What has your bird taught you in the past 24hrs?

I have never ever really had any problems with Mishka.............. I am so fortunate

No biting, never refusing to come out his cage, eating everything that is offered to him.
Stepping up, sitting down, keeping quiet when told.
Not even the terrible two's. No problems training him, and getting him to talk.

A little bit of a struggle when it's his bedtime, he refuses to go into his cage and does back push-ups.

BUT today OMG he has taught me that even a bird can ask questions all day long.
The entire day has been

Mommy mom Mishka is a boy hey?
Mommy is a girl hey?
Where has Sean gone?
Is Stevie boy driving his car?
Mommy is mommy Chris hey?
Abby is a birdie hey?
Mommy the boom boom are coming now hey?

This has been going on all day .....................I have been answering him all day
When he started saying mommy, I knew a question was going to be asked and said WHAT NOW

Earlier on while taking him out his cage after dinner, I told him to stop with all the questions........ he replied WHAT NOW
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I have been taught never ever to underestimate your birds. Charlie my younger parakeet started talking yesterday. HUGE suprise. I thought he never would.
Tuco loves for his cage to be covered for bedtime. He was not being covered when I got him and the first nite I started to cover him, he went nuts! Just talking up a storm full of glee. It was wierd and very obvious that he loved it.
He never gets up early and lets me sleep in until I get up at 9 am. I work at nite after he's in bed. His cage is not completely blacked out, but is completely covered. We also sleep right next to each other.
that he enjoys sleeping underneath a doona with me while i watch a movie on tv.

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