Zeus has arrived

I forgot to mention, I also think he's going though a molt. It seems there are more feathers on the floor than on him.
Yeah.. Lots of birds are going through a molt right now.. at least down here in Florida.. Just dropped off my little stinker at the vet for boarding and all their big birds are molting like crazy.

Mine lost a tailfeather about a week ago and tons of down feathers all over the house.. It's molting time!
What a beautiful perch you made! Zeus is very lucky!!

As far as molting goes, my GW Rosie molts all year. It is slow and constant. We preen several times a day. if I am away and miss a couple of days she is an uncomfortable pin feathery mess. The shower should help him if he's molting. Once you get used to each other and bond, you may want to have him in the bathroom when you shower. My vet suggested this and Rosie came in on her own the first time. The only downside is I am no longer able to shower on my own. ;) Since they're flock animals, they are much more willing to do something if you are doing it as well. At least that's my experience.
Today was the start of clicker training. We're still just doing the click, treat, repeat. I havent looked at where to go after that yet haha.

Oh also, yesterday we went to Bird Fever to get nails (thank god!) and wings done. Now it doesnt feel like he's pushing nails into my arms when he is on me.

I've found out that he doesn't like showers, and he doesn't like floor time, which I think is because he's still new. I'll keep trying every week or so until he realizes they're both relaxing and fun!
How does he smell?
How does he smell?

We weren't able to give him a bath at the time, they were booked...so he still smells. I'm going to attempt bath #2 at home if he'll step up for me.
I think I need to handle Zeus more often. He has never shown that he will bite, so I dont know what I'm afraid of. I think I keep frightening myself by reading some of the posts on here about the damage macaws do to fingers haha.

Every time I go to touch him, he makes this noise and moves his head real quick towards my hand (but hasnt bitten). Its more of a "HEY OMG DONT TOUCH!" sound. I dont randomly touch him real quick, its always very very slow, I show him my hand and where its going, and say either "scratches (neck), lovin (under wing), or pets (down back on wings), but he'll still make the OMG sound act like I shocked him with a cattle prod.
Rare occasions he'll let me give him scratches, but if it goes on for too long, he'll make the sound.
When he randomly and rarely does step up, he is happy. Always bouncing, wings out, making happy noises, etc.
If I tell him to come here, he'll eventually and very carefully come over to me.

Its just all odd to me still. When he's being handled he is very happy and enjoys it, but he's still very hesitant to do so, and in no way will he let me touch him outside of a step up.
In due time I guess :)

I almost forgot, he has a nice large surprise coming, very soon! And by large, I mean 8' x 6' x 3' :D
A large playstand? The last dimension is what is perplexing me.. As for handling him, it's going to take time.. I'm in the middle of negotiating a rescue for another little guy tomorrow.. If all goes well, he will be taking a 4 hour drive home with me..

Another BG Macaw.. At least my little guy will have a friend to hang with.. lol.. 2 macaws running around my house cageless.. That's gonna be REALLY fun.. haha.
"Parrot, how many licks does it take to get to the center of a lollipop?"

"Oh ho ho ho well let me see little jimmy..."

What a beautiful perch you made! Zeus is very lucky!!

As far as molting goes, my GW Rosie molts all year. It is slow and constant. We preen several times a day. if I am away and miss a couple of days she is an uncomfortable pin feathery mess. The shower should help him if he's molting. Once you get used to each other and bond, you may want to have him in the bathroom when you shower. My vet suggested this and Rosie came in on her own the first time. The only downside is I am no longer able to shower on my own. ;) Since they're flock animals, they are much more willing to do something if you are doing it as well. At least that's my experience.

Yep! Mine too. No sooner do you get the pinnies open on her head, then more just suddenly appear.
A large playstand? The last dimension is what is perplexing me.. As for handling him, it's going to take time.. I'm in the middle of negotiating a rescue for another little guy tomorrow.. If all goes well, he will be taking a 4 hour drive home with me..

Another BG Macaw.. At least my little guy will have a friend to hang with.. lol.. 2 macaws running around my house cageless.. That's gonna be REALLY fun.. haha.

Yes, nicknamed mega perch. I'll take a pic of it this afternoon.
Send me a pic of your BG. Is he a rehab or just a rehome?
He's a rehome that's also a rehab.. I'll just create a posting for him. His name's Duke.
I wanna see megaperch! Glad you decided to go cageless. Zeus is absolutely going to love it!
Megaperch is almost finished. I'll take pics when its completed. :)
I'm just doing some finishing work on the base. Then going to create the perches. Letting the back side air out for a few days from being stained. I'd like it done this week because I've grossly under-estimated the time required for it. I guessed around 8-10 hours, I'm easily 40+ in now.
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Zeus is getting more playful, most trusting, and a little more beaky. haha. I take the beaking as a sign of trust, not the opposite. I can tell he really does not like to bite, and will only do it if absolutely necessary.
I know this because he is terrified of a perch stick, but if I bring the perch stick close to him, he will definitely put it in his beak, but he will not bite. I've had my wrist and fingers in his beak from him saying "no stepping up right now please". I cant really think of anything more terrifying than a GW bringing his beak around your fingers, even when I know he wont bite.
We finally got a decent shower this weekend. During the winter, I'm going to make weekend showers a regular, even though I keep the house around 60% humidity. It was a little scary to see really how many feathers he is missing from boredom (before I adopted). He sat in the shower and just relaxed for 30 minutes. Didnt move, and fell asleep haha. I had to text nyspy to see if he was ok, which he was. I didnt expect him to sit there for so long.

Mine will sit in the shower forever if I let him. I usually limit it to 20-30 min. tops.. For no other reason other than my boredom. I know I've sat in the shower for an hour at times. (GoGo tankless hot water heaters!)
When I am scratching her head, my GW mac will grab my fingers with her beak and hold them there in just the right spot...

Nothing at all terrifying about it.

Trust is a two way street, and as you both work on stuff together, you get there. After that, it simply doesn't matter anymore.

I beak wrestle with both my big macs with both with my hands and with my face. Try sticking your nose in a wound up greenwing's beak sometime!

Cuz at some point down the road, you probably will. (Watch out for the tongue!) :D
Mine will sit in the shower forever if I let him. I usually limit it to 20-30 min. tops.. For no other reason other than my boredom. I know I've sat in the shower for an hour at times. (GoGo tankless hot water heaters!)

I don't keep them in that long, but both my Macs will stay in for as long as you let them play in it, and they both come out more than double their weight in water retention...
How do you get your bird IN the shower? Simba hates a spray bottle (set on mist, of course). Will he stand in the shower? And how hot? And where are the instructions for all this? LOL

I guess I'm asking, how do you introduce a bird to a shower?
If your bird is having problems with the shower, adjust the water temperature. I go by the rule of bathing a regular baby. Lukewarm and that's about it. Put them on a perch with the shower water hitting half of it. If they want in, they will step in. If birdy has a fear of water, just put him on the perch and play with him there. He/she will eventually explore it. If not, there's always taking a shower with your bird once. Just get in your bathing suit and step into the shower with them!

Another good tactic is to play with them in the sun and then bring them directly in the shower. They'll drink from the water!

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