This or That?


Clouds or sun?

Golden or mitred conure?
golden conure
Poland or Armenia? (lol, just random question after watching Eurovision Junior)

Kakariki or cockatiel?

Black or white cages?
White so i dont have to dust off tiki’s dist all the time
Too bad i have a black one..

zip toes or nots (what do ur birds like to chew on more)
Most of them prefer zip ties

Salty or Tiki? (random)
Salty because she can spin UNLIKE SOME OTHERBIRD

Beak grinding near your ear or screaming near your ear? (Screaming for me..
Cant stand grinding)
Beak grinding near your ear

book or movie?
Baby duck

Julius or Ziggy?

Fall or fall? (Fall as in season fall as in fall)
Fall as in season (what??)

Hawks or eagles?

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