What type of music do YOUR fids like???

My Con doesn't seem to care for music either way even though I constantly have it on but my best friend's GCC is a music fanatic. Her favorite song is Milkshake by Goodnight Nurse and if you start singing and dancing, she's more than ecstatic to join you.
Haha these are great.

My canary loved Led Zeppelin, and Stevie Ray Vaughn 's steel guitar.

Rio and Kiwi have no preference that I can tell.
I had a cockatiel when I was younger who would listen to Linkin Park with me all the time.. she would dance, and even though she couldn't sing she sure looked like she wanted to!! Haha
Sakura "headbangs" to just about anything with a beat...dance music, pop, metal, you name it. :D

My tiels don't really react to music.
My cockatoo absolutely LOVES yodeling! LOL That's the only thing I've found that he goes crazy for. I play it for him a couple of times a day and man does he really get into it! Yodeling? lol But, hey, you gotta make 'em happy, right? ;)
Yodeling?? Have to ask, how the heck did you ever realize he loves yodeling?? Are you a closet yodeler and just not telling us the whole story here?? :)
I was going through Youtube looking for music, playing vids as I went along and America's Got Talent had a lot of videos. I wasn't getting much feedback from him until I accidentally clicked on a AGT yodeler. Then his eyes lit up, he got to head bobbing, and started singing along.

Speaking of closet yodeling...I'm sure my neighbors think the same thing. One time I totally forgot my patio door was cracked open a few inches. I put the yodeler on and I yodeled along and was acting foolish, and of course, I was extremely loud. I didn't realize I had left the door open. This was around 11 at night, so you can bet I was heard by my neighbors. Red face moment...LOL
You have to get a video of the yodeling (him solo or a duet), I would love to hear!

When Ivory first came home and I was trying to get her to act more like a cockatoo, we put on Maroon 5 and I was dancing in front of her while she was on her cage. I joked if neighbors walked by and looked in the sliding doors, they would have thought I was having a fit of some kind, arms waving and bobbing my head :) And no, we won't be getting a video of that!! :)
None, mine scream when I turn the radio on (and not in a good way.)
Hey Betty, I follow Barbara Heidenrich on Facebook, and she posted the other day, that she is looking for parrots who can yodel. It's for some kind of project or something.

I'm totally not joking. I'm going to PM you, so you get this message.
My lovebird's favorite type of music is Disney songs ("Let It Go", "Once Upon a Dream")... I don't know why. It sometimes likes Taylor Swift, but only her good songs (like "Red"). Strange bird. :)
Lizzy hasn't shown too much interest in music until recently. My fiancée likes to play music when she cleans the apartment, and when Fall Out Boy started playing Lizzy when crazy! Head bobbing, chirping, and even that cute little side to side dancing. She loved it haha.
I tried to pm you back but until I have a certain amt. of posts, I can't. Anyhow, he doesn't really yodel himself. He sings along with his dah, dah, dah, and bounces up and down and really gets into it. It would be great if he could yodel. ;) Maybe someday.
I have a video of him, but it's not uploaded and I have to edit it first. If and when I can get it uploaded, I'll post it.
Haha wow I'm surprised this thread is still going!
Lots of awesome responses. It's pretty fantastic how these 'wild' birds react to things that humans listen to/do on a daily basis hehe.
I say 'wild' because though they aren't domesticated pets like dogs and cats, they're great companions naturally. It's just cool to me how well they adapt to their living conditions, to not only survive, but to THRIVE, to enjoy and love their human flock. Hehe. :D
I uploaded the video of Sammy dancing to yodeling for those who'd like to see it. Hopefully I can embed it in this post

[ame=http://youtu.be/Bfyyx-zUJ04]Number 2 - YouTube[/ame]
That is so awesome!!! I love when cockatoos (any birds really) get down to music.

Bacci, my Amazon used to rock it out to Sympathy For The Devil, by the Stones. He would hoot his little head off.

Knuckles is highly reserved for a cockatoo. I am constantly trying to get her into it, but she's more of a bystander in the game of life. I DID catch her doing a little back and forth step the other day to Stupid Girl (also by the Stones), when she thought no one was watching. Then she bobbed her head, ever so slightly a few times, and I was just tickled to bits over it.
Well, that was interesting. My girl started dancing along to Sammy's singing, and then she started biting me. My dog started barking - he did not like the yodelling at all. :D Sammy obviously likes it, though.
What kind of music does your bird like?

As we all know birds can love music and its a great distraction for them when we are away from home for the day and they are by themselves. What can of music does your bird(s) listen to?

Tappy doesn't really care about music. Picasso on the other hand seems to like Oldies (Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, and the like) and Rock (Linkin Park and such)
Re: What kind of music does your bird like?

I haven't asked my birds for an opinion. They get to listen to what I like, which is rock/pop/world/electronica/folk/indie with a little metal and other stuff thrown in. They get pretty excited when the volume's up, which isn't very often as my music gives my wife a headache. Having said that, they seem to enjoy her music- ethnic "soft rock/pop" and jazz. I don't :)
Re: What kind of music does your bird like?

So far, my budgies really enjoy Dragon Dancing instruments LOL. Their second favorite is the Office theme song. Izzy was too busy for music, now I'm on the hunt for Gizmo's!

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