This or That?


Rabbits or dogs.
Sleep! You can always find the time to eat but sleep critically underappreciated!

Sing or dance?
dinosaur or mammoth?
Mammoths because there floofy

Eclectus parrots or African greys?
eclektus parrots
Jasper or Tiki?

Zebra or owl finch?

PGCC or regular GCC?

Quaker or caique?
caiques I love their antics.

Mustached parakeet or Bourke parakeet.
I can't choose

Linnie or parrotlet?
Parrotlets there super duper cute!

School or spending time with birds ( i already know the answer lol)
Definitely bird time! I can do school and bird time but Miles runs off with my pen or shreds my books 🤣 or drops his business on my work😝

Math or science?
math i supose it hurts my brain but they both do but science is worse.

Eating or sleeping?

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