Wounded Lovebird


Aug 25, 2013
Lovebirds: Gabby, Dino, and Belle Nips
Quaker Parrots: Mozzi and Sydney
I stumbled upon this website, I would love any and all feed back.
I'm a broke college student so the vet is out of the question, and I want to try to keep both of my lovebirds. I was told to put Neosporin on the wound, but is there anything else I can do for her? She's about 2 years old, and has had the wound for almost a full year. Help would be nice, I know you can't see much. It stretch's to her back under her wing (which makes it difficult for her to fly) she's now favoring that side of her body. She also keeps picking at it. Help please.
I love my little lovebird and I want to try to keep them both. :green1:
Can't see anything but some plucked skin.... Is she self-mutilating and that's why she has had an open wound for over a year? Because that's what it sounds to me but I couldn't tell much from your posting, can you elaborate?
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So when this wound happened, it was a large gash there. It's healed but I guess the feathers that are trying to grow back are annoying her so she's picking. I just want to know if there's something I can do to help the feathers grow back. Because her cage friend knows to aim her attacks there. But she does favor the side, and when a gust of wind blows the whole left side of her like flutters. Is there something that I can do to help relax her need to itch there.
I don't mean to be insensitive but if you can't afford to bring her to the vet, maybe you should find her a new owner who can. Leaving a bird with "a large gash" into its side without proper medical care for a whole year is abusive. You think it is healed, however, she is picking at it, and it could very well be because there is still some infection in it. I am no vet, however, if you explained you financial problems, they could keep the cost down by just taking a look at her and prescribing something for you to apply there if needed, or let you know if it is more serious. In that case, you can then decide what is BEST FOR HER. You can't just put neosporin on it if you don't know exactly what's going on under her wing.

For her sake, please call a vet. Where are you located?
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I'm sorry you feel that way, but there's no way I will sell any of the Lovebirds I have. They all (except Dino) belonged to my (now passed) Aunt. All of them contain memories of her. I can't sell them, because I'll be selling the memories that they have of my Aunt. I can't do that.
Hi Lovely! I can understand having money problems. What you can try do is save a little money in a separate account every month to pay for just vet fees. Maybe you can call up some avian vets and see if they'll take a payment plan. That way your little birdy can get it treated, and you'll have more peace of mind.
I understand you not wanting to sell them i would hate to sell my birds first thing you should do is go to a vet lots of vets wont charge you for the first visit and then you could have them take a look at her and give you advice from there if the vet say she really needs something you will have to pay for you must do it for her no matter what she is in your care and if you let her suffer like this its cruel and do you really think your aunt would want her precious babies to suffer?? Maybe someone you know could loan you some money to help her and if you really cant get her professional help you really should sell her what good is it to keep a memory of your aunt if the bird is suffering and could die its cruel to the poor bird and quite selfish of you to keep a bird suffering and hurt because you "cant give away the memory of your aunt" I am sure if she loved these birds she would want you to make them happy and comfy for her.
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Last time I went to the vet it was $500 for Flutter Shy (she's passed now.) I took Flutter to the vet to see if there was something they could do for her, it was just some advice. Yeah the appointment was $500, my parents won't pay that kind of money. Because Lovebirds are cheap birds you can get off craigslist. That's why I don't ask for money from them. Is there anything, that can just stop her from itching it? That's all I'm asking right now.
You have the option of putting her in a e-collar or buddy sock! As long as she's not self mutilating herself and no break in the skin you should be pretty safe. But if it persists, you do need to consider the possibility of needing to rehome them to someone who can or be able to afford them yourself. Keep us updated, good luck!
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My birds are the only thing that keeps me smiling a lot. College is stressful, and my family doesn't help either. I think if I could get Nips and Gabby to be friends I might be able to get them to share a cage. Dino seems to be the aggressive one, but I'm not sure. I'll try the Neosporin.
What's the resoning in applying neosporin???? You don't seem to be listening to the ideas that are being presented to you....
Do you mind telling us where you are located?
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I asked someone who is experienced with Lovebirds before I found this site. They told me to apply Neosporin, but as I was applying it I found out that under her other wing its also bare so... I think she is self molting.
Plus those are suggestions, no one says I have to listen them. Yes I'll try to make time to take her to a vet, but that's a slim chance. I'm working 2 jobs, and I'm a full time college student. The only free time I have is when I'm sleeping, or in between my homework.
So come now tell me how to run my life with these birds? If it was infected I believe Nips would have been ill by now, and not running around the bottom of her cage waiting for me to give her millet, or let her out of her cage for a little bit.
It's been a year, I think its just with the feather growing back she is irritated with the feel of it. Maybe that's why she's favoring that side of her body, no clue. At least I can try the Neosporin, it's not going to hurt her.
She eats and drink, she plays and bathes.

Here's a link to the sock buddy Mikey was talking about. It's 15 bucks and cheaper than a vet if you want to try that option first, at least until you save up enough money to take her to one. In the meantime, put $20 bucks or something aside every month just for vet emergencies. In five months you'll have a $100 bucks etc.. it's not like they get sick all the time, so maybe by the time they do, you will have a whooole lot saved up without compromising your current lifestyle.

All the best to you and your little one
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Thanks KiwiS I'll defiantly look into that. But it's also really hard to put money aside when I'm already setting money aside for my Spring semester of college, and a dog that I plan to get soon. But I'll try.

And Echo I live on the East Coast of the US that's all your getting out of me. I know where there's a 24 hour clinic that looks at birds, but the exotic bird doctor is only there in the mornings and that's when I'm in class.
You can't afford the vet but your getting a dog soon???? I never did tell you how to run your life and such but you were strongly set on using neosporin regardless of what we say. I suggested buddy sock or e-collar and you dis-missed both and go back to neosporin. What exactly does it do for the plucking??? Nothing!
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I never said when I was getting the dog. And I did say I was looking into the Sock Buddy. I'm in contact with the person now, so when I start work again (September 4th) I plan to buy the Sock Buddy for her. But since I've put the Neosporin on she has stopped itching the area, and is putting full weight on that side of her body.
i know when large cuts heal, they still itch a bit after, she may be itchy because of that, or because of the large amount of pin feathers.

i understand being short on money and put into very difficult situations. anyone's suggestions here is meant kindly, they care for the birds first and foremost. so if they come off strongly, just keep in mind they are worried for your birdie.

i dont think getting a dog is wise, not with the money nor time you have. that's my two-cents. i'd focus on your first commitments, which are your birds, before adding in another pet to care for, which will be more vet care.

have you got a natural aloe plant? or the PURE gel? not the stuff for sunburns that has chemicals in it, but natural pure aloe from a herb and health store. it will soothe her skin and help with the itching.

neosporin is oily and can damage feathers easily, so its not really advisable to put it on her body like that. also, it can be dangerous if she ingests it.

i'd try to get the aloe and use that. it's non-toxic to birds and it's safe for her feathers and will work to soothe the itching :)
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Like I plan to get a dog, in the future no one seems to understand that much of what I mean. It wont be right now, it'll be when I'm out of college (2016 4 year college graduate (Hopefully.)) The money I am saving up is going towards my next semester of college, and anything my birds will need. I just started saving up because like any young stupid kid money burns a hole in the pocket. I have no clue where to get an Aloe plant from, or just the herb.

But as of right now the Neo has relaxed her and she's not picking at the chest. She did taste the Neo but wiped her beck off on me (also bit my finger to make sure it was gone :() Nips is not a fan of being held, so I can't grab her all the time. I hope when I get the Sock Buddy thingy it'll work for her. If it doesn't I will take her to the vet. I'll keep this updated with pictures when the Sock Buddy comes in.

Trust me I know everyone wants what is best for my birds. I'm just very stubborn when it comes to my birds.

I would not do neosporin as its toxic to birds if she eats it pure aloe is a great idea and so is the collar thing MikeyTN suggested and I would never get a dog if you are so busy and tight on money and the money you set aside should be to care properly for your existing pets not to get more pets you dont have time or money for.

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