Where to place cage in house?


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Jun 30, 2024
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I'm looking for some guidance on where to place a Senegal's cage in my home. The bird in question is fairly old, but apparently still very active.
My plan during the day is to have her out on one of the play stands I bought her while I'm working (I work from home). I'll be interacting with her off and on to try and keep her sharp little brain busy.
She will usually only be in her cage when: she's sleeping, or if I have to go someplace like the gym where it's impossible or impractical to take her.

I want her to have the suggested 12-14 hours of sleep every night, and that's where I'm running into my dilemma. I would like advice on which floor sounds best for the cage she'll sleep in.

I have two stories: the downstairs has easy-to-clean LVP flooring and the upstairs is all white carpet.
The downstairs I use a LOT and it's where I spend nearly all of my time. I work from a home office all day. I sometimes have early morning or late-night meetings, and there's no way to make those noiseless. My personal computer is downstairs as well as the TV. I don't use the TV much but it does happen every once in a while. I use my computer a TON and listen to a lot of YouTube and similar noisy videos/etc, sometimes up to 10pm. I'm not a fan of wearing headphones because they can give me a headache, though I'd at least consider it for really late-night videos (but not calls). So noise levels downstairs can start as early as 7am and fall off between 7pm and 10pm most nights and up to 11:30pm in the fall when I watch a bit of late-night football or if I have an international meeting. I worry that putting her cage downstairs will mean she sometimes doesn't get the right amount of sleep. I have a good unused spot for the cage downstairs which would allow her to see me no matter where I happened to be at, except when I'm in the kitchen, which isn't a place I spend a ton of time (I don't like to cook) and also give her plenty of space to toss stuff on the floor.

Upstairs, with the fine white carpet, is much quieter as a rule. I wake up on weekdays around 6:30 am to go to work. A loud alarm wakes me up since nothing else will. That's about all the noise that happens upstairs. It will probably wake her up unless she's a sound sleeper, but she can always go back to sleep afterwards.
The only place to put her cage there is on the landing area outside of my bedroom. All of my other rooms have no space for a cage, or are not good places for a birb. The landing has plenty of space, plus space for a chair and table where I can stack her little library to read to her before bedtime. It doesn't have a door of course, so sometimes the noise from downstairs will come up, but not as bad as if she was downstairs. Of course, there's no door and it's kind of an out-of-the-way spot, but again, I don't plan to keep her in the cage very often when I'm home, which will be most of the time. Obviously, I can always put some rugs or other materials down to further protect the carpet, but I need to leave enough space to walk through the landing to my bedroom as well, so I can only cover a foot or so away from the cage. I only listen to music on rare occasion upstairs, so other than my morning alarm it tends to be fairly quiet.

So what does the community recommend? Assume that I cannot make expensive or major changes to the house, like replacing the carpet. (all my money just went to prepping for the bird! LOL)
a) Keep her downstairs where it's easy to clean even though there's some extra noise she'll have to deal with when she's supposed to be sleeping, or
b) Keep her upstairs with the harder-to-clean carpet and the more out-of-the-way location.

I'm leaning towards the upstairs, even though I know it will be a huge pain because it means she might have better sleep quality, which is one major thing I'm worried about with her. Your guidance is appreciated!
Locate your Parrot in the center of the action. They are a social creature and want to be part of the family! At night she moves to the room that is has near zero activity and dark with a night light on the other side of the room!
Well, the issue was that their cage would either be in the center of the action OR in a quiet place. I did find a spot that lets her see me almost anywhere I'm on the first floor but is out of the way enough and quiet enough when I'm not making noise.

I have the bird now, and she is terrified of me. I have a lot of work ahead. Got her to take 2 treats in exchange for targeting, and got her to dance with me a little. But she's still panicking if I get close to her as a rule, and I have no idea how I'm going to get her in her regular cage yet. I have some time so hopefully it will work out.
Everything you need to know is on this site.

Take it slow and let the bird get used to you and new surroundings.

Sounds like an adventure. Good luck.
I'm looking for some guidance on where to place a Senegal's cage in my home. The bird in question is fairly old, but apparently still very active.
My plan during the day is to have her out on one of the play stands I bought her while I'm working (I work from home). I'll be interacting with her off and on to try and keep her sharp little brain busy.
She will usually only be in her cage when: she's sleeping, or if I have to go someplace like the gym where it's impossible or impractical to take her.

I want her to have the suggested 12-14 hours of sleep every night, and that's where I'm running into my dilemma. I would like advice on which floor sounds best for the cage she'll sleep in.

I have two stories: the downstairs has easy-to-clean LVP flooring and the upstairs is all white carpet.
The downstairs I use a LOT and it's where I spend nearly all of my time. I work from a home office all day. I sometimes have early morning or late-night meetings, and there's no way to make those noiseless. My personal computer is downstairs as well as the TV. I don't use the TV much but it does happen every once in a while. I use my computer a TON and listen to a lot of YouTube and similar noisy videos/etc, sometimes up to 10pm. I'm not a fan of wearing headphones because they can give me a headache, though I'd at least consider it for really late-night videos (but not calls). So noise levels downstairs can start as early as 7am and fall off between 7pm and 10pm most nights and up to 11:30pm in the fall when I watch a bit of late-night football or if I have an international meeting. I worry that putting her cage downstairs will mean she sometimes doesn't get the right amount of sleep. I have a good unused spot for the cage downstairs which would allow her to see me no matter where I happened to be at, except when I'm in the kitchen, which isn't a place I spend a ton of time (I don't like to cook) and also give her plenty of space to toss stuff on the floor.

Upstairs, with the fine white carpet, is much quieter as a rule. I wake up on weekdays around 6:30 am to go to work. A loud alarm wakes me up since nothing else will. That's about all the noise that happens upstairs. It will probably wake her up unless she's a sound sleeper, but she can always go back to sleep afterwards.
The only place to put her cage there is on the landing area outside of my bedroom. All of my other rooms have no space for a cage, or are not good places for a birb. The landing has plenty of space, plus space for a chair and table where I can stack her little library to read to her before bedtime. It doesn't have a door of course, so sometimes the noise from downstairs will come up, but not as bad as if she was downstairs. Of course, there's no door and it's kind of an out-of-the-way spot, but again, I don't plan to keep her in the cage very often when I'm home, which will be most of the time. Obviously, I can always put some rugs or other materials down to further protect the carpet, but I need to leave enough space to walk through the landing to my bedroom as well, so I can only cover a foot or so away from the cage. I only listen to music on rare occasion upstairs, so other than my morning alarm it tends to be fairly quiet.

So what does the community recommend? Assume that I cannot make expensive or major changes to the house, like replacing the carpet. (all my money just went to prepping for the bird! LOL)
a) Keep her downstairs where it's easy to clean even though there's some extra noise she'll have to deal with when she's supposed to be sleeping, or
b) Keep her upstairs with the harder-to-clean carpet and the more out-of-the-way location.

I'm leaning towards the upstairs, even though I know it will be a huge pain because it means she might have better sleep quality, which is one major thing I'm worried about with her. Your guidance is appreciated!
Mine goes in the window his cage that way when I'm not home he has something to do has something to look at he gets sunshine
Great ideas above. I would hope for an area that has the most activity PLUS the most distance from kitchen/fireplace fumes, PLUS a window, the better to afford natural light cycles (as opposed to a year 'round 12 hours) since I think this promotes healthy molting and hormonal cycles.

Good for you, for researching and reaching out.
Our quaker has a cage with a blackout curtain around it that she's in at night and she'll often run off to it if there's something scary (she doesn't like the housekeepers). During the day, she's on a centrally located perch/climbing apparatus that lets her be in the center of the action.
I also turn on a TV where the bird can watch all day. I've heard others leave a radio on. This is especially true when I have to be away for a little while. Daytime cages are at windows so they can also see outside. Sleeping cage in separate room covered.

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