What has your bird taught you in the past 24hrs?

In the last 24 hours I have learned that..

1. Amos + laptop = danger
2. Amos should have been named Houdini
and most importantly
3. Panini taught me how important it is to observe your bird(s) behavior each day, and if something seems wrong dont delay in making a vet appt. the old saying...
better to be safe than sorry :)
I have learned not to put rare, beautiful plants on my desk.
Mikki has taught me that he can repeat either part of the wolf whistle depending which one I do be it the 1st part or the 2nd he always responds with the right answer

He has taught me that mh breakfast is not just for me and if I dint give him any he will jump in the bowl and claim the whole thing for himself ( yeah right like I'm eating it when the bird has practically bathed himself in my cereal ) ps I have it with fruit juice not milk

Pheonix has taught me that the more freeplay I give him the more things will be chewed on and destroyed ( if possible for his little beak )
he has taught me to appreciate every day as he grows so quickly and changes so much
he has taught me how to teach a bird and how to love whole heartedly

What mikki has taught pheonix in the last 24hrs
how to perch
how to climb the cage bars
how to get mums attention
and how to peck at food
( they have both had full blood checks etc at vets and passed with flying colours so I'm happy to put them together for few hours )
mikki can still get up high enough from pheonix if he wants time alone
1. She enjoys mimicking my coughing.
2. She likes to poo on my clothes.
3. If she see's a cat- there is no way to stop a dive-bomb lol

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heheheh! These are GREAT!

In the past 24 hours she's taught me once again that she is super dooper clever. She used to land on the radiator which I hated in case she nibbled or for when it was on. (It's a biiiiiig wall attached one - bird safe in PTFE respect).

I have been covering it up and she doesn't want to land on it then. Last night I forgot - the habit appears to have been broken for now but I will still cover it!
LOL Ben!

Cal has come on so far since I originally made this thread....it's like a mini blog looking back over the short couple of months!

She's been with me 8 weeks Sunday....man...how it's flown in.

She has 3 yellow feathers growing in amongst her baby green now.....one day she'll be a blaze of colours and it scary how fast that's approaching!
Hehe! There's some in my album Ben!

From the 10th of this month.

Not her back though as I can never get her to turn away for long enough!
Merry the parakeet who has gone back to "whole house is my kingdom " status since recovering from Skye's death has taught me that bird proofing a house is an ongoing thing. Question :has anyone seen my glasses chain? It was on my dresser ....but now?
Hmmm Barbara....I'm sure that Merry has NO IDEA where it is......
I've just learned NOT to put all new toys in Fred's cage, while he sleeps in his night cage. I've just had to take them ALL out as he refused to go in for breakfast!!!:rolleyes:
Yeah...no idea. I asked Merry. I asked nicely "Hey there Merr do you have a clue what happened to my glasses chain? " She puffed up and gave me the offended innocent bird look. Right. I have a bad feeling she dropped it behind this massive piece of furniture. I need a teen or two and of course none are around. I wondering if I could send Gem and Sam after it from below. HMMM.

Carrier Conures.

Has a ring to it I have to say!

Of course it was probably the pesky kitty....
Today I learned that Jack is smarter than me. I was just having a quick training session with him on my lunch break, when all of a sudden he started squaking at me. I had no idea what was going on. Normally when I asked him to "wave" he would just raise his foot.

I asked him a few more times and still the same reaction. He kept squaking at me. I stopped immediately as I did not want to show this type of behaviour any attention. I paused for a couple of minutes before I tried again.

As I gestured to Jack while saying "Hello" he squaked again. This is when it hit me. I was not saying "wave". I was saying "hello". I swiched instantly to "wave" and he instantly raised his foot and I rewarded him with a treat.

I have learned that consistency in training is the most important thing while training Jack. I also learned that if I mess up, he will let me know.

Has this ever happened to anyone else. Has your bird attempted to correct you?

Cal corrects me ALL the time Brett lol. Not in quite the same way - she just looks at me like I'm dumb which, is a fair point! :D

When she does something like chew on the buttons of your top, we say...uh uh uh! Noooo......

Now when we put on a jumper to cover said buttons or lift her away from the door where she's standing over to prevent us leaving (cheeky...) what does she say? Yep.

Uh uh uh! NO!


Ben, I took a pic of Cal today for you! I wasn't joking about her not staying still! If you notice, she has a pellet in her beak and the blur you see is her foot itching her head!

You can just about see the 3 yellow feathers on her back and obviously her head is getting more yellow. There is actually a 4th feather beneath another yellow. Ahhhh my baby! hehe :( You'll have to excuse the cage mess and I as it's wipe down time again! lol!

I guess I am not alone. That is too funny :)

As is Jack! As are they all!

Wouldn't have them any other way <3
My girl taught me last night that I should never EVER underestimate her intelligence!

When she is in the shop covered on 3 sides when it isn't terribly cold but chilly enough, I hide behind a hidden side and play "keekaboo" which she loves. We have passed literally hours playing this - and with her cozzy hut lol.

Last night, she was preening my hair while sitting on the back of the sofa. All of a sudden, she said a sort of unintelligable sentence and I twisted round to say: Pardon? (As I do, LOL!) and she scurried across towards to the opposite side of my head and said it again. I twigged and said "keekaboo!" she then scurried back across to the other side of my head and so it went on!!! If I stopped she'd say: kweeharrooo haha! It was SO cute, I am so astounded by how smart she can be. The fact that we haven't played it for 2 days and she realised it could be played a different way to the ways we've played it before...oh my goodness!

I will try hard to get a video.

This girl NEVER fails to astound me!
My girl taught me last night that I should never EVER underestimate her intelligence!

When she is in the shop covered on 3 sides when it isn't terribly cold but chilly enough, I hide behind a hidden side and play "keekaboo" which she loves. We have passed literally hours playing this - and with her cozzy hut lol.

Last night, she was preening my hair while sitting on the back of the sofa. All of a sudden, she said a sort of unintelligable sentence and I twisted round to say: Pardon? (As I do, LOL!) and she scurried across towards to the opposite side of my head and said it again. I twigged and said "keekaboo!" she then scurried back across to the other side of my head and so it went on!!! If I stopped she'd say: kweeharrooo haha! It was SO cute, I am so astounded by how smart she can be. The fact that we haven't played it for 2 days and she realised it could be played a different way to the ways we've played it before...oh my goodness!

I will try hard to get a video.

This girl NEVER fails to astound me!

You got a clever little girl there Von.......
Cal is so smart, she is now teaching you hahahaha


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