Throat issue?


New member
Sep 8, 2024
My Conur, Mort, grabs his throat with his foot and will just stand there for a minute. I am worried he might have a seed stuck. Anyone know why he does this? He is only 8 months old.
My Conur, Mort, grabs his throat with his foot and will just stand there for a minute. I am worried he might have a seed stuck. Anyone know why he does this? He is only 8 months old.
Generally speaking a bird who has something stuck in his throat will display a number of other behaviours, like coughing or looking like they're choking on something, rubbing their beak on a perch, looking like they're getting very distressed about it etc. My lorikeet Lovejoy did that a few weeks back when he had a pellet stuck in his throat and it got me so worried I rushed him to the vet!! However, if all Mort is doing is clutching at his throat without any of the other signs that I mentioned, he's very likely just scratching himself or he may even want you to give him a scratch, my lorikeet does that to me all the time too. :) Welcome to the forums, @sherimckee, and I hope Mort is ok!

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