What type of music do YOUR fids like???

Re: What kind of music does your bird like?

Hahaha. Mine, when i have them inside, which is usually Kakariki... Tend to enjoy 'pretty' country music, Japanese Rock and of course Lord of the Rings soundtrack ;) not to mention StarWars and StarGate and StarTrek! My birds are Nerds!
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Re: What kind of music does your bird like?

My birds are video game nerds. My finches love to respond to old school 8 bit tunes from the NES and my lovebird likes to listen to video game music.
Re: What kind of music does your bird like?

I put Pandora on the TV when I leave the house. I usually leave it on a country channel. I don't know how well they like it though.
Re: What kind of music does your bird like?

Kiwi likes most upbeat music. He'll dance and make happy squeals. Any kind of "darker" music makes him aggressive:52:

My moms DYH Lucy loves opera (although no one else does lol). She puffs up and makes these low, happy noises:D
Re: What kind of music does your bird like?

Classic rock and roll seems to please my guys the most - that is when I see the most reaction out of them. Oh, and disco...lol. If it comes on the oldies station I listen to sometimes Slater goes crazy:)
Your birds favorite song, artist or style of music

My Amazon (Poppie) tends to like Lorrena Mckennitt, Mariah cary, and ace of base.

My Grey doesn't have a preference but really likes the Indian flute and drum vibes... gets him dancing everytime.

My Zon Vinny, likes slow soft music such as the theme song to the titanic...She sings up a storm hearing the song.

Birdell, my senni like Shaggy....and the song don't worry be happy (who ever sings that)

So in our house there is a wide range of music played....
Re: Your birds favorite song, artist or style of music

I have actually been wondering about that. Do you find dancing in birds to be a learned or natural behaviour? Neither of mine displays the head bobbing, body swaying behaviour you see in some of the youtube clips. Running up and down and screaming their little heads off, yes, lol. Milo likes Vengaboys' Boom Boom Boom and (Heaven helps me) Barbie girl. Really gets him utelizing his little lungs lol. (Facepalm inserted here)
Re: Your birds favorite song, artist or style of music

Not an Amazon, but my quaker kind of goes ho hum at some stuff but really starts dancing and chirping along with Jazz. In the car she's not happy unless I put on the XM Jazz station.
Re: Your birds favorite song, artist or style of music

Here's Hunter's absolute FAVORITE song (to sing). And no, I wasn't the one who taught her. :21:

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LAvg_Xj_7I&feature=youtu.be"]Hunter singing Jiggly Puff (plus then some) - YouTube[/ame]

And Hawk, I cracked up at the "Don't Worry, Be Happy" because she actually sings that one as well. :D (Will try and get it on video)

My zons are ready to put on their party hats as soon as they hear a catchy song, especially if it gets me going, too. :54:

Ripley (my GW) is the bigger music fan out of my 2 big macs. He sways and dances, bops his head, and "la la laaas" exit his beak as he's trying to sing along.
Re: Your birds favorite song, artist or style of music

Mine were really enjoying last week's Austin City Limits episode with Ryan Adams and Jenny Lewis:)
Re: Your birds favorite song, artist or style of music

Mine all love kids music,me specially anything by GoFish, and these old Polish CDs I have from when I was a kid. They also like some swinging country and one CD of songs in Spanish from Colombia.
Re: Your birds favorite song, artist or style of music

I was told that Buddy will sing and dance to "Rock Around The Clock" by Bill Haley & His Comets. I have played it repeatedly on YouTube but Buddy doesn't respond. But I was told his previous owner used to sing it too. Still working on this with him, I hear is quite a dancer.
Re: Your birds favorite song, artist or style of music

When my Male Canary Skittle was alive he loved loved loved Led Zeppelin and also Stevie Ray Vaughn's steel guitar. When I played this music in the home, it was on. He added his oun sounds as well as sang to the music. It was pretty cool and entertaining to listen too.

Now, Rio and Kiwi could careless for the most part, unless one of us gets animated.
Re: Your birds favorite song, artist or style of music

Wendy- I played your video and Kiwi says a big boisterous "Helloooooo" to Hunter lol:D.

Kiwi is ok with pretty much any kind of music except country and classical. Country he will run into the bottom corner of his cage and whimper (I'm right there with you buddy! He really is our bird lol) and classical makes him aggressive:52:. His *favorite* types of music seems to be 90's boy bands and electronic-type music:rolleyes: Given his age, I can only assume he must've heard Backstreet Boys and NSync on the radio as a young bird and will bust out his best dance moves when we play those songs... As for the love of the electro house stuff, well, what bird wouldn't go nuts over that?:54::32:
Re: Your birds favorite song, artist or style of music

What's enough of that,,,, Wow my crowd went wild, must of had the volume up too loud. Things where so nice an quiet before i clicked on that,LOL. jakiepoo was determined to out sing hunter. They're all still raising cane. Opera is a big hit around my house . But so is Robert Plant (Stairway to Heaven). Old Mcdonald had a farm,happy Birthday, it doesn't matter, they just love to sing along. they're still going off. I should have known better ,especial this time of day.
Re: Your birds favorite song, artist or style of music

I was told by the previous own that my Blue Crowned likes Opera , she will sing sometimes too
Re: Your birds favorite song, artist or style of music

Here's Hunter's absolute FAVORITE song (to sing). And no, I wasn't the one who taught her. :21:

Hunter singing Jiggly Puff (plus then some) - YouTube

And Hawk, I cracked up at the "Don't Worry, Be Happy" because she actually sings that one as well. :D (Will try and get it on video)

My zons are ready to put on their party hats as soon as they hear a catchy song, especially if it gets me going, too. :54:

Ripley (my GW) is the bigger music fan out of my 2 big macs. He sways and dances, bops his head, and "la la laaas" exit his beak as he's trying to sing along.

OMG...that's adorable!
Re: Your birds favorite song, artist or style of music

I have actually been wondering about that. Do you find dancing in birds to be a learned or natural behaviour? Neither of mine displays the head bobbing, body swaying behaviour you see in some of the youtube clips. Running up and down and screaming their little heads off, yes, lol. Milo likes Vengaboys' Boom Boom Boom and (Heaven helps me) Barbie girl. Really gets him utelizing his little lungs lol. (Facepalm inserted here)

Oh heck...I have two left feet when it comes to dancing...so I didn't teach them....it has to be the sound of the music. I experiment with many different styles of music....some work, some they could care less about.
I'm going to try Mozart as Dean martin music I learned today they like. My grey sings " Whoa whoa whoa whoaaaaaa" from what's new ***** cat by Tome Jones....The only words from that song he knows.
Re: Your birds favorite song, artist or style of music

When my Male Canary Skittle was alive he loved loved loved Led Zeppelin and also Stevie Ray Vaughn's steel guitar. When I played this music in the home, it was on. He added his oun sounds as well as sang to the music. It was pretty cool and entertaining to listen too.

Now, Rio and Kiwi could careless for the most part, unless one of us gets animated.

It's funny, My Amazon will make up her own words if she forgets the words to a favorite song.
Re: Your birds favorite song, artist or style of music

What's enough of that,,,, Wow my crowd went wild, must of had the volume up too loud. Things where so nice an quiet before i clicked on that,LOL. jakiepoo was determined to out sing hunter. They're all still raising cane. Opera is a big hit around my house . But so is Robert Plant (Stairway to Heaven). Old Mcdonald had a farm,happy Birthday, it doesn't matter, they just love to sing along. they're still going off. I should have known better ,especial this time of day.

Always look on the bright side of life... dee doop dee dopp dee doop....lol.
A song my Amazon has partly down.

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