Zeus has arrived

Try the opposite. Walk away from him when he won't come to you.

Discontinue the interaction. See how he reacts to that one.

Macaws can't stand being ignored. This is an effective way of getting them to interact with you - where they desire the interaction, and initiate it. You'd be surprised at how quickly they come around when you give it a day or so without interaction...

Then, when they seek it out, give them what you both want!

Make sense?
I did figure out that if he is is physically over me like on top of his cage, he thinks he is superior, testy, and bluff bird. When he is shoulders or below, he is 100% fun bird.

With all due respect, especially because it's your face and not mine, please be careful allowing Zeus on your shoulders. :eek:

I dont trust Zeus enough to casually pet him yet, there is no possible way he'd be on my shoulders. He isn't allowed past my elbow. I'm always higher than eye level with him, or else he immediately thinks he's boss.

Today I was doing the try to step up, or else he gets ignored for 2-3 minutes routine. I gave him 5 tries, but he never stepped up, but he did test me, which he quickly realized I'm not afraid of him anymore haha. He gave me some beak and I didnt flinch and just sat there looking at him, and said again "HOP UP". This was all due to him being on top of his cage (couldnt get him down or stop him from going up).
I went to the pet store to talk to them a little, get some advice from them. They all said the exact same things everyone on here is saying. I'm going to immediately start him on a pellet and veggie diet, I got him a bit of a seed mix, as well as large nuts. Getting him on a healthy diet will do wonders for him. He is used to eating normal everyday people food (whatever was for dinner for the people), and its showing.

I spent a good 2 or 3 hours scrubbing down his cage trying to get it somewhat bearable, its drying right now. Hopefully Zeus can come inside instead of sleeping in the garage.

His latest move that I'm trying to figure out is: head down with beak a little open touching the ground with his wings up and out a little bit. He's been doing it all day. I'll try to sneak a picture of him doing it. I thought it might be a scratches move, but when I go near him, he pulls out of it.

Thanks for all of the advice everyone!
That's the I'm gonna look cute, then lunge pose. I've rehabbed enough big birds to know that one.. lol. They all do that one. It's cute, but deadly. Mine occasionally does that one these days, but it's a fake out. He's testing me..

I'm home by the way if you want to call.
He's been doing this since he got into his cage that is now in the house. Cracking me up.
No feet, wings up

he's the biggest show-off, its so funny.

On a good note, he's wiggle-necking to me now.
That's the grab the beak by two fingers, and kiss it while teasing him about being a big scary bird pose... just to see the shocked look on his face when it didn't work.

And if he lunges while doing that, just pull forward on that beak, and he will lose his balance and have to step forward. Swipe your arm under him. That's step up nice! SEE...

Now I gotcha!

The shocked look on his face will be twice as shocked.

You don't want to end up on the floor do you? Well, then, you better behave...

Now, let me scratch your head. Does that feel good?

Anyway, that would be the next step in my book.

Seems like you're doing good.
It looks like he's praying...

Now I hang me by my beak,
I pray the lord my soul to keep LOL!!
It looks like he's praying...

Now I hang me by my beak,
I pray the lord my soul to keep LOL!!

Well, hanging by the beak like that is the universal macaw symbol for

It looks like he's praying...

Now I hang me by my beak,
I pray the lord my soul to keep LOL!!

Well, hanging by the beak like that is the universal macaw symbol for


I wish. As soon as the cage door opens up, he fights to be on the top of it. I've been blocking him with my arm while saying "hop up" so he has no chance. He can either stay inside, or hop up.

This morning I did that to him, and he hopped up until he was clear of the door then quickly grabbed the cage with his beak and ran up top hahaha. What a sneaky trickster.
Could you entice him with a treat he wants just out of his reach past your arm, and tell him to step up, then when he does he can get it? Even if he jumps right back onto the cage, he could learn it's not bad...

Latest cage setup (just in time to start going cageless).
I made the perches from a downed tree. His old perch was a pvc pipe with some sand paper in the middle of it.
I just got done making that wood block toy, and he about attacked me for it. He was very protective over it, it was a choir even getting it into his cage.


Portable perch. Its functional but not finished. I'm going to start making one that is a cage replacement for him. Once that's done, I'll finish this perch.
Once he went into it, it took me 5 hours to get him to step off of it. I had to carry it into the house with him still on it haha.
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Is his cage a CAL cage by any chance??? My VERY first large bird cage was a CAL cage, and boy it was made SO well!! I honestly wish I would have never sold it, but have it repainted instead. They will last forever, and are actually mac-proof. :D

And yes, I did crack up laughing when you said Zeus was protective of the toy.
It is a cal cage. I'll have it blasted and repainted soon, its in desperate need of it.
Refused to hop up all day today. Lots of talking though. He wants me to be around, but doesn't want me to touch him today.
I'm wondering if something is wrong with him. He's been wing drooping a lot lately. If I can get him in this weekend, its time for a vet visit.
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Last night was shower time. He was terrified of going into the shower, so I had to lure him in with treats and praise. Once on his shower perch, the water started. I dont think he liked it very much, but I could tell he knew what was going on, and that it had to be done. He let me clean his tail and ends of his wings, but nowhere else. He didnt do anything else besides sit there, shaking, looking miserable. Once it was done though, you could tell he was much happier. He looks 100x better, but still needs another. :)
He will now let me scratch his neck and understands "scratches". He'll either do the usual fluff up and bend his neck, or he will take his foot and kind of show me how. Also, head down and wings out mean pets under wings and on the sides, which he likes.
He has been a little more testing sometimes, but is quickly realizing I'm not as afraid of him as before.
Tomorrow (sunday the 10th) will be his 1 week here.
He just walked into his cage to poop on his own as I'm typing this. Good bird! We're working on potty training so he can go cageless asap.
Awesome! Keep it up!

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