I think i might call myself the 'Macaw Master'

HAHAHA I have just as much training experience as Michael does
Just use Fargo to make lots of money? Although he has already won about 1000 dollars in competition winnings..

but that is just pictures on facebook that just end up winning

I promise i am not exploiting him
and apparently, so the lorikeet was lost for 9 years, and then a year ago, these people found this lorikeet and emailed 'lorikeet lost' ads, and found this ladies ad from 9 years ago, and sent her an email saying they found a lorikeet and it might be hers!
Would be pretty incredible if it happened with Fargo!
Have you seen that movie 'the imposter' ? Well it was a documentary based on a true story..
I watched it a while ago so can't remember the exact details but-
A child was taken... and this kid in another country, about 3 years later i think? Pretended to be this kid who was taken? :S
So he said yeah yeah, i am ___ who was abducted as a child... and apparently this guy pretended to be many kids who are taken..
And so the police were like ok, we will get you back to America..
He had different hair colour, different eye colour.. He honestly looked completely different
Yet because the family were so upset and just wanted their son back, they just believed it was him?
He was in interviews, and ended up being caught because although he could dye his hair and lie about his eyes, it was his ears that apparently gave it away and they started getting suspicious ?
But it just shows how if you really want something, you make it true, even though it may not be?
Wait, just googled.. He was only missing for 3 years -_-
How do you not know it is your son after 3 years?