Wounded Lovebird

Very important to use Neosporin CREAM, not ointment! Ointment has petroleum base, and is not good for birds. Also, there really is not much you can do about itching. She's itchy because the feathers growing in are itchy. Also, other birds will pick & peck at her. In nature, injured birds are either driven away from the others, or even killed by them. So they do not attract predators. You might try an aloe cream if you can apply it to the affected area. I've tried to help you here, but, I agree with the others. If you cannot afford proper medical care, you are not being a good guardian. Just because Lovebirds are not expensive, they still deserve proper care. They are living creatures! Good luck.
I'm trying to hard to not get mad and be that bad college student.
What are you guys not reading?
I have no idea where to get pure aloe either
And Echo I live on the East Coast of the US that's all your getting out of me.

Wow why so defensive? Just trying to help. I have been known to help people in need by bringing their bird to my vet if they are in my area and pay for the bill. But no matter how good the intention, some people like yourself are not genuine enough to let the good guys in....and the pets suffer for it.

I have a Lovebird who I love very much, and i hope that yours get better. I also hope you listen to all the advice here as this is the best forum you're gonna find.

Good luck
You all must understand, I went from having a hamster to having 2 Lovebirds. I've only had them for 2 years going onto my 3rd. I'm still pretty inexperienced with this, but I've hand tamed my birds (Nips is just stubborn.) I've only have 1 bird (Flutter Shy) die on me, and I took her to the vet. There was nothing they could do to save her.
When Flutter Shy passed Nips became very friendly towards me, she was depressed in her cage when I had to leave for class and work. I got her a friend, now she's happy. I have only the best interest in Nips, but I'm inexperienced. You are all repeating yourselves and that's what's making me stubborn now. I want nips to heal, and it's been recently that I've taken notice in her bald spot.
What do you want me to do, no one wants a Lovebird with a bald spot. I'm not going to drive a million miles to find someone who can take care of her. I can take care of her, note she's not dead or ill.
So get off my butt! Please!
You're putting more stress on me then school does, and I just started back on Wed.


The only reason I would be getting a dog is because I suffer from mild depression, and really low self esteem. I cry myself to sleep at night, I think fowl of myself. I have no confidence in my appearance. I need something I can cuddle in my arms that I won't crush, and won't bite my cheek... again.
So please stop. I will update you, but I just can't take it anymore. Posting this thread was the dumbest thing I've ever done!
I think I should post the pictures of my other Lovebirds.
Gabby is the one in the tunnel, she has a cage to herself. But it sits next to Nips' and Dino's cage. I have tried to put them together, but Dino does not accept Gabby. Nips' is the same way, but a little less aggressive about it.

Nips and Dino. Dino is sitting on the perch, she has always been the skinny. Even when I adopted her, she has missing feathers around her neck. But I saw her parents and they were the same way. Nip as you all can probably tell already is on the side of the cage eyeing my phone.


can you check a garden store, or maybe even some grocery stores that have a plant nursery/garden section? or even locate a plant nursery? aloe plants are fairly inexpensive (we bought our plant for $7). and very easy to care for. place in a well lit location and water every time the soil is completely dry, since they are a cactus. we live in an apartment and its the only plant i can keep alive lol but they're pretty hardy plants and you can use them for scrapes, burns, sunburns, itching, dry skin, etc. it's great for molting birds and great for soothing dry bird feet too.

it wont be dangerous or damaging like neosporin and your bird can even eat it if she likes it lol but they might not as its very bitter.

i would call around and try to locate them, they're very common plants, so it shouldnt be too hard to find one.

i got mine at a local grocery store in the flower and garden section.

good luck, and try to keep in mind people here mean well, and that this is the internet so things that might seem to come off as rude may not be as rude as you think it is, its hard to read emotions in text. this forum is really nice and supportive, but people care for birds very dearly, and they worry for everyone when a bird is injured. :) it's a good thing! no one means to hurt other's feelings here.
Thank you, i spend more money on them than I do myself. I might be considered as a bad bird owner by not taking them to the vet, but they get spoiled... a lot, haha. I love them, even at 1am when their begging for more food (after they dump 1 of the 2 food bowls over) hahaha

:green1: :green1: :green1:
Never considered you to be a bad bird owner, but please don't get super defensive like that while we were only trying to help. We're only thinking of the well being of the birds. Most of us do understand when money is tight, your not able to give them the vet care they may need.

And please don't ever think low of yourself! Self esteem is what you made out of yourself, I know with a puppy you can be comforted as you only wanted to be loved. Trust me I completely understand. As you linger on in here some more, you'll get to know us in here pretty good as we're not bad people in here. But please try the aloe method for the time being until you get your buddy sock. Just remember, we're always here for you, but when you ask about something in the forum, you won't always hear what you wanted to hear. If you need someone to be your friend, I am here for you, so please don't feel left out!!!!
I'm trying to hard to not get mad and be that bad college student.
What are you guys not reading?
I have no idea where to get pure aloe either

Ok, please take a DEEP breath!

Folks are trying their best to come up with ideas to help you and your lovebird. STOP being so defensive. If you think you aren't being defensive, re-read some of your posts.

I did a quick and easy Google search for Pure Aloe gel. Looky here:
[ame="http://www.amazon.com/Aloe-Farms-Vera-Organic-32-Ounce/dp/B000Z941OW/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1377516727&sr=8-2&keywords=pure+aloe"]Amazon.com: Aloe Farms Aloe Vera Gel Organic, 32-Ounce: Health & Personal Care[/ame]

100% Pure Aloe Vera Gel by Aubrey Organics - Buy 100% Pure Aloe Vera Gel 4 Gel at the vitamin shoppe

If you have a GNC near you, they sell it as well. :)
Nips is doing better, I looked at her bald spot and it's not its normal red color (when she picks.) She also seems a little more comfortable with putting weight on both feet now. Yay

Then that's good news!!!! But have the aloe plant handy just in case! It have natural soothing ability. :)
I plan to buy one soon, the Neo is doing the trick a little. Now feathers need to grow.
So when this wound happened, it was a large gash there. It's healed but I guess the feathers that are trying to grow back are annoying her so she's picking. I just want to know if there's something I can do to help the feathers grow back. Because her cage friend knows to aim her attacks there. But she does favor the side, and when a gust of wind blows the whole left side of her like flutters. Is there something that I can do to help relax her need to itch there.

Can you separate them - if her cage mate is picking at her (I assume that's what you mean by aiming attacks), I'm thinking that would be for the best right now. Someone else might have mentioned this already. Not all birds are meant to share a cage - even lovebirds.
Is CareCredit out of the question???? CareCredit does provide a 'credit card' for vet fees if you qualify for it... and they are willing to work with vets that don't offer CareCredit to their clients.
Is it payday yet? Nips has decided to start plucking the other side of her chest. Amazing, ugh! Advice?
The good news is now when I go towards her cage, she goes to the entrance, and hops onto my hand :3

How many toys do you have in the cage?

Do you rotate things around?

Sometimes plucking starts off as dealing with an irritant.. but can also be attributed to a bird being Bored as well as become habitual.. if she's been plucking that side for a while and it no longer irritates her.. she could start plucking the other side because she's used to it.. And if you are working quite a bit well bored birdies look for things to do.

Heck.. when Porter is bored he lets himself out of his cage and goes exploring x.x.

Try moving the cage elsewhere in the room... or rearranging things. Or seperating both birds for a while, might help :3
jugoya is onto something here....

i thought of something to add to what they said.

you work/school long hours, yes? how large is her cage? if it is too small for the amount of time they spend in it, perhaps that is part of the problem with the plucking. it may be good to give them as much space as possible

another possibility, since you say under the other wing is bare, i would strongly urge you to save up for a vet visit and test for giardia. plucking under the wings is a symptom of it, and its a very itchy parasite inside the body, particularly the digestive tract. its also very hard to diagnose because you can get false negatives because it doesnt always show up in the droppings.... but if the vet suspects giardia, they may give the proper meds as a preventative measure. giardia can be the whole cause all along, you never know. i would save up any bit of money you can, and try to get her in as quickly as you can, to try to ease her discomfort sooner :)

some photo collages i've put together that might have more information regarding plucking and mutilating:

i've dealt with both plucking and mutilating in one of my lovebirds, due to high hormones.
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They have a pretty large cage for just 2 birds, with a small amount of toys. I'll do the cage the toys around thing. But if I let Nips out she doesn't stay near me she tries to fly

i've dealt with both plucking and mutilating in one of my lovebirds, due to high hormones.

Ugh, I did too. I tried separating him from his cagemate, antibiotics, supplements, and finally an e-collar. In the end, he was just one plucked lovie for about 12 of his 15 years. Did you figure yours out?

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