Help with health conditions after a deceased partner


New member
Jan 29, 2025
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Peewee - lovebird
Hello everyone,

Like the title says, recently, the partner (F) of my lover bird (M) died. Some new behaviours appeared, and some old ones stayed, and I would like your advice over them.
We already booked a vet appointment, but they are full until March.

Over all, he seems fine, he eats, drinks and plays with us, as usual, if not more than when he was with his partner, but I am still worried. He weights around 30g and seems to poop fine.

New behaviours since his partner passed away:
Head shakes, like a yes-no, couple time per minute, unless he is eating.
- Big voices "coucou" and new "words" or sounds we never heard before.
- More sounds and more talkative when he doesn't see us.
- Scratching or plucking himself. He doesn't seem to be aggressive and remove feathers, but he seems to scratch himself more than usual. The used to scratch themselves together a lot. (I believe it is because he avoids baths and water).
- He seems to eat with the help of left feet, as if he tries to trim his nails, but mainly eat.
- He scratches his peck on branches and surfaces.

Old behaviours:

- He tries to hide food in the wing, or maybe eat it, I can't tell.
- His right foot seems to no longer have nails, and they don't grow back. He sometimes "bites" them but not violently, as if just to scratch.

I would appreciate any help or advice.
Thank you for your time.
It doesn't sound like there's anything seriously wrong with him, except perhaps, losing his toenail. I would definitely talk to the avian vet in March. It sounds like he's adjusting to life without his mate as well as can be hoped for.
It doesn't sound like there's anything seriously wrong with him, except perhaps, losing his toenail. I would definitely talk to the avian vet in March. It sounds like he's adjusting to life without his mate as well as can be hoped for.
Thank you for your reply, it reassures me to hear that.
We were a little let go with them when they were together, because they looked alright.
But now I'me more freaking out, knowing how impactful a partner death is over him.

Thank you!
At 30 grams he is rather thin according to the internet.
Now that I am reading about, it looks like so.
However, they were always looking like this. He is quite active, flies and walks around a lot, so we assumed he burned calories.

I will ask about it at the vet.
I am posting mostly just to offer my sincere empathy for your situation. Partner loss is a profound thing for parrots, much as for people. I congratulate you and thank you for your care and efforts.
I'm so glad you're here!
I am posting mostly just to offer my sincere empathy for your situation. Partner loss is a profound thing for parrots, much as for people. I congratulate you and thank you for your care and efforts.
I'm so glad you're here!
Thank you!
Your words are greatly appreciated.❤️

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