Trucker comes to live with us

That is a good looking bird, but the title brought me back to the show "Twin Peaks" and that crazy husband...
noblemacaw, the bowls that sit on the play top have the nipples on them. I think they are so that the bird cant push them up and spill them, but still a little unsure lol.

Wendy, he was sooo mad! He was all fluffy and making these strange noises haha.

Calace, I would like to think he is happier now, he gets attention every day, his cage gets cleaned every day, and he gets a shower almost every day. He is really starting to appreciate his showers :)

And thanks to everyone else who has said how beautiful he is, he has some feather loss, but he is starting to grow them back. This morning he fell off of his new cage while trying to navigate from his play top back inside and I rushed over to make sure he was okay. He stepped up on my hand before I even knew what happened, then didn't want to get off! lol I think he was just startled from his fall. So I put him on the playstand in the living room for a while to hang out, but when he saw I had put his breakfast in his cage he kept putting his foot up at me again, so I let him step up and walked him back to his cage. Successful morning!!! He is fully flighted but I'm pretty sure has no idea he can even fly.
I have that same exact cage for my ekkies! You can get some dragon wood perches for that cage. He would enjoy it! :)
Mikey, where do you get the Dragon wood perches from?

I'm assuming very watery poo is normal after a birds first time eating a blended up mash of greens/fruits/veggies? The actual poo part of it is solid there is just a lot more liquid with it. Yesterday I made a mash and mixed truckers seeds in it so be had no choice but to eat the veggies if he wanted his seeds. It was a success! He also seems to really enjoy the bountiful harvest sample that Katie from my safe bird store sent.
WOW! The difference in Truckers feathers from your first photos to these is simply amazing! He is obviously much happier! :)

It's amazing what happens when you actually BOTHER TO BATHE THEM!
Here's some pics of Trucker from this morning.
Fresh out of a shower

Hanging out on my arm, he lets me do whatever I want to him now :) I can lift his wings, touch his feet, give him head scritches, etc. He is a big sweetheart.
For all the varieties of macaws there are really only two types of macaws.

1. Mush-macs.
2. NOT Mush-mac.

Trucker is quickly returning to the Mush-mac of his youth. All it takes is proper care and handling.
Ok I'm too excited not to share this! Trucker licked his bowl that had the veggie/fruit mash in it clean today! Yay! Yesterday he did a pretty good job eating it, but left a bit. Today it was spotless in his bowl!
Mikey, where do you get the Dragon wood perches from?

I'm assuming very watery poo is normal after a birds first time eating a blended up mash of greens/fruits/veggies? The actual poo part of it is solid there is just a lot more liquid with it. Yesterday I made a mash and mixed truckers seeds in it so be had no choice but to eat the veggies if he wanted his seeds. It was a success! He also seems to really enjoy the bountiful harvest sample that Katie from my safe bird store sent.

I know you can get them online but I like to pick my own, I usually see them at bird fair and that's where I get them from.

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