This or That?

Depends because I'm short and I like me but my sister and my favorite doctor are both pretty tall...

I'll go with tall. But not because I wanna be. I like not sticking out.

Fiction or nonfiction?
Typing because my right pinky is crooked and makes writing for long periods difficult
Depends. I like to accompany my dad when he plays piano (I play violin) but I like the guitar for Irish music.

I'll say piano since I play it though.

Ireland or New Guinea (if you could travel to either for free)?
New Guinea (because there are wild parrots!)
Brazil or Australia?
That's hard because Miles is native to Brazil but Australia is home to flocks of budgies millions strong. To maintain loyalty I'll say Brazil.

Flying or driving?
Driving you get to see more countryside

Going to school or going to work.
I'd rather fly. I'm a bit of an aviation lover. I'm getting ready to fly to Boston next week.

I'm homeschooled and I don't have a job other than oldest sis to nine. But I'd say going to work because I highly dislike the public school system.

Indian food or Mexican?
Mexican i guess I don't really like either

Your homeschooled?????? So am I! And yes, I hate the public school system too.

Play outside or inside?
Hey that's awesome! Homeschooling is great.

And I love cooking Indian dishes btw.

Playing outside.

Big or small family? (My family is twelve strong so you know what my answer would be!)
I would love a big family! but I only have 3 other people in my family not including me.

Having a house full of kids or a house full of birds?
full of birds
Africa or Asia?
Neither I get heat stroke when I go outside at any temperature over 85oF. Due to a medical condition.

Borkes or conures.
Neither I get heat stroke when I go outside at any temperature over 85oF. Due to a medical condition.

Borkes or conures.
Don't forget not all Asia places are hot
full of birds
Africa or Asia?
Man that's hard... it would have to depend on God's will for my life. If I'd get married I'd probably want a houseful of little children. If I was single, then I'd love to have a houseful of birds and aquariums and a couple of dogs and a field full of horses and chickens.

But since it's the *Parrot* Forum, I'll say birds.
Miles everything you say I can pretty much agree to lol.

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