Trucker comes to live with us

We looked at a dome cage, but I like the play top ones better, especially for Trucker since he had been spending most of his time since he got here on top of his. The cage will be a nice upgrade for him. The one he is in now is only 32x24x45 and his back feathers and tail feathers rub.
All my birds have playtops except Maggie, my Greenwing. She needs the extra room because of her size. NOT THAT SHE ACTUALLY EVER GOES INSIDE HER CAGE.

She was locked up for 8 years before I got her. Now she detests being locked up....

Even with the cage doors open, she doesn't take a chance it might close on her.

She even went so far as to REMOVE the treat cup latches from her cage, so that she didn't have to go back inside to eat...

And this is a thick Greenwing/Hyacinth double macaw sized "escape proof" "stands up to those big beaks" type cage....

Yeah right! No such thing this side of stainless!
I have been following Trucker's story and love reading about updates about your Military. He is coming around real nice and looks much better in your care.

I clicked the link to the cage you ordered. I am a big fan of King's cages. They are very durable and I have never had any problems with a Kings cage. I had to laugh when it listed you can order your feed cups with or without nipples. LOL. Interesting you can only get three without nipples but only two cups with nipples. I guess nipples are more expensive.

I would love to see a picture of Trucker in his spankin' new cage as I am interested in size reference. With or without nipples.
Haha I will definitely take a picture of it when it arrives. I wasnt really sure what it meant by nipples, guess I'll see when it gets here lol
Well, macaws do love to play rough! If you ever see two playing together, that is!

Looks like a good cage! :)
[ame=] Caitec Paradise Sisal Bird Perch, 1.25-Inch by 36-Inch: Pet Supplies[/ame]

Try getting him one of these!

I have several for my birds and even though my birds are tiny... 1.25 inch diameter can't be bad for his feet.

Also you can order Grapewood online.
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His new perches came in a couple days ago, but he has had the dowel perches taken out for like the last 4 days or so.
So Trucker is doing well, we have completely cut sunflower seeds out of his diet. We now have him eating a healthier seed mix, and the nice lady at my safe bird store is sending me a free sample of the bountiful harvest. She said he would probably take to it right away! Here's to hoping, cause he wont eat anything else we've tried. His feathers are improving nicely and I can pet his head and give him scritches now. He will even offer out a for when I ask him if he wants to step up. Now about that, should I let him step up, I'm a bit nervous about it. I know he could do damage if he wanted too. He obviously trusts me enough to step up onto me, but I lose my nerve every time. Here's a video of him this morning, offering his foot out to me when I asked him to step up. His new cage also is supposed to arrive today! Exciting! Click to view the video.


If they know you can't or won't discipline them, that is when they become tough to control. If he's lifting his foot up, he WANTS you to pick him up. If he tries to latch on, use two fingers and push the beak away, tell him no, and if he gets nasty, a trip to the floor will sober him right up... along with the phrases, "KNOCK IT OFF! YOU BE NICE... NOW STEP UP NICE!"

Confidence goes a long way...
Oh he gets disciplined when he lunges at me, he gets a stern no and I gently blow on him to get him to back off. I don't let him boss me around at all. I watch out for his beak, but don't let him be pushy with me.
I just don't want to push his limit of trust with me by having him step up and then get scared or nervous and our relationship back slides.
Oh he gets disciplined when he lunges at me, he gets a stern no and I gently blow on him to get him to back off. I don't let him boss me around at all. I watch out for his beak, but don't let him be pushy with me.

That's good.

I lunge back. Get the beak with two fingers, and beak wrestle. Sometimes this is nothing more than macaw beak play. At my house this one gets turned into a game...

The message is: "I am not intimidated, but I am always willing to play with you..."
I guess I just need to grow a pair and do it! Lol!
I can see how the big black beak can be intimidating. It is how they present it is what I give respect to. Even with my hand fed baby Valentino my RFM I have gotten bit. Its part of having a parrot. I do play with his beak and tongue all the time. He has learned to be gentle with pressure and shoving the black beak in my face.

What I am not enjoying of late is the hair pulling. How is that preening? I know you love me but stop pulling my hair. Oh and while I am at it...he needs to stop hanging on my back like a rabid outbreak monkey.
New cage is here and set up and Trucker is miffed lol. In a few days once he's used to it he will appreciate the extra space. It is a nice cage! Very well made.


He's so handsome! I love Military Macaws. :)
GREAT looking cage!!!! And Trucker is SO very handsome!!!! :)

I did crack up when you said that he was miffed at his new adobe, AHAHHAHAHA.
I think I see nipples there. Did you get the ones with the nipples?

He is all fluffy head and looking at you! LOL. I am sure he will adjust to the new cage in time. It will take time before you become more comfortable around him. I am kind of going though that with Julio our rescue Noble macaw. He will draw blood on me if I try to handle him. I am moving forward with him but it is very very slow. Lupe has been out of town since Wednesday and his attitude toward me has been better.

The video you put up was nice to see. He looks real good and seems to want to interact with you. He may prefer your husband but I think there is room for him to like you also.
WOW! The difference in Truckers feathers from your first photos to these is simply amazing! He is obviously much happier! :)

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