Zeus has arrived

Oh wow, what did you use for the base...

I did Sally's bird tree on an old, homemade garage sale table...

That looks great. You can also use PVC if that gets chewed up too fast...

I build it from the ground up. 2x4's built a box frame for the base, 3/4" ply for the perch base, 1/4" panel hardwood for the backing. The base is actually covered in spare hardwood flooring I had left over, they fit perfectly. The entire front of the base is a pull-out drawer for his food, etc.
Oh wow, what did you use for the base...

I did Sally's bird tree on an old, homemade garage sale table...

That looks great. You can also use PVC if that gets chewed up too fast...

I build it from the ground up. 2x4's built a box frame for the base, 3/4" ply for the perch base, 1/4" panel hardwood for the backing. The base is actually covered in spare hardwood flooring I had left over, they fit perfectly. The entire front of the base is a pull-out drawer for his food, etc.

I had thought about doing something similar for mine at one time.

I was wondering what the wood was... leftover flooring. Interesting. Thanks!
I have no experience with macaws and can't help with that but I just wanted to say congrats, he's utterly gorgeous! Being a new adopted mommy of a zon, I understand your situation. Nursing a huge bruise on my hand as we speak... ;)
One thing, and maybe the most important thing in my opinion of training rescued animals and such is trust. Really once I've ever displayed a full trust, and I mean fully they can definitely pick up on if you're sincere or not, is when I start to get their trust and affection back. Easier said than done with a bird with a vice grip for a mouth, I know, but try working towards giving him your full trust! I think you will be surprised with the outcome!
How's Zeus with cageless after a few days?
Its been awhile since I've updated about Zeus.
He is still coming around, but is making huge progress. We're to the point that I can touch him without him squirming and making shreak sounds. I know for sure that him going cageless and greatly accelerated his progress.
He is being a major drama queen, and testing me every second he gets. When I give him my arm to step up, he will fluff up and fake lunge at my arm. I keep pulling it away naturally, but trying not to. I'll put my hand in front of him or above him and he'll fake lunge at it, and I wont move. When this happens, he accepts defeat and lowers his head for scratches haha!
Because this is our new thing, he rarely steps up. He will act like he's putting his foot out so that I will bring my arm closer for him to fake lunge at. You can totally tell what he is doing though his body language. I need to keep myself mentally prepared and not pull away.

I tried to weigh him the other day when I thought he was getting sick. He's around 45oz. He's afraid of the scale so I had to weigh him on my arm, then take him off to weigh just my arm, etc.

Thanksgiving wasnt as bad as I thought it was going to be, but it still put him on edge the entire time. He's not an attacker so he didnt lunge at anyone. He just sat in one spot most of the time, watching everyone, not doing anything else. He still ate and drank. Just minimal talking and moving.

Thats about it. The big thing is the testing/drama, which is actually increasing our bond though trial by fire type deal. We're getting there.
I can't get over he has a Lollipop! He looks so cute with it!!!!!


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