or even a small mammal, he gets very aggressive. I've recently moved back home to my parents who have another male Amazon. My bird, Morty...
  5. R

    Pepper is MAD at me :(

    I've had my Nanday for going on 2 years and we have absolutely LOVED each other...until tonight. This is TOTALLY my fault, but I need to fix it, please help!! I was in the bathtub with Pepper on my shoulder (per usual). He flew to my husband and then tried to fly back to me and one of his toes...
  6. T

    soon to be B&G parent with a few questions

    Hello Everyone! I have decided to become B&G macaw parent. After reading many books and online resources, there are still a few areas that I would like some advise on and would therefore be very grateful for any information you all could give me. one of my main concerns is regarding the...
  7. A

    New conure, trying to avoid bad habits

    Hi everyone, Please forgive me for cross posting, I also posted this under "behavior" and got no results so thought I would try here since everyone seems quite chatty. I am learning so much from this forum! My husband and I recently adopted a 13-year-old conure and she is adorable. However, I...
  8. A

    New conure, trying to nip bad habits in the bud

    Hi everyone, I am learning so much from this forum! My husband and I recently adopted a 13-year-old conure and she is adorable. However, I feel like she's started some bad behaviour since she's been with us (2.5 weeks) that I'd like to nip in the bud, but I have no idea where to begin. She's...
  9. morgandenis

    Young Conure starting agressive behavior...any suggestions??Thanks!

    Hey everyone, My boyfriend and I have had Loki, a pearly conure, for about 5 months now. He's always been nicer to my bf, and been kind of nippy with me. He doesn't really like to go play with toys or anything, he just hangs out on us all the time, and would just fly from one of us to the other...
  10. morgandenis

    Aggression issues arising....any suggestions?

    Hey everyone, My boyfriend and I have had Loki, a pearly conure, for about 5 months now. He's always been nicer to my bf, and been kind of nippy with me. He doesn't really like to go play with toys or anything, he just hangs out on us all the time, and would just fly from one of us to the other...
  11. BirdyMomma

    Baby YC Macaw BITING!!!

    Hello. Loki, our 10 1/2 week Yellow Collared Macaw is a sweet, super cuddly little girl. Her desire to cuddle is so strong, that we find ourselves torn between trying to satisfy her need for affection, and training her to sit contentedly on the hand, and to NOT scramble to the chest/neck area...
  12. H

    Lovebird help!

    Greetings, I recently found a lovebird perched onto my window grill and I decided to keep him as a pet as I didn't know of anyone who lost it. It has a rusty golden ring around its leg and I'm thinking maybe he escaped from a neighborhood bird shop? Anyway, I lured it in my house(don't ask me...
  13. BluBirdsMom

    Hello Everyone...I'm a Newby

    Hello Everyone.. I'm New to the forum, but not new to birds. I am currently owned by a Harlequin Macaw 25yrs old and a little lovebird. I also have a Boston Terrier. My husband and I are proud Parents of 3 kids. Our kids are 23,19,and 12. All but one kid has moved out. Our Daughter gave us our...
  14. C

    How can I calm myself down when my bird bites?

    Hi everyone! I'm hoping for some advice and support. I'm a first-time bird owner with a 5-year-old pionus who I adopted two months ago. Things are mostly great. He is well socialized, eats healthy food, enjoys my attention, and is receptive to training. I've been able to get him target trained...
  15. K


    Can someone please help, my green cheek is really aggressive when in her cage. She will put one foot on me then bite me really hard. Atm I take my hand away then n try again and eventually she does give me two feet but it takes like half hour? Once she is out she is generally fine unless I let...
  16. cass

    Proud owner of a new grey, but I need help!

    I'm new to the forum, but I've been lurking on here for months as I've researched and thought over which bird was right for me. Ultimately, because of my housing situation (an apartment) and just generally falling in love with them, I adopted a congo grey named Arya yesterday. She's my first...
  17. T

    Painting my nails is a gamble..

    I have a green cheek and he has his moods like any parrot but I usually know how to handle him so that he's comfortable and satisfied. I've had him for a little over a year now and I've always painted my nails and it used to bother him at first but now he usually doesn't react to them. I took...
  18. L

    New Green Cheek Nippy, how do we stop it?

    I am a new bird owner. My friend was no longer able to care for her 2 year old green cheek so I adopted him. She said he was very sweet and shy. I have had him for almost a week. I am able to have him walk on my arms and shoulders but he still bites me if I try to pet him, as well as if anyone...
  19. M

    How to Get Your Budgie to Stop Biting!

    How to Get Your Budgie to Stop Biting - YouTube I wanted to try to help others with the problem of their budgie biting. :greenyellow:
  20. K4rest

    New GreenCheek Mommie

    Hi, Today is day 2 of being a new green cheek mommie. We just brought home our beautiful baby boy on Friday afternoon. Loki is making a good transition from his cage at the nursery where he was born to his new home with us. He was hatched in January of this year and the breeder has all her...
  21. Seppun

    Strange Body Language & Mixed Signals with Green Cheek Conure

    So, we've had Idris for a month now, and if anyone remembers my previous thread, we took her from a pretty abusive and neglectful home. I think we've made good speed in our progress with her, all things considered. She is around 6 months old, so I know we have a couple years to go in hormonal...
  22. A

    Caique behavioral issues please help!

    My white-bellied Caique, Riley is having some behavioral issues. He is currently a little over two years old. He's always been a nibbler but sometimes he gets extremely "bitey" which we are trying to train him out of. However, he'll sometimes squawk that loud pitch annoying Caique squawk...
  23. HusseinBerjaoui

    A call for help: Biting

    So my medium sized parrot, which have been here since a month, is not sociable at all. He doesn't wistle, doesn't scream. Accepts treats from hand, accepts touches in certain timed but a good biter most of the times. I need to be provided with maximum help, please. I need links, videos, and...
  24. P

    Parakeet help? (Biting & Touching)

    Hi bird lovers!(: I'm new here, and I have a parakeet named Kiko. At night and in the evening, he sits on the perch closest to the outside of the cage. Thus meaning that I can easily pet him through the cage. I've never actually pet him before, because whenever I stick my finger in there, he...
  25. HusseinBerjaoui

    Help me please with my Parrot, I'm new

    So I've got my new Jardine Parrot three days ago, I absolutely know nothing about it, neither its age nor its gender (We don't have the leg band thing in my country, and I don't trust the pet store who told me it's 3 months old, around the iris is dark red and not black.) This is my second...
  26. O

    B&G Macaw Problem

    Hello, I am a proud owner of an African Grey, Coocoo :grey:, who is now 3 years old :) he is sweet, loving and very talkative. Yesterday arrived my brother's B&G Macaw from the States where he had him for 2 years. The Macaw is 2 1/2 years old and LOVES my brother. My brother will arrive to...
  27. Kingsley_greencheek

    How to teach a baby green cheek not to bite my hand?

    Kingsley is 10 weeks old- I've only had him for a week but we have already made HUGE progress in bonding and getting him to be more outgoing. He will now eagerly fly to my shoulder, play in my hair, and even crawl into my sweater like a blanket. He does "step up" pretty well too, the only thing...
  28. J

    Princess Parrot is an annoying biter!

    Hello all, My name is Rosey and I have a beautiful little Princess parrot named Jack. He's about 4 months old but he WILL NOT STOP BITING ME or my partner. We have tried everything, but no matter what we do, we can't stop him. I feed him, I give him treats when he's not biting and I give him...
  29. S

    Why has my lovebird started being aggressive?

    Hello, I have a blue-masked lovebird, Tom, and I have had him just over a year. This whole year he has been so friendly and we were best friends. First thing in the morning he would fly over to my bed as soon as I would wake up to cuddle and be pet. He would always be on my shoulder when I was...
  30. E

    Shocking new behaviour - puberty?

    I shouldn't be shocked because I've read about it... but it's different when it actually happens in front of you... Prim was born early October 2011, the past two months she has been on a downward slope. She went from /never/ biting, to occasional moody nips, to now lunging at faces and hands...
  31. A

    New Senegal with behavior problems?

    Hello, I'm a first time bird owner and was given my beautiful Sammy yesterday. He has a history of biting but he was very nice when we first met him. He is 7 years old and never took a liking to anyone except the woman who cared for him and we believe he 'imprinted' on to her. I don't understand...
  32. D

    New Nippy Pearly?

    So I just recently got a baby Pearly Conure. She is the cutest thing but has a nasty bite! She makes me bleed about almost every other time she nips. Is this normal for new pyrrhura babies that come home? do they stay this nippy for awhile? And what can I do to help stop it? What is the best...
  33. J

    Baby Senegal turning aggressive?

    The bird store we got our first two conures (the first one dying due to heart defect) has a weaning senegal parrot on reserve for us. The senegal is kept in another room with different parrots to separate it from the available stock. Every day or every few days we've been going there to interact...
  34. C

    Grumpy, bitting, attacking Alex..

    hello, i've had my alex for about 2 weeks now and he is around 12 weeks old. He came to us a happy little guy, cuddly, smoochy and all but in the last 4 days he's started biting, attacking and not letting me near him. 5 minutes ago after trying all day to get him to come to me he climbed up to...
  35. A

    Savage Biter- would love some advice

    I am having a problem with my GCC, Jewel. She savagely and relentlessly bites anyone who comes within range, but mostly me because everyone else is too afraid to go near her. I have tried to ignore the biting as I have read about, but she has left scars on more than one of my fingers and...
  36. J

    Doesn't like the boyfriend :/

    Hey guys, so Beeker our SI ekkie just adores me and pretty much let's me do anything to him, he has never bit me. We have had him for about 2 months now and although he's just peachy with me he cannot stand my boyfriend (and we live together) so Beeker sees him every day. I work from home so...
  37. D

    New Owner, New Parrot!

    Hey there! So this is my first ever post here. I have just acquired a YNA, male, approximately 10 years old. My grandmother had him for 6 months (prior to that, I have no idea) and she had him in a king cage with just one metal perch, a dirty water cup, and fed him wild bird seed feed. I...
  38. B

    Help! My female eclectus is aggressive and won't come out!! ):

    About a week ago my female ekkie started becoming very cage aggressive, and refuses to come out for me. Whenever I approach her cage, she leaps onto the food bowl in the back corner and crouches down into attack mode. ): She usually comes right out for me, or if she doesn't want to she just...
  39. Sweetea

    Umbrella Cockatoo - Biting & Separation Anxiety

    Coconut is a 4 year old Umbrella Cockatoo I adopted from a family 4 days ago. When I met him he was screaming and banging his head around in his cage. It was honestly frightening since this is my first experience with a large parrot. The owners let me put my hand inside his cage to show me that...
  40. ct92404

    My parakeet is sometimes cranky and biting

    Hi, I just joined this site tonight, and I was hoping someone could help me with a problem I'm having with my parakeet. His name is Buddy. He's the first pet bird I've ever had. I got him from a bird farm when he was about 2 1/2 months old. He's now about 4 months old. He was pretty easy...